Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

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pls remove Runic Dungeons form the packs because if u right click on the guardian stone you get an instand DC loop which is reported on the git repro from Runic Dungeons since 2015! Well, you can also disable the guardian stones in the config but then I see no sense to use this mod. And to stop the DC loop you must shutdown the server/world, delet the RD-DIM and reconnect to the server or you edit the players files with NBT Explorer to reset the location an the DIM ID.
I don't get it why this was never checked even this error is reported since 2015!

Secound thing is why PR|Fabrication is not in Infinity Evolved by default? It is the only one part which is missing but all other parts are in it ... stupied in my eyes because if the full PR is in why throwing out one important module from it like Fabrication? Don't get this logic for it.
Based off my experimentation, and therefore subject to personal opinion (individual results may vary):

Mekanism opens by trivializing steel production from other mods, namely RailCraft and Immersive Engineering. I know TE Induction Smelter can make it too, but because Mek relies so heavily on steel so early in the tech tree, it allows steel to be made quickly and automated relatively early. This could possibly be addressed by removing the steel recipe from the Metallurgic Infuser and forcing steel to be produced via other methods, which would slow the tech tree down considerably as you waited for Blast Furnaces to keep up with your demand.

Next is the Jetpack. Now, don't get me wrong, I love this thing, but flight trivializes many aspects of Minecraft challenge, and Mek offers flight very early and cheaply (what with fuel being a byproduct of your early ore processing). This alone alters the landscape of any pack, as most mods save flight for a mid-late game reward. This could be addressed with a recipe change to the Jetpack. Requiring Reinforced Alloy (or even Atomic Alloy), Vibrant Alloy, or Enderium Ingots in the place of the default Tin Ingots would help to better place it in most packs, although this may hinder it's appeal by doing so.

Power generation is something Mek is very good at, and for good reason. Once you get your 5x processing line set up and upgraded, it eats some serious juice. However, the scale is not proportionate to the scale of power generation in most other mainstream mods. For instance, a single Ethylene production line can create enough power to outclass many late game power options from other mods, while using fully sustainable renewable fuel. Even before that, a single Wind Turbine can supply fuel free power to farms and outposts at a very manageable price. Fixing this requires either substantial recipe tweaks and/or deep config adjustments to power generation. Unfortunately this means people will often just spam more to make up the difference, as the 5x processing is still power hungry (as I believe it should be).

The Digital Miner is wonderful, but amazingly powerful compared to other mining options available. It is usually disabled altogether when mixed with other mods, but it's worth mentioning.

The 5x ore processing is generally viewed as being overpowered, but if power is reduced at generation, it becomes a late game luxury rather than a mid game turning point. This does encourage people to spam power gen, however, which can be hard on servers. Left with default power generation, the 5x system quickly trivializes resource acquisition methods.

Mek machines cause a great many lighting updates. This is actually more of a personal bitch than anything, as my computer is subpar, but I think the point is valid. If special precautions aren't taken to stop it from happening, many of the Mek machines will stutter as the production line flows (making a single item, then shutting down or enough gas to run the next operation, for instance). When these machines are operating, they light up slightly, then go dim again when shut down. This stuttering of lighting updates can massacre my FPS in production areas. Taking the time to set up automatic shutoffs and limits can make this much better (less frequent updates due to batch building), but many people won't take the time/effort to do it. What's worse is building the entire setup and then finding out what the cause is (like I did), since fixing it in an area with single digit FPS can be quite frustrating.

The last time I played with it, Mek pipes and cables didn't play well with other mods, nor did those mods play well in return. It made mixed mod systems much more difficult to get running properly. This may already have been addressed, as this was at the beginning of the 1.10 window, so I leave it as a minor concern, but it was a concern enough to mention.

None of this is meant to dissuade anyone from using Mekanism, nor to discourage it's inclusion in future FTB packs. If you haven't already tried Mek, it's worth a highly recommended play through. This was meant more to showcase some of the inconsistencies between Mekanism and the field at large which tends to leave Me on the outside looking in. All of them can be addressed and overcome, given the time, drive, and proper testing. In the end, I do hope to see Mek in more packs in the future, as the mod itself is very well done and worth a bit more spotlight.

