Pulverizer is better than Macerator In GregTec

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He's also added or adding stack sizes of 16 for ores and stone and wood n stuff, iirc. I think it's an intention to make quantum chests seem more useful.
It's been added to a version of GregTech after the one MindCrack currently has, and it is set to 64 by default, although if MindCrack wants GregTech to be as hard as possible, this potentially could happen.
Stack size limit of 16 should be on by default imo, game is too easy when you can carry around insane amount of materials, it just doesn't make any sense. Something has to balance the fact that players does not have a weight limit on how much they can carry. Also would like to see someone finally fixing knocking down trees with your fist, that's just ridiculous. You should go hunt monsters and hope an axe drop or find a village and pray there is one in the blacksmith. I agree the recipes for *doubling* ores is just crazy and still too unbalanced, even in gregtech. It should be much, much harder to build those machines. People just expect everything to be easy in minecraft, that's the problem. It's only "fun" and challenging to play if remove/stop using all "free" power generation from mods, ie solar panels, water/wind mills(ic2), even the geothermal generator needs to looked at or just removed. Even better would be to REMOVE lava as a fuel... I mean come on? Lava as fuel... sheesh.
Stack size limit of 16 should be on by default imo, game is too easy when you can carry around insane amount of materials, it just doesn't make any sense. Something has to balance the fact that players does not have a weight limit on how much they can carry. Also would like to see someone finally fixing knocking down trees with your fist, that's just ridiculous. You should go hunt monsters and hope an axe drop or find a village and pray there is one in the blacksmith. I agree the recipes for *doubling* ores is just crazy and still too unbalanced, even in gregtech. It should be much, much harder to build those machines. People just expect everything to be easy in minecraft, that's the problem. It's only "fun" and challenging to play if remove/stop using all "free" power generation from mods, ie solar panels, water/wind mills(ic2), even the geothermal generator needs to looked at or just removed. Even better would be to REMOVE lava as a fuel... I mean come on? Lava as fuel... sheesh.

I'd invite anyone wanting stack size limits to be imposed to try out TerraFirmaCraft. That said, there are so many ways around stack size, it's sort of a moot point. All that really does is extend the amount of time starting up.

As to lava as fuel, it's sort of required to really do anything ic/bc related in the nether. However, that also becomes a moot point. Power generation usually is the last idea on peoples minds. Doubling ores is necessary in these mods, as they just take that many resources. Actually, reading more into your post, it definately sounds like you should go with TFC, Tech mods are not really about challenge to build, it's challenge to build differently and using the mods in harmony to solve self-imposed challenges. Granted, if you want that challenge to be over-hardcore, you can configure it that way. Turn greg on hard, make TE half all cluster size making half the ore available in the world, make geo-therms produce 1eu/t, and disable advanced solars or compact solars. You can even tweak wind and water down to almost nothing.

Now, all that said, I'd prefer GT take an exit from this thread, it kind of has nothing to do with it and is a bit off topic. I'd prefer more discussion on the two TE and IC mechanics in question.

Onto one of the features of the TE machines, I think when you finally get RP advanced enough, the auto-ouput/input slots of the machines in TE are a godsend in the beginning, but with RP2 or LP both can function about as well.

Oh, small tidbit, while it can seem a bit tedious to pulverize bars just to use rich slag, just remember, pulverizing a bar is only 1/5th the cost, 80mj. I believe the dust-process with rich-slag is equally as cheap, that way it's not painful power-wise to use the process. One nice thing I discovered about the pulverizer though is they finally added in a coal dust recipe if IC is installed (or it's added to the dictionary, not sure how they do that)
I'm surprised that people are still trying to argue on the speed angle. I don't care how fast a macerator can go when you jam it full of upgrades. By the time I'm in a position to make the upgrades, I don't need it to be stupid fast. That's why I automate my facilities is so that ore blocks get processed at least into dust upon entering the facility. The dusts/pulverized bits are in a chest waiting for me whenever I need them (although most of the time it's ingots because specialized ingots aren't all that daunting to make on demand.)

Or to put a different spin on the same thought, how fast a rotary macerator "can" be is fully and completely irrelevant because if you're standing in front of your macerator/pulverizer on a regular basis, you missed the point in the first place.

So recognizing that speed is irrelevant, that only leaves the pulverizer, because two macerated dusts is less than two pulverized bits + 5% bonus bits.
Pulverizers are more expensive to power, but are faster. MJ is a lot more of a pain in the ass than EU, but with the way ores are set up you pretty much have to run quarries to get everything you need so you end up needing to use MJ anyway. If we had a real electric quarry I think you'd see more use from the EU stuff like the industrial grinder.

