Opinions on Dartcraft

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Practically every mod out there is unbalanced when joined with practically any other mod. It's the various unexpected combinations that unbalance things.
Practically every mod out there is unbalanced when joined with practically any other mod. It's the various unexpected combinations that unbalance things.

Yes, there are unexpected combinations that cause problems, but in general through a combination of mod authors tweaking their pack to not interact poorly with other packs (see: KL's suggestion that the ForceWrench be a whitelist based item) to pack creators tweaking configs to make things work together better, in general it's not really that bad in the FTB packs. The best way to tell the quality of a mod is to see how easy it can fit in a pack. If, as a server operator, I don't have a way to disable the ability to force wrench TC4 nodes, then I have to choose between TC and DC.
Yes, there are unexpected combinations that cause problems, but in general through a combination of mod authors tweaking their pack to not interact poorly with other packs (see: KL's suggestion that the ForceWrench be a whitelist based item) to pack creators tweaking configs to make things work together better, in general it's not really that bad in the FTB packs. The best way to tell the quality of a mod is to see how easy it can fit in a pack. If, as a server operator, I don't have a way to disable the ability to force wrench TC4 nodes, then I have to choose between TC and DC.
The problem is there's so many mods out there, and WE are the beta testers since there's no way for the mod authors to test them all out.

I've seen it where tweaking one mod to balance with another destroys the usability of the first mod. Unless the mods are designed from the ground up to work with each other, or are add-ons, they can only be balanced with themselves and vanilla.

Configs are nice though, I agree. IF the mod author figures out the need for a particular option.
I am reviving this thread for a good reason. In the latest version, the Force Wrench now has a whitelist, which was the single feature that most of the people here wanted the most in order to make Dartcraft balanced. So I pose the question again: Do people want it in a pack? Personally I am hoping that it is put in Monster.
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Defenitly, like I said earlyer in this threat: cant live without its bags and clipboard :)

Honestly, all the balance concerns have been adressed and are now very configurable. Your dartcraft experience can go from "have all the things" to "gregtech mode" now.
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I like dartcraft, and always include it when I'm building a mod list from scratch. However, it does render a lot of other mods less attractive at various stages by being 'good enough'. Early TiCo tools aren't needed, you can do quite well with force picks and swords. Boots of the traveller aren't needed, since Haste takes care of some of their best aspects (walking fast and climbing 1-block-high) and is pretty early game. You'll probably never use a vanilla enchanting table, and the force armor gives you a half-heart 'oh crap' buffer that nothing else seems to match (It seems that if something would kill you outright it instead leaves you at half-heart, unless you're already there).

That's probably too much for a lot of people, but it is configurable, and I'd add it just for haste boots and force shears.
The real problem with the Force Wrench is that it exists. It simply isn't safe to move all tile entities like that. It's reckless and can potentially break worlds.

While I appreciate this opinion, it is possible to take precautions.

a} I (periodically) back up my save.
b} I generally only use the wrench with either mob spawners or basic inventories such as chests. I've moved JABBA barrels with it, and the result of that was disconcerting. It worked, but they became invisible in my inventory.
c} I wouldn't use the wrench on machines or things which were trying to keep track of a lot of different numbers.
You can bet your buttons that they give a lot more weight to the 'established' mod authors opinions than to the general community opinion. If someone like CJ or Sengir says they don't like a mod's balance, it won't make the cut. Guaranteed.

Yep. The Forgecraft circle jerk, which I've written about before at length, is I suspect also the real reason why the DW20 pack hasn't changed much since 1.4. It's why at the moment, although I will possibly install DW20 as another base at one point, I'm currently running Resonant Rise. The Astocky packs tend to offer a much broader range of mods; especially SolitaryCraft. I can only imagine the vast torrent of tears about balance that would be unleashed on this forum, if FTB was to include BigReactors, in particular.

Hence, the reason why I like RR. I get a lot more stuff from outside the Forgecraft ivory tower, out of the box; and if I want some elements of the FC elitists' material as well, I can install it later. I'm also not running a server, so I don't have to worry about them potentially crying buckets about permissions, either.

Also, I love DartCraft. Clipboard is awesome, Wrench is great. What's not to love?
While I appreciate this opinion, it is possible to take precautions.

a} I (periodically) back up my save.
b} I generally only use the wrench with either mob spawners or basic inventories such as chests. I've moved JABBA barrels with it, and the result of that was disconcerting. It worked, but they became invisible in my inventory.
c} I wouldn't use the wrench on machines or things which were trying to keep track of a lot of different numbers.
With the new update it is very hard to break anything with the Force Wrench as it has had a major nerf via the whitelist which also fixes all the corruption unless you purposefully whitelist something that has the potential to ruin your world. And all barrels (Factorization, JABBA, and whatever that other mod is called) become invisible when you move them in any way, although I have no clue why. This bug also occurs with the Portal Gun and Gravity Gun mods.
With the new update it is very hard to break anything with the Force Wrench as it has had a major nerf via the whitelist which also fixes all the corruption unless you purposefully whitelist something that has the potential to ruin your world. And all barrels (Factorization, JABBA, and whatever that other mod is called) become invisible when you move them in any way, although I have no clue why. This bug also occurs with the Portal Gun and Gravity Gun mods.
To move JABBA barrels or chest the Dolly is way cooler anyways ;)
focus of dislocation perhaps
or the bedrock pickaxe from RC seems to be able to "silk touch" a very VERY wide variety of things normally not amenable to silk touch.
portalgun is in too isn't it - and gravity gun too. these can carry mobs and testificates around which is fun.
JABBA has a dolly which you can use to move chests and some other inventories. I believe profmobius is adding a better dolly which can move spawners soon.
Do any of you know a force wrench alternative in the ftb monster pack? :)
For chests and jabba barrels and iron chests try the dolly added by jabba. Simply right click to pickup and right click again to place
My two cents on this topic:

I have a love/hate relationship with Dartcraft. On the one hand, I like the mitts (particularly early game), the bags + cards (amazing storage potential), and the Clipboard. That's really about it. On the other hand, the augmentation system is the single grindiest mechanic I have ever encountered now that Thaumcraft has made their research system far more sane. If all I wanted was packs that could hold a significant quantity of storage, I'd need to be basically creating and throwing away items to level up my book so I can get to a decent level of holding.

The Force Wrench is something I don't play with or build, so it is fairly irrelevant to me, since I don't play on servers.

I'm not a fan of the armor and tools mechanics. Sure, you can do a lot with it but it's just... meh. I'd rather do something like MPS to make me an uber suit of armor rather than DC's method.

Dartcraft Pounch + Crafting Card to use ExtraUtils compressed cobble and dirt means never having to worry about cobble and dirt eating up your inventory ever again. Great for branch mining. It can also be used to create custom pouches that can be used to assist in constructing things, and done in a modular way so you can include precisely which materials you will be using, and can reuse it as something completely different later on just by wiping the card and starting over fresh.

It has some great ideas. If they would strip the pouches and clipboard out of this mod and make it a stand-alone, probably with different crafting requirements for the pouches, I'd probably prefer it.