I think most of the issues you've mentioned could be solved if Immersive Engineering and/or Tech Reborn had their own 5x ore processing mechanics. I'm a fan of IE's answer to steel production and use that exclusively for steel production in my playthrough. I'm also a fan of Tech Reborn's Industrial Grinder. I haven't made one yet, but I love how you can get 2x ore output plus 100% chance of a secondary output and a tiny pile of tertiary output if you use water. If you use chemicals like mercury, you can get a 3x primary output plus 100% chance of secondary output and a normal pile of tertiary output. It's like a grinder and ore washing plant all in one. I think that concept could be taken even further to 4x and 5x outputs if push comes to shove. I do like the crusher from IE, but the thing that holds it back for me for ore processing is that it doesn't have a secondary and/or tertiary output. If it had those things, I think it would be about as good as the Ender IO SAG Mills I use for early game processing. I think the mixer could be used as an ore washing plant by pumping dirty metal dust plus water or acid into it to get clean metal dust plus byproducts.

If FTB Beyond 2.0 comes around, I bet you could make IE the only way to make steel and the Industrial Grinder the only way to get 3x, 4x, and 5x ore processing or something similar. The only problem is that those mods use two different power systems, so you have to make your power infrastructure twice. Personally, I'd just use Diesel power for everything to make things simpler.

By the way, as for what mods I'd like to see in FTB Packs, I'd love to see MineFactory Reloaded included as a default mod. I'm a huge fan of its farming and ranching options. I haven't seen any other mod that adds a fruit picker or a rancher. I also really like how pink slime is used for higher tier products. Also, I would like to use chunkloaders again. I might lose the ability to claim chunks and such, but I found it more annoying and tougher to use than I thought.
Based off my experimentation, and therefore subject to personal opinion (individual results may vary):

Mekanism opens by trivializing steel production from other mods, namely RailCraft and Immersive Engineering. I know TE Induction Smelter can make it too, but because Mek relies so heavily on steel so early in the tech tree, it allows steel to be made quickly and automated relatively early. This could possibly be addressed by removing the steel recipe from the Metallurgic Infuser and forcing steel to be produced via other methods, which would slow the tech tree down considerably as you waited for Blast Furnaces to keep up with your demand.

Next is the Jetpack. Now, don't get me wrong, I love this thing, but flight trivializes many aspects of Minecraft challenge, and Mek offers flight very early and cheaply (what with fuel being a byproduct of your early ore processing). This alone alters the landscape of any pack, as most mods save flight for a mid-late game reward. This could be addressed with a recipe change to the Jetpack. Requiring Reinforced Alloy (or even Atomic Alloy), Vibrant Alloy, or Enderium Ingots in the place of the default Tin Ingots would help to better place it in most packs, although this may hinder it's appeal by doing so.

Power generation is something Mek is very good at, and for good reason. Once you get your 5x processing line set up and upgraded, it eats some serious juice. However, the scale is not proportionate to the scale of power generation in most other mainstream mods. For instance, a single Ethylene production line can create enough power to outclass many late game power options from other mods, while using fully sustainable renewable fuel. Even before that, a single Wind Turbine can supply fuel free power to farms and outposts at a very manageable price. Fixing this requires either substantial recipe tweaks and/or deep config adjustments to power generation. Unfortunately this means people will often just spam more to make up the difference, as the 5x processing is still power hungry (as I believe it should be).

The Digital Miner is wonderful, but amazingly powerful compared to other mining options available. It is usually disabled altogether when mixed with other mods, but it's worth mentioning.

The 5x ore processing is generally viewed as being overpowered, but if power is reduced at generation, it becomes a late game luxury rather than a mid game turning point. This does encourage people to spam power gen, however, which can be hard on servers. Left with default power generation, the 5x system quickly trivializes resource acquisition methods.

Mek machines cause a great many lighting updates. This is actually more of a personal bitch than anything, as my computer is subpar, but I think the point is valid. If special precautions aren't taken to stop it from happening, many of the Mek machines will stutter as the production line flows (making a single item, then shutting down or enough gas to run the next operation, for instance). When these machines are operating, they light up slightly, then go dim again when shut down. This stuttering of lighting updates can massacre my FPS in production areas. Taking the time to set up automatic shutoffs and limits can make this much better (less frequent updates due to batch building), but many people won't take the time/effort to do it. What's worse is building the entire setup and then finding out what the cause is (like I did), since fixing it in an area with single digit FPS can be quite frustrating.