If you're looking strictly at what returns the maximum amount of metal per ore, it's probably going to be the gregtech grinder for ores that allow the use of mercury, and induction furnace with rich slag pulled from junk ores for ones that don't.

Don't know why this discussion continued after this post. It pretty much hit it head on.

Yeah, Macerators are faster when upgraded, and so is Rotary Macerator, but that's more IC2 end-game. At that point you've grown bored of making machines and aren't going to stand in front of them waiting for your ores.

The primary argument for IC2/Macerators is speed, and the OP nature of high-energy solar power. But IC2 is frustrating since it doesn't have any automated mechanisms for moving ores. Ultimately, you end up reverting to TE/Buildcraft and that undermines the argument for macerators.

The TermalExpansion machine linking system is sooooo much nicer. And that's coming from someone who started out with a IC2 set-up. Never mind the whole "if you don't build an electric wrench you lose your machine" BS.

Ultimately, if you're running configs with friendly ore-generation (direwolf20), then IC2 / Macerators cost nothing. If you using mindcrack or some harder setting, TE wins because with IC2 you need the generator + machines + energy storage + you need to build redstone engine, transport pipe, or iron blocks for routers. More crap you have to build.

TE has energy storage, machine processing, and chest transport built in. Just add power (cheap Stirling Engine).

What's the fuss with how fast you can turn a stack of ore into dust if you have to remember to come back and manually shove it in the damn furnace? It's start-game, you should be mining (or farming)!
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Btw, in my testing, the prototype omni-wrench is the same as an electric wrench when removing IC2 machines, and it has no durability. That's only from my experiments though, so I can't say I'm 100% certain, just 99% sure considering I wrenched about 100 machines in creative.

Sure, it costs 2 diamonds, a gold ingot, and cyan dyed wool (cactus green and indigo), but to not have to worry about a tool for IC2, buildcraft, forestry, or TE more than makes up for it.
Btw, in my testing, the prototype omni-wrench is the same as an electric wrench when removing IC2 machines, and it has no durability. That's only from my experiments though, so I can't say I'm 100% certain, just 99% sure considering I wrenched about 100 machines in creative.

Sure, it costs 2 diamonds, a gold ingot, and cyan dyed wool (cactus green and indigo), but to not have to worry about a tool for IC2, buildcraft, forestry, or TE more than makes up for it.

One comment here - the Crescent Hammer is essentially the OmniWrench sans the IC2 part. The future of OmniTools is a bit uncertain at this point unfortunately. I just have tons of RL stuff on my plate and recent developments which sort of screw the Lexicon combined with the hackish nature of the wrench itself means that I can't promise that I'll continue to support it.
Well, until then I'll have it with me, and when I need one I'll just make the electric wrench, though by that time I probably won't need one unless we have to restart our worlds.
The one thing I find amusing in this whole discussion is the scumbag nature of BC Quarry vs, IC2 Miner. Think about it, the IC2 Miner pulls only the choicest materials, leaving the cruft behind. Thing is in IC2, esp. if GT is layered on top of it, you want the cruft to throw into your recyclers. Meanwhile the Quarry pulls all the cruft to get at the good stuff. Yet in BC2 (and TE, Forestry, RC, et al) there's no need for all that extra junk. So each tech mod's automatic method of mining is better suited for the other mod! >.<
I've got a couple of questions that keep seeming to be glossed over.
1. What is the end goal of these machines functions?
2. Why do I have to pick just 1 of them?

I my current setup, if I bring in ores that I'm going to want macerated and then smelted to ingots (like Iron, Copper, or Tin for examples) then I will just have an igneous extruder, a pulverizer, and an Induction Smelter which will double my ores and smelt them in 1 process, the Pulverizer refills sand where necessary during down time and has never run out, even when filled using several hoppers. This only takes the time of the smelter, which isn't that slow, compared to doing the same with the macerator, move from the macerator to an induction furnce, and cooking in the furnace, which isn't as fast overall. I also still get the rich slag as a byproduct as well as some gravel.

Then if I've got other stuff that needs to just go to dust, then yes, I will use the rotary macerator because it is the fastest at breaking stuff down to dust.
As it is now you can smelt stuff in the induction smelter and then turn it into dust (not sure if Gregtech or not for that function). This means you can try for rich slag on all of your ore and then double whatever you want, like platinum. Personally though, if it's between the pulverizer and macerator I'll always get the pulverizer first. That said, I will eventually get a macerator for turning plantballs into dirt for my methane farm.
Both are well balanced without Gregtech.
Pulverizers aren't really that much easier to make, but they are easier to automate. A macerator with 16 overclockers is MUCH faster though. I use both for different things.
That said, I am pretty sure that the TE author did not anticipate any metals rarer than gold - Greg apparently does not approve of Iridium replicating shenanigans (GT allows you to turn your bars back into powder at 1:1. Think about that for a second). No idea if he can actually do anything about it, but be aware of that.

