Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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Jul 24, 2013
I really think that you are too pessimistic. Note, I'm not saying that what you're saying isn't possible. It sure is but I consider it a worst case scenario. I still believe (maybe naively or not) that this may turn out well in the end. In any case, whatever is going to happen, it is too early to make predictions right now. We don't really know what MS plans to do and any negative or positive scenarios as described in this thread are all just speculation.

Worst case: Microsoft rewrites Minecraft to operate more efficiently; Adds a fantastic new API... Then names it "Budder".

I REALLY need my coffee today :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The difference between (ex) Mojang / Notch and Microsoft is that Microsoft is a big media company. They make content, that they sell. They are openly hostile to anyone deriving revenue from their IP unless its through some neatly packaged portal through with they get their cut. The existing EULAs on all their current gaming platforms, for example, only allows uploaded videos to be displayed alongside advertising as long as the uploader derives no income from the advertising whatsoever.

So, all those "lets play"ers who might be deriving a small income, and modders who are compensated even slightly via Paetron or AdFly links are going to wave goodbye to that soon.

Notch on the other hand, was perfect to remain in charge of Minecraft, ironically for the same reasons he doesn't want to. He was not interested in milking Minecraft to make even more of a commercial success of it. EULA teacup storms notwithstanding, Mojang was quite prepared to let modders, and twitchers and lets players make whatever income they could off the side, and tried quite hard to only exclude monetiziation that would have negatively impacted the "cool"-factor of the minecraft experience.

Microsoft has spent $2.5b on this. They are not going to be content to tinker with it for the cool factor. They are going to take the Minecraft name and turn it into a bright, polished shiny "product" for consumers to consume.
It will be good. So very good.
And those of us, who remember modded minecraft, when anyone could contribute a mod will hate every polished moment of the experience.

A+, it will be a game that vanilla Minecraft players will embrace as an incredible experience. For everyone that played modded minecraft, it'll be much more polished, but overall lackluster experience. A single development team can never compete with an entire modding community.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Worst case: Microsoft rewrites Minecraft to operate more efficiently; Adds a fantastic new API... Then names it "Budder".

I REALLY need my coffee today :D
Followed by ongoing patches for security fixes, which degrades the performance to something worse...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He has every right to, but his actions after leaving are more important. He could of easily sold it for cheaper to a development team that will actually take care of the game, or made open source and let modders take over. Because you know, "it's not about the money". I don't see how people can stand up for what was so obviously an easy cash grab for him. Sure, I probably would of done that same thing sitting with a 2.5B deal in my face... but I wouldn't of came out and said it wasn't about the money when it clearly was. The guy made a dick move, like most of us would if we were in the same position. He should be man enough to admit he sold the game because he's tired of it and doesn't care what happens to it.

I totally agree with this line of thought on Notch. I've already posted my extreme thanks to him earlier in the thread for all the joy and smiles he brought to the world by bringing his little idea to reality...

But Microsoft? MICROSOFT???? REALLY NOTCH????

If he truly cared about his game, and truly meant what he said for all these past years... he would have left it in the hands of ANYONE but a gigantic, faceless corporation like them.

So I thank Notch from the bottom of my heart for making this wonderful, fun game for all of us... but I also can't help but feel the same way as Tyrindor about this whole ugly episode. It MUST be about the money... there's simply no other conclusion (for me anyway) to be reached right now. Given the facts we have in front of us, it seems clear it IS all about the money. And I find that very sad, because to me, money is not worth anything in our world except for being the root of all evil - and that is clearly not a positive thing. Sorry to all of you materialistic people out there who think "being rich" is the ultimate goal in life. We THOUGHT Notch understood this... but it seems it was all just "feel good" hot air... another fine human trait.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you thought, for even a moment, that part of the reason for selling to a major company like Microsoft was to make sure that Mojang's employees were (mostly at least) able to keep their jobs?

Have you ever thought, even for a moment, how much money Mojang had already made of Minecraft?

Do the math kiddo. Mojang employees had nothing to worry about. They had no reason to sell it, nevermind sell it to such a company with a very long proven track record of killing off games they've purchased instead of growing them?

Nope, sorry, your argument doesn't add up in the least. "So they can keep their jobs"? That's pretty LOL IMO.[DOUBLEPOST=1410873795][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, it could be worse. It could of been EA. :p

Or Facepuke. :)

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
Have you ever thought, even for a moment, how much money Mojang had already made of Minecraft?

Do the math kiddo. Mojang employees had nothing to worry about. They had no reason to sell it, nevermind sell it to such a company with a very long proven track record of killing off games they've purchased instead of growing them?

