Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

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All the 1.7.10 packs are effectively in 'Long Term Support' mode right now. This means that they don't get bug fix updates. If there is a critical, show stopping problem that prevents play that can be fixed with an update then you might find an update being pushed, but that is likely to be confined to exactly the things that need to update to fix the problem and no more. Obviously every situation is different and that approach may not work in every case, but it's a good rule of thumb to set your expectations by.
I think all FTB packs should have at minimum one staff member keeping up maintainence, fixing issues, etc. Because its not like people stopped playing Infinity Evolved or the older packs.
I'm here to ask for Mekanism in FTB: Beyond, too. I understand the complexities of balancing it. I don't care for something being turned off, like digiminers or passive energy generators, energy gain from other Mek sources nerfed, higher tier machines require some crazy ingredients, etc. I just wish for neat endgame energy sink in form of x5 ore generation.
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FTB Skyfactory 3

With all the decent public servers banning any item or block that causes extreme amounts of tps lag and the recent update of applied energistics 2 bringing it into the 1.10.2 version of minecraft i think that it's time that we start to slowly get rid of refined storage on all the packs that it's being used, starting with Skyfactory 3.
A sudden complete removal of the mod is not the best solution due to every single player using it to store their items, so my suggestion is to just add applied energistics to the modpack along side refined storage for a few modpack versions to give players enough time to adapt and convert their systems entirely to applied energistics, once that's done release a modpack version which gets rid of refined storage entirely.

As a secondary idea i think that we could add logistic pipes along side applied energistics to allow players to make hybrid systems.
Combining the functionality of both applied energistics and logistic pipes in one system can allow for super useful and awesome systems that wouldn't be either possible or very difficult if we had only one of the mods installed.
The beauty of modded minecraft is allowing players to carve their own path and stretch their creative minds, having more options available for gameplay is always welcome because of those reasons.
I would definitely love to see some music playing mods in any future "kitchen sink" FTB pack for people like me who want to listen to music while playing and not have to listen to Minecraft's default music for hours on end. I would like something that allows me to add my own custom soundtrack of music I find over the internet. And if get bored of what I have so far, I'd also like a mod that allows me to play any of the music I have on iTunes or anything like that. I think Ambiance and mineTunes are a good start, but if I figure out how to add my own music, I would definitely add them to my own modpack.
I would definitely love to see some music playing mods in any future "kitchen sink" FTB pack for people like me who want to listen to music while playing and not have to listen to Minecraft's default music for hours on end. I would like something that allows me to add my own custom soundtrack of music I find over the internet. And if get bored of what I have so far, I'd also like a mod that allows me to play any of the music I have on iTunes or anything like that. I think Ambiance and mineTunes are a good start, but if I figure out how to add my own music, I would definitely add them to my own modpack.

I doubt you'll ever see a mod like this in a pack with potential to have Let's Plays or Livestreams on line, due to the Intellectual Property rights that would have to be paid to the music industry. I doubt putting such content up would last 4 hours before being taken down by the host service.
I would definitely love to see some music playing mods in any future "kitchen sink" FTB pack for people like me who want to listen to music while playing and not have to listen to Minecraft's default music for hours on end. I would like something that allows me to add my own custom soundtrack of music I find over the internet. And if get bored of what I have so far, I'd also like a mod that allows me to play any of the music I have on iTunes or anything like that. I think Ambiance and mineTunes are a good start, but if I figure out how to add my own music, I would definitely add them to my own modpack.
You know you can just use Spotify while playing?
wonder if it would be possible to have prefab added to the beyond 1.10 and new pack for the servers that wipe often
Woot in FTB Beyond Expert Mode should be an extremely high tier mod but it should be possible to make a Chaos Guardian Woot Farm.
Woot in FTB Beyond Expert Mode should be an extremely high tier mod but it should be possible to make a Chaos Guardian Woot Farm.
Not sure how that'd work. If you see Direwolf20's or any other person's Let's Play, you'd see that to acquire chaos shards, you have to break the crystal deep in the center of the island you have to fight the guardian on, then fly out of there before it explodes. Plus, there doesn't seem to be enough recipes that use chaos shards to justify having to automate in in such a way.
Not sure how that'd work. If you see Direwolf20's or any other person's Let's Play, you'd see that to acquire chaos shards, you have to break the crystal deep in the center of the island you have to fight the guardian on, then fly out of there before it explodes. Plus, there doesn't seem to be enough recipes that use chaos shards to justify having to automate in in such a way.
I know that. But it's possible. And I suspect chaos shards will used in the high tier recipes like the wireless crafting terminal.
So the bug report forum for Infinity was closed, but on the other hand I know there's been mentions that at least one update is still planned. So I'm please requesting for one issue to be fixed, it was never resolved previously probably partially because the actual problem was never brought up, but I know the problem and it's actually one that is mainly hidden due to people not realising it's there. Thaumcraft shards are interchangeable within infusion recipes, this is due to the thaumcraft infusion altar supporting the oredictionary, and thaumic energistics proceeding to oredict all the shards together in an attempt to let Applied Energistics more easily realise that they're similar items. The oredict entry is never used in any recipe, so the only downside of removing it is that AE won't be able to tell all six shards are the same when any would be usable.

