Opinions on Dartcraft

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You can bet your buttons that they give a lot more weight to the 'established' mod authors opinions than to the general community opinion. If someone like CJ or Sengir says they don't like a mod's balance, it won't make the cut. Guaranteed.

Wrong. They're friends and nothing more. CJ and Sengir hold no more weight over what goes into a pack than a friend of one of the modpack devs; which would seem to be very little. Both Eyamaz and Jaded are both very dedicated to creating stable themed packs that revolve around what they feel to be a balanced level for a majority of players or the balance that fits the theme of the pack.

Then again, that's generally why I consider the FTB builds a 'starting point' rather than the final game I am playing. I use FTB to find new and interesting mods (loved Horizons, new world, infamy, and magic farm for that very reason) because they often provide some mods I hadn't seen on the main mod list at the minecraft forums, and let me try them out without worrying too much about assembling a modpack around them. If they seem fun and workable, I check 'em for permissions and then migrate them to the server and the mod download.

As it should be. FTB is not meant to tell you how or what to play but give you easier access to mods and giving you, basically, new games with different themes. As well they will introduce you into the world of modded minecraft relatively smoothly.

Not too pleased with the most recent DW20 pack, though, it seems mostly more of the same. there are a few new goodies, like openblocks and waila, but for the most part it doesn't feel like it has changed much since 1.4.6.

I guess that works for maintaining server integrity, but it's kinda boring.

That's up to DW20. He is not on the FTB team and chooses the mods that fit his playstyle. These may not have changed much but they are still his preferred choices.
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You can bet your buttons that they give a lot more weight to the 'established' mod authors opinions than to the general community opinion. If someone like CJ or Sengir says they don't like a mod's balance, it won't make the cut. Guaranteed.
No they don't.
true, it has add some other featues, but no real features that I'd say are unique... whenever I go down the feature list of Dartcraft I can't stop myself from going "already have a mod that does that, and that, and also that, and that..."

This includes tools but modular furnaces that can be insanely efficient to insanely fast, turn into macerators or go into freeze mode offering some very powerful recipes as well as efficiency when it comes to certain production. Picks that can auto grind and smelt ores as you go. A whole new looting mechanic. Running on water! Auto-crafting back packs that will also keep you stocked up on multiple items. Craftable spawners (which now thanks to Soul Shards nerfing itself into uselessness are for more powerful) Theres a lot to love
Dartcraft was one of my favourite mods for a while.
Then, everything changed when the magic bar attacked.
Only the server/pack admins, masters of the config files, could change this. But when the worlds needed them most, they sat on their hands and said "I think this is Dartcraft expanding on its mechanics".
So I was sad.

In case you missed the point, I liked the magic meter back when it was the wing meter. Not now, when it's the wing meter, the teleport meter, the healing meter, the force wrench meter... the everything meter, basically. And yes, I know that you can turn them off. But I don't play SSP and my server's admins and pack admins aren't gonna revert those changes any time soon.
I love Dartcraft. It's a very fun mod. I'd keep it around for the Item cards and packs/storage alone. I made an extremely compact sorting system for my arcane bore using only item cards, a storage unit, ender chests, and translocators. :)

Fun trick: Grind your ores in the Force Furnace with the Grinding Upgrade to get dusts. Combine 4 dusts to get a chunk, which is worth 5 ingots. Throw the chunk into a fully upgraded Infernal Furnace and watch the metal flow.
Dartcraft was one of my favourite mods for a while.
Then, everything changed when the magic bar attacked.
Only the server/pack admins, masters of the config files, could change this. But when the worlds needed them most, they sat on their hands and said "I think this is Dartcraft expanding on its mechanics".
So I was sad.

In case you missed the point, I liked the magic meter back when it was the wing meter. Not now, when it's the wing meter, the teleport meter, the healing meter, the force wrench meter... the everything meter, basically. And yes, I know that you can turn them off. But I don't play SSP and my server's admins and pack admins aren't gonna revert those changes any time soon.
Bluedart is trying to give it a Zelda feel, so I can see where he was coming from when he did that, but I completely agree with you.
Fun trick: Grind your ores in the Force Furnace with the Grinding Upgrade to get dusts. Combine 4 dusts to get a chunk, which is worth 5 ingots. Throw the chunk into a fully upgraded Infernal Furnace and watch the metal flow.
I touched upon a way to completely automate this at the start of this thread. Feed all your ores into a chest feeding via hopper into a grinding Force Furnace. From the output chest of that furnace attach a TE Itemduct which feeds into 7 different FZ packagers each with a white list for one of the dust types (iron, copper, tin, silver, lead, ferrous, platinum/shiny) then feed all those outputs into another chest with any Emptying Golem feeding them into the Infernal Furnace. I use an ender chest as that output as I use the Infernal Furnace for all of my smelting for AE crafting, but you can do whatever you want.

