Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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MC_Essery added to the whitelist. Welcome and have fun =)

Beautiful biomes, Check
Cool mods. Check
Great Community. Check
Fun and helpful staff. Check
Come join us on our new 1.5.2 Unleashed server. =)
In Game Name: Hollowfires
Age: 20
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: 6-8 months with modded clients.
Goals On Server: Have fun and/or help people with FTB.
Unique Skills?: Redstone contraptions, tech knowledge, and a vast knowledge of most of the FTB mods.
How Active are you?: Depending on my mood I can be on a server from 3-9 hours a day. Sometimes I feel like playing my Steam games instead.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A techy-adventurer. I build my houses last and get my tech through first. I plunder caves and slay creatures to get spawners up when I can. I'm a builder last.
mainly for the GT additions we run all on hard mode
i slipped in jammys furniture as we have the custon installer, and the builder types asked for it
You can take me off the whitelist. I thought it would be a little simpler. I'm sorta in a lazy mood right now so I don't want to do that *shrug* Too bad too. Nice ping for me.

Thanks for the opportunity though. Cya around,

*scratchs head*
download mod pack via ftb
click installer
all good though
have fun and seeya around then :)
launch the FTB launcher.
select unleashed 1.1.1
let it install and get to game mode selection screen.
close minecraft
download the installer https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4t3vog7xf0m8f9/SQUirrellCraft Updater.msi
Run the installer making sure to select the unleashed folder location when prompted. (Don't worry, it shouldn't allow you install it into the wrong spot)
Run ftb select the 1.1.1 pack
enter server address
profit ????

ill copy this from our site for future reference.

launch the FTB launcher.
select unleashed 1.1.1
let it install and get to game mode selection screen.
close minecraft
download the installer https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4t3vog7xf0m8f9/SQUirrellCraft Updater.msi
Run the installer making sure to select the unleashed folder location when prompted. (Don't worry, it shouldn't allow you install it into the wrong spot)
Run ftb select the 1.1.1 pack
enter server address
profit ????

ill copy this from our site for future reference.

alright. I'll try it out of you'll let me on again. sorry for the hassle, thx
all good
it was a good reminder that i need to update thread here cheers for that.
been finetuning server side and got distracted XD
heh alright. cya in a few mins if you are on :) (I might not talk at first because I'll be configuring optifine and whatnot)
So far so good no issues or complaints that haven't been resolved.
Will point out that in depth changelog etc will be sorted tonight on site.
And a quick heads up do not put mystical waters in a bc tank it client crashs

Installer has been updated to include our ThermalExpansion config and the other of the two Modular Power Suits configs, this will fix the various recipes showing up incorrectly(machine frame, etc) just re-downloading the installer and running it again will fix it, you do not have to re-download unleashed.
In Game Name: WarlordGorgutz
Age: 19
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: So much i cant remeber
Goals On Server: To make an Awesome Mansion
Unique Skills?: Good with basic redstone
How Active are you?: Very active
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder
IGN: Sombersleep
Age: 19
Experience: Barely any
Goals: Help Gorgutz & learn MC
Skills:..... listening
Active: Depends how active that guy is ^
Sums me: N00b
Banned: never
Age 19
Reason for Joining: I am a diligent follower of minecraft and I wish to be part of a community of such an exciting revolution of turning minecraft into something that is completely different. I have played since alpha, running and administrating many servers, while controlling large communities and respecting everyone and earning my own respect. I plan to join in with some colleagues of mine, so we may have some fun exploring the features of Feed The Beast while surrounded by a community that is proud to support it.
Plans/Goals: Explore FTB while relaxing from work and university and become a respected member of the community
Prior Experience: I have been playing MC Since 2009/2010, running servers, and working will with all types of communities, as well as using mods and other things and helping with feedback where I can
Proffered Voice Chat: Preference is Team Speak For its system uses less bandwidth and has private VoIP servers. Am willing to use something else if ever needed, although it shouldn't be since this isn't a staff application
Skills: Redstone, I am a person that oozes creativity and loves to construct. Art is my passion as is problem solving, programming and learning. I work well with others.
Recording:I will abide by all rules provided by server overseers and administrators.
WarlordGorgutz whitelisted

curscascis erm, you forgot your IGN, but whitelisted once you post it :P

Sombersleep denied