Mod/Item/Stuff Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been trying to get a witch soul shard (the hard way). As anyone who has ever attempted this would know, this is quite challenging and time consuming. I've spent time to light up the surface in a (approximately) 150-block radius, and I have also lit up a lot of caves below to increase the spawning. And yet, I can only get 1-2 witches to spawn at a time, and it usually takes several minutes for more witches to spawn after I have killed off those with my soul stealer V sword.

This is what gave me the idea; just like we have blocks that mobs can't spawn on, it would be nice if we also had blocks on which mobs have a higher probability of spawning. I'm thinking it would work like this: when the game checks for blocks where it can spawn mobs, it would prioritize these blocks before any others. This would be useful not only for witch farming, but also for the classic vanilla-type mob farms to increase efficiency. Of course I realize this is kind of unnecessary when we have mods such as soul shards and MFR that can spawn mobs while ignoring any entity caps and light levels, but still, it could be a neat little feature I think.

Oh, and uhh... with the amount of mods out there it's entirely possible this already exists, but I've never seen it mentioned, sooo yeah. >_<


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been trying to get a witch soul shard (the hard way). As anyone who has ever attempted this would know, this is quite challenging and time consuming. I've spent time to light up the surface in a (approximately) 150-block radius, and I have also lit up a lot of caves below to increase the spawning. And yet, I can only get 1-2 witches to spawn at a time, and it usually takes several minutes for more witches to spawn after I have killed off those with my soul stealer V sword.

This is what gave me the idea; just like we have blocks that mobs can't spawn on, it would be nice if we also had blocks on which mobs have a higher probability of spawning. I'm thinking it would work like this: when the game checks for blocks where it can spawn mobs, it would prioritize these blocks before any others. This would be useful not only for witch farming, but also for the classic vanilla-type mob farms to increase efficiency. Of course I realize this is kind of unnecessary when we have mods such as soul shards and MFR that can spawn mobs while ignoring any entity caps and light levels, but still, it could be a neat little feature I think.

Oh, and uhh... with the amount of mods out there it's entirely possible this already exists, but I've never seen it mentioned, sooo yeah. >_<
That's actually a brilliant mod idea that I've never seen before. Somebody needs to make it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been trying to get a witch soul shard (the hard way). As anyone who has ever attempted this would know, this is quite challenging and time consuming. I've spent time to light up the surface in a (approximately) 150-block radius, and I have also lit up a lot of caves below to increase the spawning. And yet, I can only get 1-2 witches to spawn at a time, and it usually takes several minutes for more witches to spawn after I have killed off those with my soul stealer V sword.

This is what gave me the idea; just like we have blocks that mobs can't spawn on, it would be nice if we also had blocks on which mobs have a higher probability of spawning. I'm thinking it would work like this: when the game checks for blocks where it can spawn mobs, it would prioritize these blocks before any others. This would be useful not only for witch farming, but also for the classic vanilla-type mob farms to increase efficiency. Of course I realize this is kind of unnecessary when we have mods such as soul shards and MFR that can spawn mobs while ignoring any entity caps and light levels, but still, it could be a neat little feature I think.

Oh, and uhh... with the amount of mods out there it's entirely possible this already exists, but I've never seen it mentioned, sooo yeah. >_<
That's actually a brilliant mod idea that I've never seen before. Somebody needs to make it.
seconded. Maybe some kinda of soul sand based recipe, 9/4 soul sand in a crafting grid giving you a soul block of sorts... really cool idea :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know PowerCraft has the Activation Crystal that can change what a monster spawner spawns. Drag it somewhere with a portal gun (or your grabber of choice), and give it a right-click with the crystal, scroll down, and select "Witch." Whammo, done.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's actually a brilliant mod idea that I've never seen before. Somebody needs to make it.
seconded. Maybe some kinda of soul sand based recipe, 9/4 soul sand in a crafting grid giving you a soul block of sorts... really cool idea :)

Yep, thanks. I usually make a basic mob farm early on in a world for some quick and easy xp, so this would be really useful to me, and other people I'm sure. Until now, I had to resort to building it either really high up in the sky, or in a void mystcraft age to avoid having to light up caves, but this would make it so much easier. :]

I know PowerCraft has the Activation Crystal that can change what a monster spawner spawns. Drag it somewhere with a portal gun (or your grabber of choice), and give it a right-click with the crystal, scroll down, and select "Witch." Whammo, done.

I'm aware that there are easier ways of farming witches. I wasn't aware of this particular one, but what I could actually do instead, using mods currently in the ftb packs, is make a mystcraft swamp-single biome age and farm them there. As far as I know, caves don't generate in mystcraft worlds unless you use the Caves symbol - combine that with eternal day, and you won't have to worry about lighting up anything at all, you'll have maximum spawning right away. All you have to do is find a witch hut (which admittedly is by itself not a simple task...). I guess I just wanted to see if I could do it the 'intended' way, although it might turn out to be too much after all, as my soul shard is still at tier 3... Regardless, this type of block could potentially be something you could craft relatively easily and utilise early on in the game when you need mob drops and xp the most.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used to use Powercraft in a separate testing instance, thanks to billions of ID Conflicts. Back then I didn't like to take time to change configs. I had read of that, however. A little OP if you ask me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So as some of you might remember, I came up with a interesting idea, the Wisp Jar. You take a Wispy Essence and right click on a empty essentia jar and the wispy essence now is a wisp in the jar. I posted on the MCF and no one has responded yet(If you want to post, here's the thread), but I also had suggested a Multiblock storage cube thingy for wisps, made with warded glass, arcane stone blocks, and in this instance, some amber blocks on the edges(or maybe not, I figured it would give a use for all the amber people have beyond jamming them in a GT machine to get EU). The final step is to wave your wand at it and then jam tons of wispy essence in it. It's a purely aesthetic "mod", but I think it would look quite brilliant.

