Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Making a portal to hell? Pretty common game concept. Evil? Nah. What would be evil is building a prison in the nether and then sending villagers there. (And now I need to do this).
You don't already do this? Well...I don't, either, but I absolutely adore the idea! Mostly because I love tormenting testificates because they irritate the bajeesus outta me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what villagers have to say about that?
I've always wondered about suggesting human (testificate) transmutation to Pahimar for EE3. Sacrifice a village, get a philosopher's stone. Maybe even have it so you have to lay down the actual transmutation circle and activate it with a minium stone. I just dunno if that's too evil an idea for someone as nice as Pahimar, lol.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've always wondered about suggesting human (testificate) transmutation to Pahimar for EE3. Sacrifice a village, get a philosopher's stone. Maybe even have it so you have to lay down the actual transmutation circle and activate it with a minium stone. I just dunno if that's too evil an idea for someone as nice as Pahimar, lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Making a portal to hell? Pretty common game concept. Evil? Nah. What would be evil is building a prison in the nether and then sending villagers there. (And now I need to do this).

Or going into creative, creating a pit of zombies, then feeding them villagers. Or going into creative, finding a village, releasing dozens of zombies, then break their doors down while setting up TNT and blowing the whole mess up. In Monster you can amplify this with nukes, or just use the Witchery mod. Nuff said.[DOUBLEPOST=1410877513][/DOUBLEPOST]This reminds me of the time I pushed a pig off a mountain. Right before it fell it looked at me with sad eyes of despair that said "Why?"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There would need to be a balancing factor, since you can just farm villagers so easily.
For every 10 or 20 villagers you sacrifice this way a humonculus (hostile) spawns?

Or going in to creative, creating a pit of zombies, then feeding them villagers. Or going into creative, finding a village, releasing dozens of zombies, then break their doors down while setting up TNT and blowing the whole mess up. In Monster you can amplify this with nukes, or just use the Witchery mod. Nuff said.[DOUBLEPOST=1410877513][/DOUBLEPOST]This reminds me of the time I pushed a pig off a mountain. Right before it fell it looked at me with sad eyes of despair that said "Why?"

Only once? My favorite means of getting steak is dipping cows in lava with a gravity gun. Also evil is more evil without creative mode. It's all the more sinister when you have to work for it.
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Jul 24, 2013
I just wish I had a choice in the matter. While I like Macintosh OS better, I continually run in to two problems with Macs:

#1: Compatibility is still a pain, as most games are developed for Microsoft, both in hardware and software.
#2: Macs aren't upgradable by design, meaning that while I can just replace parts on my current laptop with newer, stronger ones, I have to continually buy new Macbooks to keep up.

If Macs offered the customization and hardware specs for the prices I can get a windows laptop for, I'd jump right back on to the Apple ship.

Macs are just running a version of BSD Unix with lipstick, rouge and eye shadow applied liberally. You can do the same on PC/Clone hardware and usually for free. The last time I looked Oracle was still offering free downloads of SUN Solaris, another version of Berkeley Unix (SUN also crated Java, BTW) and there are numerous linux distributions available.

Unlike the PC/Clone market you will never see hardware expandability/customization on an Apple product because there is only one Mac manufacturer, and they LIKE the fact that Mac users seem to have no problem paying their (outrageous IMHO) prices to buy whole new systems periodically. As far as Macbooks are concerned, almost all laptops, note/netbooks, and tablets are not upgradable beyond perhaps the hard drive and ram.


Jul 24, 2013
Personally, I use Windows because I like it, it works, and I know how to use it well. Why would I potentially waste my time trying to migrate to another operating system when I have one that works for literally everything I need? While Microsoft is by no means perfect, I find them to be very preferable to Apple or...whoever works on whatever flavour of Linux I'd install if I became the victim of massive head trauma.

Also, I'm not sure if its been said in the past few pages or not, I can't really be bothered to look too deep, but I know exactly why Microsoft wants Minecraft, and its nothing at all nefarious. The game itself was just an incidental acquisition, what they're after is the merch. Keychains, plushies, foam swords and picks, hoodies, decorative beer steins, and the like. I'd be wholly unsurprised if merch constituted around two thirds of Mojang's profits from Minecraft. That's what happens when a game becomes popular: it stops being just a game and becomes a culture. Cultures are profitable in the extreme. Look at things like My Little Pony, Transformers, and Dragon Ball Z. Those things are more than just their respective shows, they have an entire culture built around them, and culture means merchandising. Microsoft could care less about the game, what I've read has indicated such. They didn't mention modding directly not because they have some sinister, nefarious ulterior motive, but simply because they don't care about it. If anything, it means free advertising for them, and even more merch sales. Microsoft is many things, but not a one of them is incompetent.

Don't forget... There's also a cinematic movie in the works and I've heard rumors of perhaps a TV series. Add to that the gravitas that XBox and Windows Phone would pick up among younger customers if Minecraft came free with each...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Imagine creating a little side project for yourself that then goes international and have people blame for every little thing related to it even after you have stopped working on it. Also you get d***heads like in this thread spamming about how bad his code is. Yeah no, I really don't care about your reasoning behind this. It is people like this that made Notch feel tired enough to quit in the first place. Instead of constant critiquing, did you ever consider saying thanks for a great game?

