Mod Pack Update

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
PS. To the people saying we are waiting on redpower this is not true. As stated in previous news posts we are no longer going to be waiting on redpower and future packs will most probably not contain is as we could be waiting for an infinite time. That said if it does appear we would consider readding it to the packs. To put it plainly our eggs are not in that basket.

So I guess the rumor about it being in a 1.6 update is false. Guess I'll either have to rely on another microblock/colored lamp mod or hope it updates in the future.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The sense of entitlement never ceases to amaze me. This is a free mod pack put together for free and developed in free time. If you aren't happy with the speed of updates perhaps you should try putting together a modpack of you own and see how you get on. I'm sure server owners can survive on the current version for a bit longer. i'd much rather wait for a fully functional modpack than a buggy one that could cause trouble.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The sense of entitlement never ceases to amaze me. This is a free mod pack put together for free and developed in free time. If you aren't happy with the speed of updates perhaps you should try putting together a modpack of you own and see how you get on. I'm sure server owners can survive on the current version for a bit longer. i'd much rather wait for a fully functional modpack than a buggy one that could cause trouble.

Been there, doing that, it's not hard, all I was after was some sort of update and none of these posts would be appearing if FTB would be more pro-active, rather than being re-active. But then if CWW is away then that also explains why there's been no updates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The sense of entitlement never ceases to amaze me. This is a free mod pack put together for free and developed in free time. If you aren't happy with the speed of updates perhaps you should try putting together a modpack of you own and see how you get on. I'm sure server owners can survive on the current version for a bit longer. i'd much rather wait for a fully functional modpack than a buggy one that could cause trouble.

I have one, thanks. It's working great.

Wanting an update after we were told the pack was set to release last week is not entitlement. It's expecting someone to stay true to their word, or update if they can't. I do not feel entitled to receiving a pack. I do feel entitled to receiving communication. That's not a bad thing, so please stop acting as if it is.

And people toss around the word free as if that means we are unable to have an opinion on something because it's free. That's ridiculous.

I'm very appreciative of the work they put in, and glad that FTB is an option, and being able to see where they are flawed (communication) does not detract from that.

Thanks captainnana for the update, it's very much appreciated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could of sworn 1.1.0 has been up for more than a week. If it's the one with the EE3 minium stone bug I tried it quite a while ago and reverted back again.

Still thx for communication. Hope no one gives him a hard time for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have one, thanks. It's working great.

Wanting an update after we were told the pack was set to release last week is not entitlement. It's expecting someone to stay true to their word, or update if they can't. I do not feel entitled to receiving a pack. I do feel entitled to receiving communication. That's not a bad thing, so please stop acting as if it is.

And people toss around the word free as if that means we are unable to have an opinion on something because it's free. That's ridiculous.

I'm very appreciative of the work they put in, and glad that FTB is an option, and being able to see where they are flawed (communication) does not detract from that.

Thanks captainnana for the update, it's very much appreciated.

^ This.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread is why I say we shouldn't do ETA's even with a disclaimer saying we might not meet our goals. I have no problem with people criticizing the fact that it was said we would do XYZ because its common knowledge that people don't read the disclaimer that says we might not meet those dates. So to reiterate what I said before the official ETA is "It will be released when its ready" because that is the most honest answer anyone at FTB can give you (or anyone in any organisation for that matter) sometimes things happen that mean we can't do what we planned such as mods not being ready or real life circumstances. We cant do anything about that but I understand that people want to be kept informed so if you ever want information about updates ETC you can tweet at us on @FTB_Team we might not reply directly but if it is something that needs an answer I'll try my best.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread is why I say we shouldn't do ETA's even with a disclaimer saying we might not meet our goals. I have no problem with people criticizing the fact that it was said we would do XYZ because its common knowledge that people don't read the disclaimer that says we might not meet those dates. So to reiterate what I said before the official ETA is "It will be released when its ready" because that is the most honest answer anyone at FTB can give you (or anyone in any organisation for that matter) sometimes things happen that mean we can't do what we planned such as mods not being ready or real life circumstances. We cant do anything about that but I understand that people want to be kept informed so if you ever want information about updates ETC you can tweet at us on @FTB_Team we might not reply directly but if it is something that needs an answer I'll try my best.

Just to be clear, I was referring to the post prior to this. Slow made it pretty clear in *this* post that you guys would do your best, but no promises. I got that. Added to that, a week later you post an update, just to keep us in the loop - you guys are trying, and I (at least) notice/appreciate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not ETA's we want it more regular communication as to what's going on. CWW's mod pack post is almost a month old with no mention of scrapping 1.0.2 and moving it all to 1.1.0, with no mention of problems.