The last time I played with it, Mek pipes and cables didn't play well with other mods, nor did those mods play well in return. It made mixed mod systems much more difficult to get running properly. This may already have been addressed, as this was at the beginning of the 1.10 window, so I leave it as a minor concern, but it was a concern enough to mention.

None of this is meant to dissuade anyone from using Mekanism, nor to discourage it's inclusion in future FTB packs. If you haven't already tried Mek, it's worth a highly recommended play through. This was meant more to showcase some of the inconsistencies between Mekanism and the field at large which tends to leave Me on the outside looking in. All of them can be addressed and overcome, given the time, drive, and proper testing. In the end, I do hope to see Mek in more packs in the future, as the mod itself is very well done and worth a bit more spotlight.

Thank you for the incredibly detailed breakdown of Mekanism machines, to address your points in order
Steel could definitely be reserved to IE or RC
I don't remember the jetpack being cheap, but it could be more expensive, and most jetpacks run on RF, which can be extremely easy to generate
yeah. the power thing is a major issue, but doesn't it technically use a separate power system that can convert to RF and visa versa? so maybe make it so that 1 joule (that's what it's power units where called, correct?) be something like 1/10 of 1 RF/FU/Tesla, that would convert the 10,00 RF/t ethylene generator to 1000 RF/t, seems MUCH more reasonable, also, isn't spamming power already a thing? what's the difference between placing 10 Mekanism windmills instead of 10 IE windmills?
yeah, the digital miner's awesome
I never really saw the 5x ore processing as OP, if only because it's a pain in the rear to set up
don't think I've ever combod mek pipes with other pipes, although I do remember them being frustrating in close quarters
that could probably be disabled

Personally, I feel the strongest thing in Mekanism is the factory system. AKA being able to add multiple slots to 1 machine, at max tier, a machine could have 11 slots ( I think) which, combined with speed upgrades and energy upgrades, made these things ludicrously fast. something else to note is that expert mode packs can potentially use these things to there advantage, such as how PO2 Kappa mode used Palladium Crystals as a bottle neck (these required you to go to Jupiter then put them into the machine that quintupled the ores (before you ask, there quintupled ores had to go through the whole process befor they could be smelted, so they had to go through the quadrupler, then the Tripler, than the doubler)

Also, could we get cyclic? there are a couple things that may be a bit powerful (such as the inventory upgrade) but I mostly want the Password trigger. Basically it's a block that if you put a password into, then say that password in chat, it will emit a redstone signal (or a pulse) and delete that chat message. it may be a bit powerfull, but the concept is really cool. Practical uses could be setting up a wither skeleton farm and turning it on or off by saying "trigger wither skeleton" in chat, you could have an evil layer and activate defenses by saying "trigger defenses" in chat, or using a second block per defense to activate each set individually, it's just really cool with lots of potential
Thank you for the incredibly detailed breakdown of Mekanism machines, to address your points in order
Steel could definitely be reserved to IE or RC
I don't remember the jetpack being cheap, but it could be more expensive, and most jetpacks run on RF, which can be extremely easy to generate
yeah. the power thing is a major issue, but doesn't it technically use a separate power system that can convert to RF and visa versa? so maybe make it so that 1 joule (that's what it's power units where called, correct?) be something like 1/10 of 1 RF/FU/Tesla, that would convert the 10,00 RF/t ethylene generator to 1000 RF/t, seems MUCH more reasonable, also, isn't spamming power already a thing? what's the difference between placing 10 Mekanism windmills instead of 10 IE windmills?
yeah, the digital miner's awesome
I never really saw the 5x ore processing as OP, if only because it's a pain in the rear to set up
don't think I've ever combod mek pipes with other pipes, although I do remember them being frustrating in close quarters
that could probably be disabled