The upside is that the infusion altar is not broken, currently you can use any type of shard in the place of any shard, all the shards failing to act distinct. Normally this is only a minor bug, but occasionally you get a group of similar infusion recipe that actually need to distinguish what kind of shard is used and these become unusable. Most notably is the infused crops from thaumic tinkerer, which is six infusion recipes that differ only by the shard. Quickly searching gives two reports obviously linked to it too, 1 2.

To fix it is incredibly simple, simply add the following line into the minetweaker scripts.

I know this is unlikely to happen as changes were being avoided, but maybe now that an update could be coming this might be able to get in? It fixes an issue affecting a ton of recipes making multiple items unobtainable while giving little benefit to remaining included.
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So today I compared ATM and Beyond for what mods they share and which they dont share and now I wanted to suggest or maybe know the reasons why certain mods arent added
advanced generators
adcanced rocketry
angel ring to bauble
apple core
armor plus
ars magica 2
astral sorcery
atomic strykers infernal mobs
bad wither no cookie
better fps
biomes o plenty
chicken chunks
compact machines
correlated potentialistics
crafting tweaks
crossroads mc
end metals
ender zoo
extra bit manipulation
extra rails
fast leaf decay
fullscreen windowed
giacomos fishing net
grapple hooks
immersieve petroleum
item scroller
just enough calculation
mekanism generators
mekanism tools
minefactory reloaded
mmd ore spawn
moar tinkers
modular powersuit
more defautl options
more overlays
mystical agriculture
nether metals
nomobspawning on trees
not enough wands
notenough ids
nuclear craft
ore excavation
oredictionary converter
oreexcavation integreation
pams cookables
practical ligistics 2
pressure pipes
progressive automation
psionic upgrades
random things
reborn storage
roguelike dungeons
router reborn
router reborn lib
soul shards the old ways
the spice of life
the dragon lib
thermal smeltery
tinker io
tinkers addon
tomb many graves
tool belt
That's the list of the mods that are in ATM and not in Beyond. For many of them the reason is fairly clear, I think. They are small and don't add any overly relevant content and so you do not see them as necessary/useful for the flagship pack and you also don't want to squash new players with an overload of mods. Other mods are replaced with similar variants in Beyond (gravestone mod for example).
However other mods raise a question: Addons like Immersive petroleum, Extra Bees(doesnt exist, isnt in my list anyway. Dont know where i got that from tbh), Extra Rails, Pams Cookables, Advanced Rocketry/Generators, ...
The big mods that I am personally concerned about: Mekanism, Ars Magicka and Muse Modular Powersuits and MFR. For Mekanism and Ars Magicka there were some bug problems I think (any ETA on when they might be fixed?) but for MMP and MFR I have heard of no such things. Can anyone explain to me why they are not in the pack, maybe confirm for me if I could simply add them in the pack (with my loading times I really cant do any testing) or point me to somewhere I could find further information? Thanks!
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FTB Skyfactory 3

With all the decent public servers banning any item or block that causes extreme amounts of tps lag and the recent update of applied energistics 2 bringing it into the 1.10.2 version of minecraft i think that it's time that we start to slowly get rid of refined storage on all the packs that it's being used, starting with Skyfactory 3.
A sudden complete removal of the mod is not the best solution due to every single player using it to store their items, so my suggestion is to just add applied energistics to the modpack along side refined storage for a few modpack versions to give players enough time to adapt and convert their systems entirely to applied energistics, once that's done release a modpack version which gets rid of refined storage entirely.

