More news about FTB's Future. (Important announcement)

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It is a fantastic thing Slowpoke. I think that many of us want to buy official FTB t-shirts and stuff. It is good that we can do it and help you out at the same time.
Slaps herby.

Yes, you should expect FTB to be months behind after every update.
Why the freck wouldn't it.
It did not take month to get 1.5 for FTB...

It's not the FTB's fault. They have to wait of mod makers.
Here you show how little you know man...the FTB launcher does not need to wait for any mods to update only the FTB mod packs have to wait.

It's not the mod makers fault. They aren't the ones changing minecraft.
It's not the people at minecraft's fault. You do want Minecraft to update don't you?
See your so far off the topic...we are taking about the Feed The Beast Launcher and Feed The Beast Website...we are not talking about Feed The Beast Mod Packs.

So ultimately it's YOUR FAULT that FTB hasn't updated yet. And if you don't like it then shut your yap and let them get back to work.
Did you know that it was also my fault for the Black Plegue, both World Wars, and the Breakup of the Beatles? I figured that since it has been so long since something was my fault that I would make the FTB team say that the new launcher would be out a few weeks after the 1.6 update but 4 months is not a few weeks; it is a few months.

Seriously unless you are a programer you have no right to complain about how long it takes.
I was a programmer before I moved to Hawaii.

Because you obviously have know idea how long it takes.
Many programs take teams of people years to make and months to update. Some of the mods created are at lest as complicated to update as minecraft is.
I was not talking about mods...If the feed the beast people where not spending all this time making a new site then the new launcher that would let us play 1.6.x games might have been out by now. THAT is my point...but you make it sound like I am just complaining about mod packs not being updated...
Here this will be news for you...Even IF ALL mods where up todate then we still could not play mod packs like DW20s because the Feed The Beast Launcher will not play 1.6 minecraft you fool.

If you don't believe me please try learning programing. Feel free to make your own mod. Or better yet find one of them that's open source and hasn't updated yet and update it yourself. Don't just complain about it. Do something about it.

To Quote Slowpoke "Please feel free to post negative comments if you wish"
There is nothing wrong with me thinking that they should focus on making the launcher work for 1.6.x BEFORE they spend all this time making a "store" to get money. SO BACK OFF! I was only doing what Slowpoke said we could do so if you do not like it then to bad.
To Herbycanopy just so you are aware, we have different people working on the website and the launcher. On top of that the shop is being built by an outside company and very little of it is being done in house. I hope that meets your approval?
To Herbycanopy just so you are aware, we have different people working on the website and the launcher. On top of that the shop is being built by an outside company and very little of it is being done in house.
That sounds great...I just did not like the idea of time being spent else where when the launcher is so important.

I hope that meets your approval?
You make it sound like I am in the wrong for posting my ideas like you asked.
This sounds like a wonderful idea. I hope that you all will be well compensated for your efforts. I'm happy for the FREE service you are providing. Depending on pricing and my financial situation, I may end up with one of those T-shirts:) I will feel a bit silly wearing it though as a 40ish old man. I can think of few if any entertainment business's worthy of my dollars.
I am happy to read this news Slowpoke. I think it's great you guys will be able to get more funding for the work you have been doing on the launcher, forums, website and everything else you do. I also hope this means there could be an official FTB server, and a forgecraft type server where people can help beta test new iterations of the mods. Yes, before I get blasted by non-reading people, I understand that FTB has no say in Forgecraft which is why I stated Forgecraft TYPE server.

Anywho, good luck with getting another sponsor and I hope you, and the team, are able to make enough to quit your day job and do this for a living. There is nothing wrong with finding a way to earn revenue off the hobbies you love, This world would be a happier place if more people loved what they did for the money they earn.
I think advertising on the website is a great idea, so long as the advertisements do not distract from the website contents, or pop-ups, advertising is a relatively painless free way to make revenue off a website with high traffic, like you have.
Will the merchandise be printed in the USA or in UK as well? The cost of shipping from the USA to UK is often more than the cost of the T-shirt itself. I was looking at the Direwolf20 shirts but the shipping costs were prohibitive.
I.. would actually probably buy a FTB-themed shirt - probably based on FTB Ultimate, despite me using FTB Unleashed. I just think that the FTB Ultimate designs are great to just be "FTB" in general, encompassing every mod without picking a specific pack.
Shipping costs, however.. my opinions are the same as @Tjdeals above.

And I don't mind that you turn FTB into a business, as long as the core FTB experience remains untouched. Which is basically the launcher and the mods, and you already said you weren't going to touch that, so woo! (But as soon as I see any intrusive* ads in the launcher, or MC mod content becomes pay-to-use, that'll be the moment I switch back to Tekkit - permissions or not.)

*By this, I specifically mean ads that intrude on what you're doing or are difficult to ignore. Side-ads which you can easily ignore are fine.
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I would definitely buy one of the shirts ^.^

If i wasnt currently saving for new computer parts -.-

But besides that i like the idea of it. Good work from such an awesome group
So to summarize want's to sell shirts... Fair enough.
As for the ads, two words; cautious optimism.
Ads tend to infuriate me in an irrational and inordinate fashion. Even if they are for things that I like or would be helpful I'm always "fuckofffuckoff-skippskip. get out of my way...".
I know companies need to get their brand out but frankly... I simply don't care. Adverts simply don't work as intended on me.

Then again has to get really really annoying with it's adds for me to consider not playing FTB's packs.
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I'm okay with this. Also, is there or will there ever be a place where you can upload/download custom modpacks? Tekkit has a similar feature on their website and i would love to see some the custom packs that people have put together (with mod pack permissions of course).

Actually I don't see any problems because - as mentioned above - money will NOT be generated from the FTB Launcher itself nor from the mods. Money will only be generated from selling stuff like T-Shirts and similar stuff referencing FTB. Mod authors are allowed to sell shirts containing their apropriate logos and similar stuff or are able to tell the FTB-Team to use their logos.
Again: All you "need" to use (Download and usage of the launcher as well as downloading and usage of modpacks) is and will always be free.

As for ads... Hmm, don't like ads very much but as long as they don't bug me (i.e. anoying pop-ups) I don't really care much.
Slowpoke - glad to see that you guys have decided to take this step. It's a step that I saw the FTB team needing to take almost a year ago, and I understand the desire to keep money out of it, but you have a brand here, and you need to protect that. As to the products, I know everyone is super excited about a shirt & hoodie, but I'll be honest...I'm pretty much a fatass and none of the clothing stuff online will cater to us larger folks, so if you guys decide to make an FTB ballcap, I'm in. Or even a porkpie style like Notch wears or a fedora. Feed the Hat. :D Anyways, good on ya for doing what needs to be done.
You do realize that most tech companies charge through the nose for customer service telephone calls these days, unless you purchase a coverage subscription, right? Some don't even give access to on-line forums that are of real use unless you subscribe. Microsoft MDSN ring a bell? You've probably never heard of it unless your company subscribes. Try getting free help from Cisco, or just about any computer manufacturer like Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc.

Stop demanding superior performance when you don't pay for it.
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So I was on a logmcdw20 server and it says I have to be on 1.5.2 launcher I think, but no matter if I update, I'm still 1.4.7, what do I do?
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