(Also, the 20% rate on Rich Slag, versus 5% for some particular ores on the Pulverizer, really is sort of ridiculous.)

@Daemonblue: Actually, if you're playing with Forestry with TE, you can pulverize cobble into sand, craft the sand into Bog Earth, then stuff it into the Peat Bog - after all this, you'll have a net gain of dirt. (a LOT of dirt, if you run the Peat Bog for any significant amount of time.)

Also, I think you could play about with the Moistener - I believe Mycelium will also work quite well for methane, and I believe making Moisteners doesn't require redstone - you might just be able to get everything you need out of lava centrifugation, and get plenty of clay to boot. Also this will generate considerable amounts of mulch, which you can feed into Bog Earth production - something of a synergy there. Of course, the tricky bit is pumping stuff into and out of the Moisteners...

(Yes, I haven't found many diamonds yet. Is it obvious? :p )
@Daemonblue: Actually, if you're playing with Forestry with TE, you can pulverize cobble into sand, craft the sand into Bog Earth, then stuff it into the Peat Bog - after all this, you'll have a net gain of dirt. (a LOT of dirt, if you run the Peat Bog for any significant amount of time.)

Also, I think you could play about with the Moistener - I believe Mycelium will also work quite well for methane, and I believe making Moisteners doesn't require redstone - you might just be able to get everything you need out of lava centrifugation, and get plenty of clay to boot. Also this will generate considerable amounts of mulch, which you can feed into Bog Earth production - something of a synergy there. Of course, the tricky bit is pumping stuff into and out of the Moisteners...

(Yes, I haven't found many diamonds yet. Is it obvious? :p )

The methane production line I'm going for is a rubber tree farm, centrifuging the rubber wood and getting 4 methane cells per 250 seconds, dumping the methane in a transposer, and feeding it it in a boiler. I believe it isn't mycelium but the mushroom blocks you may be thinking of that produces methane, but it requires a lot of mushrooms per recipe and iirc it takes the same amount of time for less methane per recipe, so it means more industrial centrifuges per boiler.

The original idea that someone else came up with was running it on a pumpkin farm, where 16 pumpkins gives 1 methane. I then used his suggestion of watermelons to find out 64 melon slices is an imporcement to the system's speed, but I don't know if anything can beat rubber wood's 4 methane cells, carbon cells for carbon fiber, plant balls, and sticky resin which can be centrifuged for rubber and more plantballs. Then you just macerate the plantballs for what becomes a self-sustaining farm that produces sand.
Hello Guys!

Just a simple question: How can i disable the pulverizer mmachine? (be unable to crafting it). I canno't find any ThermalExpansion config file to it. :(
I noticed a couple of items in the changelog for the latest version, which people into playing "hard mode" should find of interest:
  • Added: Configuration option to require Steel for Machine Frames (if present).
  • Added: Configuration Option to use gears instead of Ingots in Machine recipes.
I'm surprised that people are still trying to argue on the speed angle. I don't care how fast a macerator can go when you jam it full of upgrades. By the time I'm in a position to make the upgrades, I don't need it to be stupid fast. That's why I automate my facilities is so that ore blocks get processed at least into dust upon entering the facility. The dusts/pulverized bits are in a chest waiting for me whenever I need them (although most of the time it's ingots because specialized ingots aren't all that daunting to make on demand.)

Or to put a different spin on the same thought, how fast a rotary macerator "can" be is fully and completely irrelevant because if you're standing in front of your macerator/pulverizer on a regular basis, you missed the point in the first place.

So recognizing that speed is irrelevant, that only leaves the pulverizer, because two macerated dusts is less than two pulverized bits + 5% bonus bits.
If you're not concerned with processing speed, and an additional 5% out of your ore is important to you (that's 1 extra ingot every 25 ores, ie. paltry), then you're doing it wrong. If I used pulverizer in my ore processing system, it would cause a backlog of massive proportions, we're talking the kind that killed Elvis here. That, or I'd need to build about 60 pulverizers and a pipe network that would make a plumber's crack bleed. Speed is far from irrelevant. Pulverizers might be the shizzle for your single quarry powered by a stirling engine. But when you have 8 quarries, connected to power and item tesseracts, each powered by 9 fully upgraded electric engines, you need speed over an extra ingot every 2 minutes.