Modular Powersuits is imo horrifically OP without GT recipes (sure it uses a lot of resources but it also negates so much that otherwise would cost resources that it's pretty cheap overall), you can easily become immune to almost all damage, lava is a nice swim with enough heatsink (apart from the constant ouch anim), you fly faster and with more control than creative mode flight, the power requirements of everything is almost nothing, with the addons you will never run out of power as long as you can move, the railgun is hitscan and can hit past visual range on normal render, you can easily tweak the full set to give you all abilities with almost no weight penalty and the only things which are any danger in any way are status effects (poison\wither etc). Hell you can fly faster than you can freefall I flew up to about 10k blocks (which I found rather odd in itself) in a matter of minutes I then fell and it took several times as long to hit the ground again.
Though I do love my MPS suit, probably a little too much, especially when Thaumic Tinkerer is added to the mix since it handles the status effects that the suit doesn't, OP sure but "I am like unto a god" is fun
Though I do love my MPS suit, probably a little too much, especially when Thaumic Tinkerer is added to the mix since it handles the status effects that the suit doesn't, OP sure but "I am like unto a god" is fun