The information maybe posted elsewhere but not in the post it's meant to be in and it's these lack of information updates that leads to this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't see why everyone is so desperately annoyed, don't get me wrong that it is rather annoying that their is little communication between the mod pack makers and the community, but at the end of the day, you can live without the 1.5.1/1.5.2 update for a few more days. One of the main reasons people are upset I guess is that the makers publically announced a 1.5.1 pack, gave an approximate ETA, which in hindsight they shouldn't have done probably, and now that people are being kept waiting, they are getting frustrated and take it out on the mod developers, even though many of them most likely have no idea what is going on behind the scenes and the intricacies that might be involved in assembling this particular pack.

Just my take on things, but I will be patient for as long as it takes, and I suggest that those of you who are taking up arms do the same.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is just tekkit all over again

That's not necessarily true. Tekkit went under because Bukkit wasn't being updated properly anymore or wasn't working with Minecraft, plus normal Forge mods wouldn't work on Bukkit servers. There is no indication FTB is going under at all, just that there is some obvious complication with one or several updates.

Hopefully 1.1 has received sufficient bug fixing to be released as recommended either today or in the near future.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't see why everyone is so desperately annoyed
Comments like these are why these discussions escalate into flamewars. No-one is 'desperately annoyed', we're just asking for an update on whether they are closer to releasing. Perfectly reasonable as the FTB crew posted saying they expect it to be released within a couple of days (mid last week).

Mazeus Xenon

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a web developer myself, I know goals and ETAs are great, but rarely on target. ETA even means Estimated Time of Arrival, not a specific date. And while I am very, VERY anxious to get a 1.5.x version out, and I want it with RedPower, I am not going to get it unless something happens outside of my control. And you know why? I am not the one writing or testing. If you are, then you have a say in it. Until then, either mod it yourself, or just chillax. Do I want to wait for a 1.6 release of the Ultimate Pack? No, but I have to. Would it do any good to complain? Not really - no magic wands here to just get it done. I think the folks at FTP do a great job but unless they live, breathe, eat, and sleep FTP (I'm sure some do), I doubt it is going to get done any after than it is. And then, the mods may not all be done and if - heaven forbid - they leave something out just to release it, people will complain about that.

So, play a solo game with 1.4.7 and see what fun you can have. Sit down and work with turtles and develop your own set of code for the upcoming server (lua isn't that bad to learn). Figure out all the nuances of Mystcraft so you know how to create that "perfect world" when you need it. Play with the Bukkit interface that is supposed to be out that works with FTB now. There are tons of things to do.

Oh, and if you are "bored" or "sick" of 1.4.7... don't play. There are a LOT of other games to play. Don't come here and post negativity when the majority just want to check quick on the status and hope the massive length of the thread makes people thing there is something important to know (heck, what I am wiring here is TDL anyway!!)

Keep up the work, all you modders and pack makers. I'll keep playing! If nothing else I can find a good seed or two (or 12) and see how they end up with the newest version!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Comments like these are why these discussions escalate into flamewars. No-one is 'desperately annoyed', we're just asking for an update on whether they are closer to releasing. Perfectly reasonable as the FTB crew posted saying they expect it to be released within a couple of days (mid last week).
Maybe my wording was a bit strong, but reading through some of the comments in the thread, it seems that there are a number of people that are pestering the developers because of the lack of an update, not asking for communication increase, but just bothering them about the time window in which it will be released.
If you want a better example of what I am on about read the most recent post bar mine, the keyword being Estimated as the person correctly says.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could of sworn 1.1.0 has been up for more than a week. If it's the one with the EE3 minium stone bug I tried it quite a while ago and reverted back again.

Still thx for communication. Hope no one gives him a hard time for it.
This bug is created by the inclusion of the specific factorization version. Just downgrade the version of factorization to 0.7.10 (the one used by the previous packs) and everything should work fine. This is what I did.

Oops. did not see someone posted the reply above on how to fix.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is just tekkit all over again
Do you think this because it is taking a little longer than normal to update the modpacks?
I'd saying they're doing a damn fine job.
Since August, they've provided:
1. Modpacks spanning 3 different 1.4.x builds.
2. A total of 12 modpacks, presently available in the launcher.
3. Provided 2 forms of the original map.
4. Created a new map.
5. Provided an easy (ish) way to download and use Direwolf20's maps.
6. Supported 3 different texturepacks for easy install and use in the launcher.
7. Provided support for private modpacks (including packing and distributing them).

That's in the last 9 months, and I'm sure I've missed a few things. Pretty darn good if you ask me.
(Edit: that's just the time I've spent watching progress, the launcher build had been in the works for a long time before that, and the launcher wasn't official until, I believe the end of October)
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