As a secondary idea i think that we could add logistic pipes along side applied energistics to allow players to make hybrid systems.
Combining the functionality of both applied energistics and logistic pipes in one system can allow for super useful and awesome systems that wouldn't be either possible or very difficult if we had only one of the mods installed.
The beauty of modded minecraft is allowing players to carve their own path and stretch their creative minds, having more options available for gameplay is always welcome because of those reasons.
you're kidding right? there's almost no reason to use AE2 over RS. It's much simpler, (and in a good way to) drives store *slightly* less, but they don't have the 63 item type limit, so you can actually use the larger ones and put weapons in it, it doesn't have that convoluted channel system that does literally NOTHING except act as an item sink. and don't get me started on the "complexity" of AE2, what you wasn't is depth, and just adding more complexity to something doesn't mean it has more depth (search "Extra credits Depth" on youtube, you should see my point) so no, Refined storage will not be fading out any time soon

on a less argumentative note, i to would love to see Mekanism in FTB beyond 2.0, it's a great mod, and quite powerful at that, I could definitely see some items being used as a bottle neck in expert mode, such as how PO2 used palladium crystals as a bottle neck for... something, I can't remember what it was, but the point stands none the less
you're kidding right? there's almost no reason to use AE2 over RS. It's much simpler, (and in a good way to) drives store *slightly* less, but they don't have the 63 item type limit, so you can actually use the larger ones and put weapons in it, it doesn't have that convoluted channel system that does literally NOTHING except act as an item sink. and don't get me started on the "complexity" of AE2, what you wasn't is depth, and just adding more complexity to something doesn't mean it has more depth (search "Extra credits Depth" on youtube, you should see my point) so no, Refined storage will not be fading out any time soon

on a less argumentative note, i to would love to see Mekanism in FTB beyond 2.0, it's a great mod, and quite powerful at that, I could definitely see some items being used as a bottle neck in expert mode, such as how PO2 used palladium crystals as a bottle neck for... something, I can't remember what it was, but the point stands none the less
I recently added Mekanism to my copy of FTB Beyond before I realized the pack disabled any way of doing any kind of 5x ore processing. I think Mekanism is a great addition to any FTB pack because it fills in a couple of roles like 5x ore processing and even an antimatter reactor. I think that for the sake of balance, instead of disabling many OP mechanics outright, I think the pack devs should make the recipes harder so you have a bit more to work for to get those things.
As has been the discussion many times in many threads, Mekanism is a wonderful mod which is quite well balanced in a vaccum. However, given the rest of the landscape in the modding scene, adding Mekanism to packs significantly changes the balance of the pack. The only effective way to balance a pack containing Mekanism is to either build the entire pack around Mek, balancing things as you add, or to change nearly all of the recipes and progression of Mek to gate it in a way that doesn't break everything else. Neither are easy to do, and trying to do it to an existing flagship pack is down right insanity.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Mekanism tremendously, but the things it allows and the timing it allows them doesn't usually play well with others.
As has been the discussion many times in many threads, Mekanism is a wonderful mod which is quite well balanced in a vaccum. However, given the rest of the landscape in the modding scene, adding Mekanism to packs significantly changes the balance of the pack. The only effective way to balance a pack containing Mekanism is to either build the entire pack around Mek, balancing things as you add, or to change nearly all of the recipes and progression of Mek to gate it in a way that doesn't break everything else. Neither are easy to do, and trying to do it to an existing flagship pack is down right insanity.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Mekanism tremendously, but the things it allows and the timing it allows them doesn't usually play well with others.
I see, wo what's the issue with it exactly? because I can ell you from experience that Mekanism ore quintupleing is a pain in the rear, or is it the upgradeable machines that can get both more slots and speed upgrades?. and that by the time you get the resources to make ore quintupleing metals shouldn't be a problem. as for balancing it, there are theoretically many ways to do it, you could make osmium a rarer ore, like lead or silver, you could make it to require items from other mods to make it more late game, such as requiring a tortured enderman head from ender IO or buckets of bio-diesel from Immersive engineering. but yeah, those machines are really, really sweet just for the fact that you can process, what was it maxed out? 7 items at once? yeah, that's probably the issue
I see, wo what's the issue with it exactly? because I can ell you from experience that Mekanism ore quintupleing is a pain in the rear, or is it the upgradeable machines that can get both more slots and speed upgrades?. and that by the time you get the resources to make ore quintupleing metals shouldn't be a problem. as for balancing it, there are theoretically many ways to do it, you could make osmium a rarer ore, like lead or silver, you could make it to require items from other mods to make it more late game, such as requiring a tortured enderman head from ender IO or buckets of bio-diesel from Immersive engineering. but yeah, those machines are really, really sweet just for the fact that you can process, what was it maxed out? 7 items at once? yeah, that's probably the issue