The goal is that you could make a beautiful display of wisps without running the risk of them getting loose and fucking shit up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So as some of you might remember, I came up with a interesting idea, the Wisp Jar. You take a Wispy Essence and right click on a empty essentia jar and the wispy essence now is a wisp in the jar. I posted on the MCF and no one has responded yet(If you want to post, here's the thread), but I also had suggested a Multiblock storage cube thingy for wisps, made with warded glass, arcane stone blocks, and in this instance, some amber blocks on the edges(or maybe not, I figured it would give a use for all the amber people have beyond jamming them in a GT machine to get EU). The final step is to wave your wand at it and then jam tons of wispy essence in it. It's a purely aesthetic "mod", but I think it would look quite brilliant.

The goal is that you could make a beautiful display of wisps without running the risk of them getting loose and fucking shit up.
It does sound like a cool mod that would make everyone's research room look very cool. As much light as a Wraith Lamp gives it more functionality.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okaaaaaay, new idea was had! You guys remember how I mentioned the use of liquid coolants in my boilers, to help keep the temperature of said boiler under better control? Well, I've been chewing on it, and I figure I'll add something new: freon! The same thing found in air conditioners and such, freon's one of the modern world's more common coolants. However, freon is a gas at room temperature, which is why we'll also be needing a compressor! The compressor will condense the gaseous freon down into liquid form, for circulation thru the boiler. Course, you'll need a setup to circulate the gaseous freon that results -out- of the boiler for recompression. Naturally, compressors will require some power to run, but what they add in a boiler's temperature tolerance, and therefore safety, would outweigh the draw on one's power system.

However, in that vein, I've been pondering on some uses, outside fusion reactors, for GT's gaseous helium. Liquid helium is an INCREDIBLE coolant, superior even to liquid nitrogen (which may also be used). Buuuuuut, it'd be extreme overkill for all but the -hottest- nuclear boilers. I might even make it a requirement to cool them, in some way, with liquid helium being the best of the best.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been trying to get a witch soul shard (the hard way). As anyone who has ever attempted this would know, this is quite challenging and time consuming. I've spent time to light up the surface in a (approximately) 150-block radius, and I have also lit up a lot of caves below to increase the spawning. And yet, I can only get 1-2 witches to spawn at a time, and it usually takes several minutes for more witches to spawn after I have killed off those with my soul stealer V sword.

This is what gave me the idea; just like we have blocks that mobs can't spawn on, it would be nice if we also had blocks on which mobs have a higher probability of spawning. I'm thinking it would work like this: when the game checks for blocks where it can spawn mobs, it would prioritize these blocks before any others. This would be useful not only for witch farming, but also for the classic vanilla-type mob farms to increase efficiency. Of course I realize this is kind of unnecessary when we have mods such as soul shards and MFR that can spawn mobs while ignoring any entity caps and light levels, but still, it could be a neat little feature I think.

Oh, and uhh... with the amount of mods out there it's entirely possible this already exists, but I've never seen it mentioned, sooo yeah. >_<
You're right.

Cursed earth from the Extra Utilities mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the bit you're looking for said:
When this block is a dark area, it will spawn mobs at a much faster rate and with no regard to the player's proximity, it will also attempt to spread to nearby dirt and grass blocks. However, when light shines upon it, it will cease spawning mobs and will very quickly return to regular dirt. This process is dangerous and it will damage anyone who stands on it, also the dirt will occasionally catch fire, spreading more light and destroying more cursed earth.

Cursed Earth is meant as a way of creating compact mob spawners. If the spawner gets out of control, just place one torch and it will destroy 95% of the cursed earth as well as damaging mobs standing on it.
Also... SWEET! This mod has updated since I last looked at it :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"- Technical note : Since all the processing is done by the transfer nodes, it's the only thing that needs to be actively chunk loaded and will pass items through unloaded chunks without fuss."

Fucks given about this mod? All of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ye it's awesome. Funny how small and simple ideas can combine to form a cohesive awesome whole. Still, tesseracts also work like that and they don't require massive long piping. Still a pretty cool idea though, if you want a slower transfer rate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I remember him talking about some bad ideas he had...
I'd like to see those "bad" ideas.
This guy works Lemming-style, which is by all means a good thing, thinking about the server just as much as the player.

What would be cool, though, is an in-game guide. Like the Thaumicon, or the Gregtech computercube.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wait - you mentioned you had both soul shards and MFR installed?
Wouldn't it have been easier to set up a basic MFR finder hooked up to either a zombie soul shard, or just a regular zombie spawned found in a dungeon, and then use that mob essessence in the mob spawned thing from MFR with a witch in a Safari net? One could even get the original witch from the twilight forest by transformation powdering a Druid. You could then drop the witches a certain number of blocks (enough to one shot them after the fall, but not kill them) and stand tapping the click key at the bottom with the soul shard in your inv. Doesn't seem chesty like the anvil, due to requiring power etc, but a simple build non-the-less.