Mod Pack Update

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow....i thought we had finally got over this issue, soooo, they provide free content and you are going to try and say its unacceptable because it got popular? Stop being an ungrateful child. If anything this is the reason a lot of mod authors stop developing all together. 1 Large thing you are ignoring is that this is a hobby/side project for them. None of them make enough money off of the ad revenue (which from what i have heard is pretty abysmal at best) to make it even worth making the mod if they didn't enjoy it. A lot of them (Such as one of the main/lead devs from xycraft Soaryn) are college students who recently finished studying and taking there final exams so they probably just started working on the update as there College is and should be there top priority. Just be glad they dont make it a private mod or something. They could just release it on forgecraft or other private servers if they wanted too. But they choose to Graciously share it with the minecraft community. The LEAST you can do is show a bit of self control and keep any comments to yourself and wait patiently like the rest of us, and any server owners who shutdown their servers to wait for the 1.5 update are idiots as everyone knows it can take quite a while to update.

But Gama you forgot about the part where they have to devote 100% of their time to us, so we can complain when something doesnt go our way. waaaaa waaaa!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But Gama you forgot about the part where they have to devote 100% of their time to us, so we can complain when something doesnt go our way. waaaaa waaaa!

You are both being even less mature than the person you are slamming for complaining, grow up and take your own advice about keeping comments to yourselves if it bothers you so much. I don't think the FTB team needs a bunch of white knights being unconstructive and obnoxious in their update threads. They seem mature enough to take feedback with a grain of salt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let me give you an example. When the new Xbox is announced on the 21st do you think it will have all the popular game titles within 2 months of the anticipated release

Your example is apples to oranges. Developers for the XBOX have contracts, publishers, deadlines, SLA's and all the other stuff that goes along with getting a title out for Hardware release. The devs for these mods aren't paid, have not contacts, publishers, SLAs or anything that resembles a deadline. They do this in their free time and have other obligations as well. To be fair, most of the mods have been updated to 1.5.2.

Now, don't get me wrong I am anxious too and wish the few that are straggling get the mods updated. However, its much better to show them appreciation for the work they do than try to pester them into moving at someone else's pace. So, telling them you appreciate the work they are doing for your entertainment might yield more and better results than telling them to get their asses in gear.

Further, if Mojang wouldn't update so often, or get the modding api out (which is weird they went with the bukkit team, but that's another rant) the mod authors wouldn't have to scramble to make their mod compatible and we wouldn't have a need for these "discussions"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Further, if Mojang wouldn't update so often, or get the modding api out (which is weird they went with the bukkit team, but that's another rant) the mod authors wouldn't have to scramble to make their mod compatible and we wouldn't have a need for these "discussions"

I gave up on that happening a long time ago, really glad Forge picks up Mojang's slack though. In terms of deadlines and the official API, Mojang is even worse than any mod developer, since they've been promising proper mod support for a good 3 years now and haven't delivered.

Their frequent updates wouldn't bother me if they weren't utterly useless. Most of what is added to the vanilla game can be achieved with mods, or does not add to the gameplay enough to even matter. Why don't they spend some time redesigning the lighting engine so we can have colored lights or adding in support for some kind of official microblock, or do something with the nether that wouldn't make it pointless instead of adding bats or a pointless boss with an ending to a game that doesn't even need one, or an April Fools joke that wasn't even funny?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was going to keep my opinion to myself, but there are 2 reasons why I decided against it.

1: It has been so long since most mods updated to 1.5.1. I would never complain about mod authors not updating fast enough for a new minecraft version. On the other hand I don't really get why the modpack makers need months to update, when the modmakers did the "real" work in a week or so. Yeah I'm aware that it IS a substantial amout of work to put a modpack together, but this starts to look ridiculous.

2: I found Slowpoke's stream on twitch by accident. Right now I have 2 windows open. On the left side I see Slowpoke playing on a 1.5.2 server closed to the public. On the right side I see these forums with a bunch of people begging to play 1.5.1, and the only reaction we get are empty promises every second week. Yeah Forgecraft is a test server, but it looks stable enough for me, at least for SSP. Anyone who can't handle a couple of bugs shouldn't play modded games anyway. Maybe some of the Forgecraft mods are not publicly available yet for 1.5.2, I haven't checked, don't know. But they pretty much all have public 1.5.1 releases. So why exactly is there no Forgecraft-like FTB pack out?

About 2 weeks ago I tried to put a 1.5.1 instance together for SSP with MultiMC. I pretty much wasted a day because I had no idea what the hell I was doing. After finding all the proper versions of all the mods, downloading them, figuring out which goes to core and which doesn't, then solving the id conflicts in the configs I managed to get the game start and freeze-lag out every time in 2 minutes or so. At this point I give up. I'd rather spend time playing the game than figuring out how to make it work.

If nothing happens on monday I will consider FTB dead and burried (together with Redpower), and look for other options. Don't take this as a complaint or a threat, because those are obviously ridiculous since FTB is free and everything. I only mean this post as a feedback towards the modpack I liked for a while.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Firstly, just imagine the creative and amusing insults to the 'naysayers'.

Secondly, there are issues with mods interacting with each other. Real ones. Issues that the hundreds of thousands of people who use the modpacks, would complain (and rightfully so) at a much higher volume than the individuals here because there's no 1.5.x release. Watching a stream of Forgecraft does not equal "it's ready". It is close, and there is final testing going on, and it will be released once it passes the tests required.