Personally, I feel the strongest thing in Mekanism is the factory system. AKA being able to add multiple slots to 1 machine, at max tier, a machine could have 11 slots ( I think) which, combined with speed upgrades and energy upgrades, made these things ludicrously fast. something else to note is that expert mode packs can potentially use these things to there advantage, such as how PO2 Kappa mode used Palladium Crystals as a bottle neck (these required you to go to Jupiter then put them into the machine that quintupled the ores (before you ask, there quintupled ores had to go through the whole process befor they could be smelted, so they had to go through the quadrupler, then the Tripler, than the doubler)

Also, could we get cyclic? there are a couple things that may be a bit powerful (such as the inventory upgrade) but I mostly want the Password trigger. Basically it's a block that if you put a password into, then say that password in chat, it will emit a redstone signal (or a pulse) and delete that chat message. it may be a bit powerfull, but the concept is really cool. Practical uses could be setting up a wither skeleton farm and turning it on or off by saying "trigger wither skeleton" in chat, you could have an evil layer and activate defenses by saying "trigger defenses" in chat, or using a second block per defense to activate each set individually, it's just really cool with lots of potential
The mekanism jetpack runs on Hydrogen which you need a few machines to make, a Metalurgic Infuser, a Hydrolitic Seperator and a grinder, crusher, pulverizer.
I love the Mekanism for one reason you only need one generator for all your machines. Ic2, RF Mekanism all can connect and accept power from the Universal Cables. But yes the power systems are quite OP. The Gas-Burning Generator can produce 5K RF a tick and takes barely anything to make.
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I found a way to balance Mekanism in Beyond!... It seemed so simple. Don't OreDictionary the Mekanism Steel with the other steel. And make mekanism power only be able to power mekanism machines. For instance. A mekanism crusher can accept RF, EU, And Joules, but Mekanism Generators only Make Joules. So say an Actually Additions Empower can't accept Joules.
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I found a way to balance Mekanism in Beyond!... It seemed so simple. Don't OreDictionary the Mekanism Steel with the other steel. And make mekanism power only be able to power mekanism machines. For instance. A mekanism crusher can accept RF, EU, And Joules, but Mekanism Generators only Make Joules. So say an Actually Additions Empower can't accept Joules.

or just change the joule/RF ratio. so perhaps 1 joule=20 RF/FE
I found a way to balance Mekanism in Beyond!... It seemed so simple. Don't OreDictionary the Mekanism Steel with the other steel. And make mekanism power only be able to power mekanism machines. For instance. A mekanism crusher can accept RF, EU, And Joules, but Mekanism Generators only Make Joules. So say an Actually Additions Empower can't accept Joules.
I actually think this is a pretty good idea! Mekanism then stands alone - its progression wouldn't inhibit the progression of other mods, and if you wanted to balance out the flight, maybe have the jetpack require, or be required for, something else. I should also mention: apparently Mekanism armour is considered by some to be actually quite OP - at least in terms of vanilla and Botania stuff. Probably not so much when put against Draconic Evolution, mind you.
I actually think this is a pretty good idea! Mekanism then stands alone - its progression wouldn't inhibit the progression of other mods, and if you wanted to balance out the flight, maybe have the jetpack require, or be required for, something else. I should also mention: apparently Mekanism armour is considered by some to be actually quite OP - at least in terms of vanilla and Botania stuff. Probably not so much when put against Draconic Evolution, mind you.
what armor does ek have? all I can think of are the free runners, which exchange durability and protection for fall damage immunity and step assist. the jetpack, which we just discussed, the oxygen tank, which allows you to breath under water (I assume, never used it) and ofcourse the osmium gear, which is just better iron
what armor does ek have? all I can think of are the free runners, which exchange durability and protection for fall damage immunity and step assist. the jetpack, which we just discussed, the oxygen tank, which allows you to breath under water (I assume, never used it) and ofcourse the osmium gear, which is just better iron
Refined Glowstone, Lapis, Steel, they're about the same as Osmium gear. None of them are better than Diamond I think.
Two words:

Obsidian Armour.

It's made with refined obsidian ingots and gives you 30 points of armour, meaning that in theory it blocks all damage that can be blocked by armour, apparently.
Yeah but its still a pain to make.
There are definitely a fair few steps - which seems entirely in keeping when put up against something like Terrasteel, Thaumium Fortress, or Draconic armour. They're all a pain to make, and worth the effort!

