Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's my thoughts:
What a sell out. He makes the game, throws it off to another team, and then sits back and cashes in. Then he sells the whole company as-if he wasn't already making enough (Someone correct me if I'm wrong here). They were working on a mod API, and adjusting core game code for it. That's a large part of the reason why modding took so long in 1.7, if i'm not mistaken.

I don't see Microsoft keeping the team working on a mod API. Didn't they hire someone strictly for this too? They'll focus on consoles and mobile devices of the game, but vanilla is boring and will never be fun again. Honestly I think this is an absolute worse case scenario. INB4 Microsoft sends forge a cease and desist, effectively killing modding.
Come back after you read this.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea.. I've added mods to MC, built a Monster and BnB server with cauldron, configured essentials and group manager, and killed the freaking ender dragon. I have no idea what the is required to install this. It looks amazing though!

Does it work for FTB?
Yes it works with FTB. But you need a monster computer to handle them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I honestly don't buy it, and like he even stated, it goes against what he has said in the past. If it's not about the money, you'd sell it for less to someone who cares about the game and will develop it based on what the fanbase wants. You wouldn't sell to one of the richest companies in the world for top dollar who will butcher it and turn it into a cash cow.

He's just making excuses for getting an easy cash grab. Many people in his position have had similar claims when they sell their company. Bottom line, if it's not about the money, then don't sell it with only money in mind.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I honestly don't buy it, and like he even stated, it goes against what he has said in the past. If it's not about the money, you'd sell it for less to someone who cares about the game and will develop it based on what the fanbase wants. You wouldn't sell to one of the richest companies in the world for top dollar who will butcher it and turn it into a cash cow.

He's just making excuses for getting an easy cash grab. Many people in his position have had similar claims when they sell their company. Bottom line, if it's not about the money, then don't sell it with only money in mind.
He had been talking about leaving for a while, just not directly.[DOUBLEPOST=1410825286][/DOUBLEPOST]
We know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He had been talking about leaving for a while, just not directly.

He has every right to, but his actions after leaving are more important. He could of easily sold it for cheaper to a development team that will actually take care of the game, or made open source and let modders take over. Because you know, "it's not about the money". I don't see how people can stand up for what was so obviously an easy cash grab for him. Sure, I probably would of done that same thing sitting with a 2.5B deal in my face... but I wouldn't of came out and said it wasn't about the money when it clearly was. The guy made a dick move, like most of us would if we were in the same position. He should be man enough to admit he sold the game because he's tired of it and doesn't care what happens to it.

I don't think it'll take long for Microsoft to start sending out ceases and desist letters to forge and other modders. They'll want to make the main focus mobile and console with paid DLC. Mods will make that hard for them to do. Really hope i'm wrong here.... this is one of the few games I still play strictly because of mods.

Best case scenario: The development team will no longer help modders or make the game with mods in mind.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Change like this is when you know a game has become a legend. Think about it, Super Mario became a legend back in the 90's, and is still around today. Same as Pokémon, and any other game from the past that is sill around 10-20 years latter. Even games like GTA, Diablo, and Final Fantasy fall into this category. Why? Because these games never really changed. The ideas change, but the soul of the game never does.

As much as gamers want something new, they truly want the things they recognize and remember the most. People investing 2.5 billion into a video game are far from stupid. Today in 2014 if there is one thing anyone knows about profiting off a videogame legend its never forget the legend. It can be shifted and altered, but never destroyed as long as fans keep it alive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He has every right to, but his actions after leaving are more important. He could of easily sold it for cheaper to a development team that will actually take care of the game, or made open source and let modders take over. Because you know, "it's not about the money". I don't see how people can stand up for what was so obviously an easy cash grab for him. Sure, I probably would of done that same thing sitting with a 2.5B deal in my face... but I wouldn't of came out and said it wasn't about the money when it clearly was. The guy made a dick move, like most of us would if we were in the same position. He should be man enough to admit he sold the game because he's tired of it and doesn't care what happens to it.

I don't think it'll take long for Microsoft to start sending out ceases and desist letters to forge and other modders. They'll want to make the main focus mobile and console with paid DLC. Mods will make that hard for them to do. Really hope i'm wrong here.... this is one of the few games I still play strictly because of mods.

Best case scenario: The development team will no longer help modders or make the game with mods in mind.
Hey, something you clearly aren't thinking about. It has been indicated in most of the official releases that Mojang (under microsoft) will keep most of the same people. Have you thought, for even a moment, that part of the reason for selling to a major company like Microsoft was to make sure that Mojang's employees were (mostly at least) able to keep their jobs? This isn't just about Notch, or Minecraft. This is about business. Not just the evil BIG business but the people who work there. And it's not like we're looking at the possibility at loosing something vital (though there's still a good chance we won't loose anything) like food, water, or even communication. In the end it's a game. It can be replaced. Notch has ABSOLUTELY no obligation to us at this point. We all bought a game, and have gotten way WAY more return (in entertainment) on our investment than most games.

The one thing that actually makes me mad about everyone loosing their minds and cursing Notch, is that nobody is thinking about the rest of Mojang. Y'know, the people that have actually been making and supporting the game for a while now. And Notch isn't the only person taking a wad of cash to the bank. And I doubt it was only his call.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, something you clearly aren't thinking about. It has been indicated in most of the official releases that Mojang (under microsoft) will keep most of the same people. Have you thought, for even a moment, that part of the reason for selling to a major company like Microsoft was to make sure that Mojang's employees were (mostly at least) able to keep their jobs? This isn't just about Notch, or Minecraft. This is about business. Not just the evil BIG business but the people who work there. And it's not like we're looking at the possibility at loosing something vital (though there's still a good chance we won't loose anything) like food, water, or even communication. In the end it's a game. It can be replaced. Notch has ABSOLUTELY no obligation to us at this point. We all bought a game, and have gotten way WAY more return (in entertainment) on our investment than most games.

The one thing that actually makes me mad about everyone loosing their minds and cursing Notch, is that nobody is thinking about the rest of Mojang. Y'know, the people that have actually been making and supporting the game for a while now. And Notch isn't the only person taking a wad of cash to the bank. And I doubt it was only his call.

Uh, no. I thought about that and it doesn't matter and I assumed it didn't need to be explained. What those same people work on will be decided by Microsoft now. Do you honestly think Microsoft will let them focus time and money on the mod API, or even keep mods in mind while coding patches/DLC? Do you think they'll be as close to the fanbase as they are now? They'll be focusing on mobile devices and bringing vanilla to other platforms, mainly mobile, as the microsoft statement says. There will be a giant PR wall between them and the fans. Do you really think Microsoft will just throw money at the current team and let them do whatever they deem fit? No. They now have a giant greedy corporation telling them what they can or can't do.

Also, there's nothing stopping Microsoft from sueing and/or sending cease and desist letters to any modders out there. They've done it in the past, and if they feel the moding community is taking too much away from their mobile/console target, they'll stop it. If you read the official microsoft statement, it's pretty obvious they are looking at bringing paid DLC to mobile devices. Why pay for DLC on a mobile device when you can get way more content on PC for free?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is what, the third time he has said he is leaving?

He's been playing other games lately (Factorio comes to mind).

This one's pretty final, unless Microsoft comes out directly that doesn't dispel the end of modding as we know it.