Mod Pack: Monster
Mod & Version: 1.1.1, Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: none
Whats the bug? When connecting a pulverizer via energy conduit (only tried leadstone and hardened ones so far) to a redstone energy cell, it doesn't get charged at all (output side on the cell is set correctly and to 300 RF/t). The pulverizer only gains power when placed directly next to the energy cell.
Can it be repeated? I placed the machines like 32 blocks away, but the issue persists
Known Fix: none, afaik
View attachment 11236
Mod Pack: Monster
Mod & Version: 1.1.1 of monster, I have not updated any packs, so they are as in "vanilla" monster
Pastebin link to crash log: no crash, nothing showing odd in the logs
Whats the bug?
1) I can't craft cans/cells in IC2 and the NEI doesn't show any recipes for them either
2) Thaumcraft vis crystals don't seem to generate in any world.
I have checked the config files for all IC2 related mods, and all Thaumcraft related mos, and everything is turned on as it should be for both mods
Can it be repeated? I don't know outside of my personal ftb, but I have neither found the crystals, nor ever managed to craft cells
Known Fix: not that i can find anywhere on the interwebz
mod pack: monster version 1.1.1
mod and version: chisel 1.5.0
whats the bug? when ever i use the chisel on stone it makes its go invisible and i have to relog to see it again.
can it be repeated? yes every time i click vanilla stone
known fix: relog or place a block in the same block as the invisible stone.
nope dont use any version of it never have needed it.
Mod Pack: Monster 1.1.1
Mod & Version: Appeng 14.finale3/IC2 Exp 2.0.397
Pastebin link to crash log: none
Whats the bug? ID issue with autocrafting MFSU with the autocrafted energy crystal - Energy crystal ID to be autocrafted is 30241:26 - when crafted and it goes into the ME system, the ID changes to 30241:27 - however, the MFSU is looking for the 30241:26 ID. If I take the crystal and put it into my inventory (because I was going to 'change' the recipe), the ID auto changes to 30241:26. AE freezes until it finds ID :26
Another test - the compressor uses the ID 30241:27 and therefore AE keeps that ID in it's inventory. If I pick the crystal up and move it to my inventory, the ID becomes 30241:26. - Therefore when placing that into the autocraft pattern, it will never find that ID unless I touch each energy crystal manually
Can it be repeated? Yes, Always
Known Fix: Craft it yourself![]()
Mod Pack: Monster
Mod & Version: 1.1.1, Thermal Expansion
Pastebin link to crash log: none
Whats the bug? When connecting a pulverizer via energy conduit (only tried leadstone and hardened ones so far) to a redstone energy cell, it doesn't get charged at all (output side on the cell is set correctly and to 300 RF/t). The pulverizer only gains power when placed directly next to the energy cell.
Can it be repeated? I placed the machines like 32 blocks away, but the issue persists
Known Fix: none, afaik
View attachment 11236
Do you have Lycanites Mobs installed? This is a bug in earlier versions of that mod, including the one included in FTB Monster. I believe it's because it doesn't despawn its own monsters, meaning that there's no "room" for vanilla mobs. Upgrading it to 1.4.11c or higher should solve this.Mod Pack: Monster
Mod & Version: 1.1.1
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug? I have no more hostile mobs in the overworld... They are in other dimensions (nether, twilight forest, mystcraft etc...) but not in overworld.
Can it be repeated? Yup
Known Fix: Nope
Do you have Lycanites Mobs installed? This is a bug in earlier versions of that mod, including the one included in FTB Monster. I believe it's because it doesn't despawn its own monsters, meaning that there's no "room" for vanilla mobs. Upgrading it to 1.4.11c or higher should solve this.