Based off my experimentation, and therefore subject to personal opinion (individual results may vary):

Mekanism opens by trivializing steel production from other mods, namely RailCraft and Immersive Engineering. I know TE Induction Smelter can make it too, but because Mek relies so heavily on steel so early in the tech tree, it allows steel to be made quickly and automated relatively early. This could possibly be addressed by removing the steel recipe from the Metallurgic Infuser and forcing steel to be produced via other methods, which would slow the tech tree down considerably as you waited for Blast Furnaces to keep up with your demand.

Next is the Jetpack. Now, don't get me wrong, I love this thing, but flight trivializes many aspects of Minecraft challenge, and Mek offers flight very early and cheaply (what with fuel being a byproduct of your early ore processing). This alone alters the landscape of any pack, as most mods save flight for a mid-late game reward. This could be addressed with a recipe change to the Jetpack. Requiring Reinforced Alloy (or even Atomic Alloy), Vibrant Alloy, or Enderium Ingots in the place of the default Tin Ingots would help to better place it in most packs, although this may hinder it's appeal by doing so.

Power generation is something Mek is very good at, and for good reason. Once you get your 5x processing line set up and upgraded, it eats some serious juice. However, the scale is not proportionate to the scale of power generation in most other mainstream mods. For instance, a single Ethylene production line can create enough power to outclass many late game power options from other mods, while using fully sustainable renewable fuel. Even before that, a single Wind Turbine can supply fuel free power to farms and outposts at a very manageable price. Fixing this requires either substantial recipe tweaks and/or deep config adjustments to power generation. Unfortunately this means people will often just spam more to make up the difference, as the 5x processing is still power hungry (as I believe it should be).

The Digital Miner is wonderful, but amazingly powerful compared to other mining options available. It is usually disabled altogether when mixed with other mods, but it's worth mentioning.

The 5x ore processing is generally viewed as being overpowered, but if power is reduced at generation, it becomes a late game luxury rather than a mid game turning point. This does encourage people to spam power gen, however, which can be hard on servers. Left with default power generation, the 5x system quickly trivializes resource acquisition methods.

Mek machines cause a great many lighting updates. This is actually more of a personal bitch than anything, as my computer is subpar, but I think the point is valid. If special precautions aren't taken to stop it from happening, many of the Mek machines will stutter as the production line flows (making a single item, then shutting down or enough gas to run the next operation, for instance). When these machines are operating, they light up slightly, then go dim again when shut down. This stuttering of lighting updates can massacre my FPS in production areas. Taking the time to set up automatic shutoffs and limits can make this much better (less frequent updates due to batch building), but many people won't take the time/effort to do it. What's worse is building the entire setup and then finding out what the cause is (like I did), since fixing it in an area with single digit FPS can be quite frustrating.

The last time I played with it, Mek pipes and cables didn't play well with other mods, nor did those mods play well in return. It made mixed mod systems much more difficult to get running properly. This may already have been addressed, as this was at the beginning of the 1.10 window, so I leave it as a minor concern, but it was a concern enough to mention.

None of this is meant to dissuade anyone from using Mekanism, nor to discourage it's inclusion in future FTB packs. If you haven't already tried Mek, it's worth a highly recommended play through. This was meant more to showcase some of the inconsistencies between Mekanism and the field at large which tends to leave Me on the outside looking in. All of them can be addressed and overcome, given the time, drive, and proper testing. In the end, I do hope to see Mek in more packs in the future, as the mod itself is very well done and worth a bit more spotlight.