I've never used dartcraft at all. I am aware of the 1.5 ftb beta packs but I'm not downloading yet. But I've seen plenty of complaints about dartcraft yesterday alone. I'm probably going to love the force engine.
The downside of beds comes with SMP. You have to convince EVERYBODY to sleep which is impossible. Don't lie to yourself.
imo beds are OP. 3 planks + 3 wool and exploring becomes one of the safest activities you can do in MC. And with the surface ores TiC (I think) adds it's pretty rewarding as well (outside villages and other stuff you'll find)
There's no need to be snide. The OP asked a legitimate question
Then don't participate in it. Simple as that.These types of topics are just rubbish. There's nothing to discuss at all in the OP, there is no real question, just a request to "Post X here". Completely useless.
Thankfully as balance the speed of it is halved. Cobalt hammer head is 5.5 speed rather than the usual 11.Also the Hammer from TiC, even just a stone one can clear huge amounts of stone probably as fast as tnt (if you count the time it takes to set up the tnt and clean up afterwards I'm pretty sure a stone Hammer isn't far behind, now image a Hammer with some decent materials...). The other "tier 2" tools are powerful as well, but I don't consider them to be OP (clearing leaves or dirt very fast isn't nearly as OP as branch mining with 3x3 tunnels that you dig almost as fast as 2x1 tunnels...).
The force engine would be completely fine, if not for the throttle. Just giving it water DOUBLES it's output.
Thankfully as balance the speed of it is halved. Cobalt hammer head is 5.5 speed rather than the usual 11.
I find it incredible that things like walking and mining can be considered OP. bloody crazy.
On the subject of TiC, I find the Scythe to be an extrenely amusing and effective weapon. Something tells me he needs to rebalance that thing(like remove the durability bonus for it being a T2 weapon or give it a 50% damage reduction working on the quartz aswell)
Manylian head, paper rods/binding, 1 moss, looting, 6 quartz. The durability loss was from me fighting mobs for a entire night spawned by 10 spawners...
Agreed to a 100%. Turtles should be more expensive, mining turtles should be waaay more expensive.Id say if annything is OP, its the price of turtles. I like the intent of what can be done with them, but think that the pricing is just way to low.
The main difference being that running a buildcraft combustion engine on full effect requires quite a lot of setup; pumping oil and refining that oil into fuel (which costs nontrivial MJ in itself). Force engines you just slap down and throw in a bunch of force crystals (which have high yield per crystal, are common, and are affected by fortune).You might wanna recheck the values, the force engine is basicly a buildcraft combustion engine.
But doesn't a speed 11 hammer mine slower than a speed 11 pick? I've gotten that impression but haven't done a real test. Not half as slow but a bit slower.Actually, the speed of the hammer is devided over the hammer head and the plates. Cobalt plates and a cobalt hammer head is the full 11 speed. I got one with a bunch of redstone and stonebound II sitting at 22/23 mining speed, its not as fast as a diamond pick with efficiency V though. More like efficiency IV. Then again, it mines 9 times as much x)