Also I should note that this doubles your shiny ingots, with the final output being slightly under 2 shiny ingots per ferrous ore as the platinum chunk results in 8 ingots instead of 5.
First off, just a minor personal complaint: I'm not crazy about the mod aesthetically. It's always felt kind of disjointed to me, and looking through the item list causes semantic satiation for "force". The Force Infuser doesn't really work for me as a mechanic, and that's the mainstay of the mod. However, I try not to judge the mods on that, and rather the content of them.

I made a world in 1.5 specifically to test Dartcraft. Not a creative world, but a small survival one. I used a bit of Tinker's Construct (though not for long...), but then basically just Dartcraft. My problem with that version is it's completely overpowered not only in progression, but also compared to the end result of any other mod. Massively speedy armor is just a few sugar away. Fortune IV and autosmelting. Spoils bags giving tons of easy dungeon loot. Virtually everything was just better than the alternatives, but very easy to get. One or the other would be ok (not ideal, but ok), but the combination of the two just made me disable it and start a new world.

I've only played around with it a bit in 1.6, and *parts* seem to have improved. I hear there's a better power progression, but I didn't sift through it to check. A lot of it appears to be unchanged, but I haven't dug deep enough to check. I think a fortune cookie is crazy cheap to get Fortune (is IV still in?), but I assumed that's gated way towards the end.

Now, for what I like about it: it has some really nice functional items that other mods don't. Force rods being basically reusable potions is great. Ars Magicka kind of has similar, but I actually really like Dart Craft's version a lot. The Forcepacks and their abilities are amazing. As someone else said, if he put out a mod of just those, I would install it in a heartbeat. It's really excellent functional addition to modded Minecraft, and I'm surprised I haven't seen any other mod come close to doing it this well. Forestry backpacks are nice, but really limited in comparison. The ability to autocondense cobblestone in conjunction with Extra Utilities is a godsend for mining. The new method of getting spoils bags seems really nice, and if anything *too* difficult to get considering it requires a nether star. Still, that's a better way to swing the balance.

DartCraft is still a young mod, and while I don't think I'll use it all that much, there's definitely some really nice innovations I'm keeping my eye on. I look forward to its future versions.
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Isn't Force Wrench using liquid force which is refueled in the infuser? But yeah, Balance happened and Fun was nerfed. :(

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Eh, I think that that particular bit of balance was a smart move. The force wrench is a powerful tool. Powerful tools like that shouldn't be completely free.
Though I dislike the fact where only with Forestry then can you get a renewable source of liquid force. :(

Sent from my GT-N8020 using Tapatalk
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My thoughts on this are that its not dartcraft that's OP, its dartcraft with another mod. To achieve balance with one mod usually requires changing another mod. If you read through this you will realize that dartcraft is not OP by itself.
Well liquid force isn't the hardest thing in the world to produce, so I haven't complained yet.

It's annoying when you like to adventure and wrench well over 200+ things before coming back home. To me it just discourages using it to go adventuring.
Good Goddess... what the hell do you go exploring for? o_o

It's annoying when you like to adventure and wrench well over 200+ things before coming back home. To me it just discourages using it to go adventuring.

Or when you just use the thing for moving chests around while renovating your base. I can understand why it would be a useful option for multi-player servers where balance is an issue, but it should be just that, an option, some of us play almost exclusively in single player and don't have any problem with the original way the wrench worked. Plus there's lots of other options in the config for denerfing things if you want, there's no reason there shouldn't be one for this.
Good Goddess... what the hell do you go exploring for? o_o
Try branch mining with a fully upgraded TiC Cobalt/Mana Hammer for an hour. You can easily get 10 quadruple compressed cobble along with a ton of ores. I have fortune 3 on my hammer so I can easily get 20 stacks of redstone and 2 stacks of diamond in that time.You only need to do it a few times, and if you do it in a biome with emeralds (I like setting up in Jaded Hills for this very reason) you can also get a stack of emeralds. However, this is only possible with DC's bag system, otherwise you need to make a ton of trips.

Wrenching 200 things is fairly simple compared to that, although I have to say, unless you are wrenching
every TC node and every spawner you come across while exploring Magical Forest biomes, I can't imagine how long it would take to explore enough to get 200 wrenched tile entities.
Wrenching 200 things is fairly simple compared to that, although I have to say, unless you are wrenching
every TC node and every spawner you come across while exploring Magical Forest biomes, I can't imagine how long it would take to explore enough to get 200 wrenched tile entities.

This was in 1.5.2. I'd travel for more than 60k blocks at a time wrenching every spawner I found as well as chests and placing and re-wrenching them. Another reason I hate the no chest-ception BS. Luckily TE3. I'd have well over 100 spawners every time.
My thoughts on this are that its not dartcraft that's OP, its dartcraft with another mod. To achieve balance with one mod usually requires changing another mod. If you read through this you will realize that dartcraft is not OP by itself.

It's somewhat of a given, though, that since this discussion is taking place on FTB forums, other mods will be installed. If a mod is unbalanced when it's put in play with other mods, then that's basically saying that it's not suitable for a mod pack.
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