I don't trust Microsoft at all in dealing with Minecraft (XBox Exclusives and all).
And they haven't done anything notable of late with the PC Gaming scene, especially after the failer that is Game for Windows Live.
Given up on Freelancer (when was the last Microsoft Simulator?), screwed up Age of Empires Online, and many others.
They will go Xbox exclusive, many games have become Xbox exclusive (Sun Set Overdrive?), other indie games have turned to Xbox (Space Engineers have 1 year deal with MS).
It just shows Indie companies and those communities are not safe, when the owner is shown cold hard cash.
Not sure what I will do here on out, maybe I'll start to learn making mods via TUG instead? Or just go back to playing with Unity3D?
These types of deals fragment the community, rather than making it bigger, and that is why I have concerns of the modding community.
Minecraft to Join Microsoft(Thanks to JadedCat on twitter)
You noticed the microsoft/xbox guy says the PC last? Hardly mentions PC as well.
No mention for PC Modding community either.