If it doesn't pass, it's not released. This is very, very simple logic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Secondly, there are issues with mods interacting with each other. Real ones. Issues that the hundreds of thousands of people who use the modpacks, would complain (and rightfully so) at a much higher volume than the individuals here because there's no 1.5.x release.

I can agree with that, what I can't agree with is "what issues?" there were some issues with FTB Ultimate 1.0.1 and would you look at that, they got us 1.1.0(AFTER!) to fix a bunch of them(not all)

Heck I even got a chunk reseting bug with a point blank nuke and a bunch of life charms II, I don't mind, I knew I was doing something retardedly silly. But one would consider a chunk resetting bug a severe issue.

I can agree with the sword hanging by a string overhead guy. How comes we see streams and lp videos with barely any bugs in them. I saw one or two bugs in DW20's videos and they don't seem that bad or gameplay breaking.

That said, I can also agree with mod authors that want to finish their project before releasing them, So they don't get annoying posts like "why did you not add X Y Z?!" when it's already in their Todo list. BUT! I can't understand why not port what they had in 1.4.7 to 1.5.1, release that, THEN work on new stuff, no matter how buggy, bug fixes will come with subsequent releases everyone knows that. You can even add a "USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS" in bright red letters beside the download link in their forum theads for those who don't actually understand/know that.

But meh, Everyone work in their own manner I guess, do they not? But certainly not "as a team".

You have a nice day


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I just wanted to say... Thanks to everyone at FTB and all the Mod Makers for all their hard work.

I would also like to say that I have been looking at a mod that I think would fit into any future packs. It is a Stargate mod with gates that can be used to teleport to other gates by inputting different addresses. It is fun and seems to work nicely.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One thing, why can't we help them test the new packs?

I might be wrong, but if I recal FTB staff put out a call for pack beta testers quite a while back.
I didn't apply. And most people who know what beta testing (not playing) entails didn't apply either.
Maybe that's a bit selfish, but I like to think I did them a favour by not wasteing their time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Because then people who don't understand the meaning of beta will complain about all the bugs and world resets.
thats the only reason why i think they should not get that public but cant they put like a warning thing there that says map resets and bugs are possible


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I've got a busy day today. Which sucks cause I'm susppose to be building modpacks."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might be wrong, but if I recal FTB staff put out a call for pack beta testers quite a while back.
I didn't apply. And most people who know what beta testing (not playing) entails didn't apply either.
Maybe that's a bit selfish, but I like to think I did them a favour by not wasteing their time.

I can relate. It's one thing to sneakily download a beta pack and use at own risk on a private server and never bother the devs about it, it's quite another to have to apply, putting your name on some kind of official list or document or at least publicly announcing your interest and then feel pressured to report findings or progress or feel guilty about not doing so...

Does the fact that I often do the former make me a terrible player? :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The natives are getting restless again. guys n gals yes we all want a new pack, but its not ready for public release we have 3 options as it stands.

1. Get a tad angry at no one in particular & have a little moan.
2. Wait patently for the promised packs.
3. Make your own.

I for one tend to try stick to option 2 & 3, mostly 3 as this way I can help feed my own fetish & dont feel the need for option 1.

Yes it really is that simple.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Firstly, just imagine the creative and amusing insults to the 'naysayers'.

Secondly, there are issues with mods interacting with each other. Real ones. Issues that the hundreds of thousands of people who use the modpacks, would complain (and rightfully so) at a much higher volume than the individuals here because there's no 1.5.x release. Watching a stream of Forgecraft does not equal "it's ready". It is close, and there is final testing going on, and it will be released once it passes the tests required.

If it doesn't pass, it's not released. This is very, very simple logic.

Thanks for the reply, it helped me a ton. I definitely don't want to wait until there are no more issues left between 50+ mods to start my first 1.5.x world, so FTB is clearly not for me any more. BTW, you could take "complaining" about "issues" as bugreports and save yourselves a ton of time testing everything yourselves. Instead you seem to have developed this stange mentality, that would suit a triple-A game developer company really well.

It is defininetly an interesting proof of concept to try to release a bug-free modpack without open beta-testing. It's not something that I would do... or I would think would work, so I'm curious how it will pan out.

I mean the interesting thing about this, is that there are only a couple of testers on your side, and they are not even incentivized with money. And even when you find an "issue", all you can do is to report it to the modmakers, who are already ahead of you by a minecraft version.
On the other hand there are dozens of mod developers, most of them are probaby more experienced, and get some tiny revenue out of adfly links and such.
And let's not forget Mojang, the company that made millions out of this, and still spends some of it on updating the game.
Now the only thing I don't understand is how exactly does the FTB plan to keep up with all of this? I mean you must have some aces up your sleeves, if you think you can thoroughly test all the new content that all those people put out.

In all seriousness though, an open beta would be an obvious solution, and I don't really get why you decided against it. Clearly I mean a new pack, at the bottom of the list, with big red letters saying UNSTABLE, and would require starting a new world (which is necessary anyways... don't want to point fingers at redpower), so there would be no worlds ruined, and only those server owners would use it who are invested enough in all this to know about the risks involved. Are forum trolls really your reason for not doing all this?
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