Also, what's even more of a pain is making all the ingots needed for Obsidian armour, only to try and make it and discover that module isn't in the modpack :D You'd think I would have checked first, wouldn't you...
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There are definitely a fair few steps - which seems entirely in keeping when put up against something like Terrasteel, Thaumium Fortress, or Draconic armour. They're all a pain to make, and worth the effort!

Also, what's even more of a pain is making all the ingots needed for Obsidian armour, only to try and make it and discover that module isn't in the modpack :D You'd think I would have checked first, wouldn't you...
GG. Also I found that resource wise Mekanism steel is more expensive. Each steel ingot is 2 coal, while each immersive engineering steel is one. And Mekanism steel takes power to make, unlike the base Immersive Engineering blast furnace.
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GG. Also I found that resource wise Mekanism steel is more expensive. Each steel ingot is 2 coal, while each immersive engineering steel is one. And Mekanism steel takes power to make, unlike the base Immersive Engineering blast furnace.

Indeed, Mek Steel requires more coal than an IimmEng or RailCraft setup, but one extra coal per steel is more than good enough for the upgrade in speed. Even TE has a Steel recipe that uses multiple coal, and that uses power as well. Seriously, power is of small consequence except for early game, and coal is hardly a resource in short supply either, outside of the early going. Most people rush power gen in packs, and by mid game, most people are sitting on a stockpile of coal, especially when power gen exists that doesn't rely on just burnable fuel (Mek Biofuel, for instance).
GG. Also I found that resource wise Mekanism steel is more expensive. Each steel ingot is 2 coal, while each immersive engineering steel is one. And Mekanism steel takes power to make, unlike the base Immersive Engineering blast furnace.
actually, once you get 4 steel you can make an enrichment chamber which you can use to upgrade you coal to a 1-4 ratio for steel,
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Eh, finally responded, Still more resource intensive than the IC2 steel, which is no Coal.
This is true - and going back to your original suggestion: by making the steel restricted to Mekanism only, along with the power being Joules, those seem like a good way to balance.

One more thing NC: what would be your thoughts on having it sort of "partially" OreDicted - by that I mean that the Mek machines require Mekanism steel, BUT Mekanism steel can be used in lower-tier items/machines from other mods, that just require any sort of steel?
This is true - and going back to your original suggestion: by making the steel restricted to Mekanism only, along with the power being Joules, those seem like a good way to balance.

One more thing NC: what would be your thoughts on having it sort of "partially" OreDicted - by that I mean that the Mek machines require Mekanism steel, BUT Mekanism steel can be used in lower-tier items/machines from other mods, that just require any sort of steel?
Ah not a bad idea, but I think a swapped version would be good, other steel can be used in Mekanism machines but Mekanism steel can only be used for Mekanism, so Mekanism doesn't break other mods but can still be used.
This is true - and going back to your original suggestion: by making the steel restricted to Mekanism only, along with the power being Joules, those seem like a good way to balance.

One more thing NC: what would be your thoughts on having it sort of "partially" OreDicted - by that I mean that the Mek machines require Mekanism steel, BUT Mekanism steel can be used in lower-tier items/machines from other mods, that just require any sort of steel?

Ah not a bad idea, but I think a swapped version would be good, other steel can be used in Mekanism machines but Mekanism steel can only be used for Mekanism, so Mekanism doesn't break other mods but can still be used.

If I were setting up a pack based off this, I might consider needing non-Mek steel in place of iron to create Mek steel. Regrowth did something similar, where all steel recipes, Me included, instead made (Garden Stuff) Wrought Iron, which required a Coke Oven to convert to Steel. That might not be it exactly, as it's been a while since I've played the pack, but it was something along those lines, and it significantly slowed down progression into Mek (as did a few other base recipe tweaks, which compounded as you delved further). It also meant that even though the Mek machines were fast, Steel was still roughly equivalent throughout the pack.

As I've stated before, Mek is a great mod, but it requires more than just a simple nip and tuck to make it play level with everything else.
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