Well anyway: Lots of luck Notch and enjoy your private island.

Sorry, I won't be playing tiny violins for Notch. He is the absolute worst type of developer/businessman--an absentee one with strong opinions and power. He said he had stepped back from MC development and he did, mostly. But he'd still put a toe in the water whenever something didn't suit him, taking to Twitter and reddit to opine and decree and dictate. I imagine there was a fair amount of behind-the-scenes opining, decreeing, and dictating going on, too. Anyone with an annual $100+ million to rub together and a true desire to step away from his insanely popular product would hire a sizable development team with a good team lead, get some good community management people, consult with actual lawyers instead of having laymen write "legally binding" blog posts, install a new CEO, and then actually shut up and walk away. Notch did many of these things, but not the most important one. Worst of all, he insisted that Mojang remain a tiny, "indie" dev studio that allowed its developers to directly communicate with the public, often in disastrous ways. For the highest selling PC game of all time. He got lucky, and he's right about that. If he couldn't keep his fingers out of Minecraft/Mojang without selling it, that's his failing.

Plenty of people have thanked Notch over the years. The community shouldn't be expected to kiss his ring in perpetuity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Notch started a trend, a community, a generation. Then gave us to Microsoft, a company known to mess big projects up. Sorry but I'm pretty pissed. You don't see Blizzard or Square Enix doing that type of crap. When they want somthing new, they just do it. Not sell out. They work on new projects while keeping their old and original community happy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry, but I see Blizzard (owned by Activision) ruin things plenty.
A lot of the doom that people have been predicting from Microsoft is pretty standard fare for Activision-Blizzard.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry, but I see Blizzard (owned by Activision) ruin things plenty.
A lot of the doom that people have been predicting from Microsoft is pretty standard fare for Activision-Blizzard.

How did they ruin anything? In the mmorpg world every person virtually, or in my actual life plays new mmos then goes back to WoW months later. Minecraft was the one and only exception I've found thus far. I may have just said Minecraft was the one and only WoW killer. Can I say that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry, but I see Blizzard (owned by Activision) ruin things plenty.
A lot of the doom that people have been predicting from Microsoft is pretty standard fare for Activision-Blizzard.
Considering Activision is basically the new EA, I'd be a LOT more scared for Minecraft's future if they had acquired Mojang. Thankfully, Microsoft actually seems to be a bit hands-off, which for a publisher, is good.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Until Microsoft releases what they are going to do completely, I am unwatching this thread. I no longer care about pointless conjecture unless Microsoft changes that.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How did they ruin anything? In the mmorpg world every person virtually, or in my actual life plays new mmos then goes back to WoW months later. Minecraft was the one and only exception I've found thus far. I may have just said Minecraft was the one and only WoW killer. Can I say that?

You can say whatever you please. Every person seems to include the millions of users they've lost since it's high point. And it's still bleeding players all the time. I'll admit I did the WoW- find another game -WoW cycle once. Second time was for good, and that was... four years ago now. I seem to recall oceans of tears at starcraft 2's release due to the DRM and server issues. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Diablo II's III's got microtransactions. Thankfully I never bought it, since I refuse to buy anything I know Activision (or EA) has touched.

Considering Activision is basically the new EA, I'd be a LOT more scared for Minecraft's future if they had acquired Mojang. Thankfully, Microsoft actually seems to be a bit hands-off, which for a publisher, is good.

Agreed whole heartedly. If Activision or EA got a hold of Mojang, we'd be looking at some rather ugly problems.

Edit: I'm a derp. Meant Diablo III not II.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How did they ruin anything? In the mmorpg world every person virtually, or in my actual life plays new mmos then goes back to WoW months later.

Well, I was in early beta, so I think I can answer this.

As somebody who came directly from EverQuest, the game at launch was amazing. It had a little something for everybody, and didn't oversimplify or act too hand-holdy, but yet it didn't leave you hanging the way EQ did at times. It struck a good balance between the casual and the hardcore.

I canceled my account 3 days after we killed Naxx 1.0, not long before Wrath, but I've hopped back in from time to time with their free 7 day passes, scrolls of resurrection that have been sent to me, and so on.

The game today? Completely Unrecognizable, and not just in a physical sense (cataclysms kinda change things, yeah), I'm talking Everything. I mainly dislike that it has become a race to the bottom, "We must make *all* content accessible to *all* people." That and they've so badly mangled my hunter class that I have zero desire to ever play her again.

Is the game ruined for everybody? No, there are many that enjoy the game as it is now, but they can't deny that subscriptions are bleeding at an increasing pace. Notice all of the realm mergers? That's a shrinking playerbase.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't disagree with the whole Activision, EA, Blizz thing. I do disagree with Mojang however. The truth is I hold a deep hateful grudge for what Microsoft did to Rare. I know, I know, Rare let itself become the disgrace it became to its fans. Microsoft didn't have much to do with it besides funding. Did you ever see banjo kazooie nuts n bolts? I almost contemplated suicide over that bs.
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