Old Adeptcraft - A collection of memories

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not sure if Poppycocks left.
Did he leave? Anyone know?
If he did, I'm on my own, and I'm quite nervous about that. Plus my computer plays at 2 fps, so I can't even come on.
I use the forums, but it just doesn't feed the beast fill the void!
Awww man, so not true. You haven't been on, check the base.

I'm just really bad at splitting time between servers.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what would be cool... If people started posting some of the stuff they are doing on the server.
Just saying you folks took over the thread might as well at lest share your work.
In other news, I finally gave in to Steves Carts ... and built a rp2 managed tree farm. Got fed up with the sheep in my basement being all noisy and dirty AND not produce enough fertilizer at all. Yeah, MFR tree farms are all the rage these days, but it takes way more sheep than I am able to tolerate. So I built me a cute lil cart, layed down some tracks, added in some Managers and viola, no more worries about my tiny little 18LP boiler being all cooled down because "noh fertalyzar! noh wood fer youz!" from MFR the third day in a row. ;) Now I need a ton more pneumatic tubes and then I have to get that steel production get going.

(translation: I'm probably just too stupid to setup a MFR treefarm effectively)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In other news, I finally gave in to Steves Carts ... and built a rp2 managed tree farm. Got fed up with the sheep in my basement being all noisy and dirty AND not produce enough fertilizer at all. Yeah, MFR tree farms are all the rage these days, but it takes way more sheep than I am able to tolerate. So I built me a cute lil cart, layed down some tracks, added in some Managers and viola, no more worries about my tiny little 18LP boiler being all cooled down because "noh fertalyzar! noh wood fer youz!" from MFR the third day in a row. ;) Now I need a ton more pneumatic tubes and then I have to get that steel production get going.

(translation: I'm probably just too stupid to setup a MFR treefarm effectively)
No you're not, it's actually pretty hard to cook enough fertilizer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welp I had like 28k buckets of biomass and it's all gone now.

I really just want to scrap biomass all together.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No you're not, it's actually pretty hard to cook enough fertilizer.
Good to know, because I was beginning to think I'm doing something wrong with all those dozens of sheep that did not let me get a good nights' sleep (which could be other players online, too, but I'll blame the wooly sirens anyways). Yes, a SC2 tree farm IS so 1998 - but at least I know what I'm doing with it. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good to know, because I was beginning to think I'm doing something wrong with all those dozens of sheep that did not let me get a good nights' sleep (which could be other players online, too, but I'll blame the wooly sirens anyways). Yes, a SC2 tree farm IS so 1998 - but at least I know what I'm doing with it. ;)
I've got a theory on how to make making fertilizer cheap and simple, I'll test it later on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What you been doing Shoop?

Hunting Squids

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

Staring off into the nothingness that is my empty life.

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

Trying to figure out doors

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

Finally getting the ground work done for Shoop tower.

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

Breaking ground at Shoop Tower by Saice, on Flickr

This will basically repeat a 4 space area for each floor and a 2 space maintenance floor between each. This will allow for above or below floor wiring/piping.

Also the three shafts are going to do something. One is going to be the way up and down that the one on the back. one of the two side ones will be maintenance to run pipes and wires between floors the last one... no idea but I wanted to the building to look even.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More tower work....

My bare floor layout.

Up Up Up by Saice, on Flickr

This is my maintenance floor layout. I added a block making them 3 instead of 2 just because it will make hopping over or ducking under pipes and wiring easier.

Up Up Up by Saice, on Flickr

I opted for windows in the front because.

Up Up Up by Saice, on Flickr

2 main floors and 1 maintenance floor down... Need a lot more stone and glass which im cooking up at the moment.
But I think it looks nice

Up Up Up by Saice, on Flickr

Up Up Up by Saice, on Flickr

I'll do some sort of detail work on the outside at somepoint just dont know what yet.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

As I said, not nice looking at all...

Here are the images for those not wanting to go to the imgur page.





New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow so many cool things going on in the adeptcraft world and tech I can't make videos often because of my fiance's work schedual and also I've been sick


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of this was done purely by Linda on her own, like... the quarries and the gregtech stuff and the lava was completely her, I helped a bit with some other stuff, but yeah... god damn FPS >.<


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We haven't played very much yet. Here's some of the main stuff (inside only).
The lava tank + GT toys:

Biomass tanks + powered furnaces + a chestcart bringing logs from the surface (cant use a boiler cause of Lamberts lag issues):

Some quarry holes:

Looks good Linda! Endertank ftw.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to play without memory leakage. Someone said it was not having enough but MultiMc is being stupid and won't let me port FTB ultimate to it.

I have my reasons for multimc btw