Nope, sorry, your argument doesn't add up in the least. "So they can keep their jobs"? That's pretty LOL IMO.[DOUBLEPOST=1410873795][/DOUBLEPOST]

Or Facepuke. :)
or google


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you ever thought, even for a moment, how much money Mojang had already made of Minecraft?

Do the math kiddo. Mojang employees had nothing to worry about. They had no reason to sell it, nevermind sell it to such a company with a very long proven track record of killing off games they've purchased instead of growing them?

Nope, sorry, your argument doesn't add up in the least. "So they can keep their jobs"? That's pretty LOL IMO.[DOUBLEPOST=1410873795][/DOUBLEPOST]

Not to mention the thousands of people that literally make a living off Minecraft videos, mods, modpacks, server hosting, etc that will likely be affected by this. They have much smaller paychecks and most of them can't put on their resume they worked for Mojang/Minecraft. Thinking about the Mojang staff team is honestly the least of the worries, they'd have no problems getting new jobs and unless they blew all their money they have enough to get by for a long time without one.

I like Google more than Microsoft.

I do agree with you there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Holy Christ cakes Batman, will we have to now turn away from MC and go back to WoW? Sigh...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everyone thinks Microsoft is born in hell, yet the most use Windows.
Sure, M$ is after money, but are they really that evil?

I've tried switching to linux several times, always switched back. NOT because I like windows, or microsoft, but because windows has a corner on the market when it comes to program compatibility, especially games.

I suspect quite a few people are in the same boat.

People who use windows != people who like or want to use windows, and by extension:
People who use windows != people who like microsoft.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I've tried switching to linux several times, always switched back. NOT because I like windows, or microsoft, but because windows has a corner on the market when it comes to program compatibility, especially games.

Well I currently basically only play Minecraft and on my system Minecraft runs slightly better on Linux then on Windows. So I'm happy (at least for now) :)


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
I've tried switching to linux several times, always switched back. NOT because I like windows, or microsoft, but because windows has a corner on the market when it comes to program compatibility, especially games.

I suspect quite a few people are in the same boat.

People who use windows != people who like or want to use windows, and by extension:
People who use windows != people who like microsoft.

This. I run Windows because I have to have several programs that are Windows only, not because I like Windows or M$. I would rather run Ubuntu.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everyone thinks Microsoft is born in hell, yet the most use Windows.
Sure, M$ is after money, but are they really that evil?

I just wish I had a choice in the matter. While I like Macintosh OS better, I continually run in to two problems with Macs:

#1: Compatibility is still a pain, as most games are developed for Microsoft, both in hardware and software.
#2: Macs aren't upgradable by design, meaning that while I can just replace parts on my current laptop with newer, stronger ones, I have to continually buy new Macbooks to keep up.

If Macs offered the customization and hardware specs for the prices I can get a windows laptop for, I'd jump right back on to the Apple ship.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft does have the nether or Hell if you will. You have to be pretty demented to add that to a game like MC. You spend all that time Planting farms and cutting trees in happy fields, then make a portal straight to hell O-o a bit evil if you ask me


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally, I use Windows because I like it, it works, and I know how to use it well. Why would I potentially waste my time trying to migrate to another operating system when I have one that works for literally everything I need? While Microsoft is by no means perfect, I find them to be very preferable to Apple or...whoever works on whatever flavour of Linux I'd install if I became the victim of massive head trauma.

Also, I'm not sure if its been said in the past few pages or not, I can't really be bothered to look too deep, but I know exactly why Microsoft wants Minecraft, and its nothing at all nefarious. The game itself was just an incidental acquisition, what they're after is the merch. Keychains, plushies, foam swords and picks, hoodies, decorative beer steins, and the like. I'd be wholly unsurprised if merch constituted around two thirds of Mojang's profits from Minecraft. That's what happens when a game becomes popular: it stops being just a game and becomes a culture. Cultures are profitable in the extreme. Look at things like My Little Pony, Transformers, and Dragon Ball Z. Those things are more than just their respective shows, they have an entire culture built around them, and culture means merchandising. Microsoft could care less about the game, what I've read has indicated such. They didn't mention modding directly not because they have some sinister, nefarious ulterior motive, but simply because they don't care about it. If anything, it means free advertising for them, and even more merch sales. Microsoft is many things, but not a one of them is incompetent.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft does have the nether or Hell if you will. You have to be pretty demented to add that to a game like MC. You spend all that time Planting farms and cutting trees in happy fields, then make a portal straight to hell O-o a bit evil if you ask me
Making a portal to hell? Pretty common game concept. Evil? Nah. What would be evil is building a prison in the nether and then sending villagers there. (And now I need to do this).
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