Mod/Item/Stuff Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Regarding the mod idea I posted here a little while back, I've had some more ideas regarding its mechanics...

  • Power generation blocks consists of two things, a generator housing and a motor. The former is an actual block you can place in the world, but can be made of different materials, such as iron or steel, which naturally have different properties; iron and/or steel housings are more durable and can handle greater input pressures, but gold housings are much more conductive, which translates to greater power output per PSI of pressure going thru it. The motor can be thought of along the lines of MFFS modules, they can be placed into (and retrieved from) housings by right-clicking one with one (or nothing, in the case of removal) in your hand. These are the workhorses of the actual power generation system, and can be like many other things, made from different components that imbue it with different properties, gold increases power output while contributing little to durability and requiring more lubricant (discussed later), whereas steel components are much more durable and can go longer with inadequate lubrication.
  • As mentioned earlier, motors require lubricant to work without the motors wearing and, eventually, breaking. As one might guess, there are different varieties of lubricants, each with different properties. An early-game example would be a kind of water-based lubricant which, while easily-renewable, doesn't last very long before its used up. Petroleum-based lubricants aren't renewable (not taking bees and/or power loops into account), but last a great deal longer. After thinking on it, I want a mechanic like this to be implemented for two reasons: one, it mimics real life; real-world motors require lubricant in some way, shape or form, and two, it'll make the player more careful with their resources, to keep them from spreading their lubricant supplies too thin. Also, damage done to motors from lack of lubricant is permanent. While you can take it out of the housing and replace parts, bringing its durability up, it won't restore any durability on its own.
  • After running a long time, metal fatigue will start to take its toll on the motors, reducing their durability slowly, but consistently. While some metal fatigue can be rid of by simply letting your engines rest when not in use, a small, but increasing, amount of it will be permanent, barring part replacement. Even with the best lubricants and most painstaking care, all engines will eventually wear down to uselessness (in this case, ceasing to function until parts are replaced) due to simple age and normal wear-and-tear.
  • The actual electrical charge created by generators -can- be carried by conductive cables, but distance-based losses will be roughly analogous to IC2 cables (outside of glass fibre). This, among other things, means that long-distance electricity transmission will be -very- difficult. However, this doesn't mean that long-distance power transmission will be impossible, it'll just be more resource-intensive than, say, energy tesseracts. I see two ways of this being achieved, with some others perhaps coming afterwards: electrical repeaters, which act in much the same way as vanilla redstone repeaters, but each repeat of the electrical signal will decrease its overall power until it reaches 0. The other will be steam condensers which can be used in steam pipe networks; these will increase the amount of pressure in the connected (but technically separate) pipe network, but they will only go in -one- direction. That is to say that you can go low-pressure to high-pressure, but the low-pressure end will -not- gain in pressure outside normal mechanics. There would also be one-way pressure reducers, which function the same way as condensers, just in the opposite direction: high pressure will become low pressure, but greater volume.
  • Back to the topic of motors and such, the materials that can be used will also depend on what mods, if any, you have installed alongside mine. For example, if you've got IC2, you could make iridium pipes, which are -incredibly- durable, at the cost of being very expensive to produce. If you've got GregTech, the possibilities open even further: you can have aluminium pipes, titanium, and other such metals, all with their own properties and durability.
In the end, I'd like to tie into a few key mods, to allow for greater variety: Railcraft for the steel (Traincraft/GT steel will also work, via OreDictionary), IC2 for things like copper, tin, and bronze...and, perhaps if I can get permission, XyCraft. The idea of xychoridite steam boilers and pipes just sounds cool as hell.


OH! Also, teflon. That is all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No power transmission over glass fibre cables. They're used for high-speed data transfer in meatspace, not much good for powering. Unless you said that somewhere and I missed it.

Time to derail a touch.

Well yes right now you can not really send much power over glass.

How ever there has been limited success with sending high powered lasers over fiber. Enough to have cutting power. So in theroy given more time to develop the tech you could use this as a power system by converting the laser back to power via either steam genderation or photovolatics.

But that is getting into some sci-fi tech there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No power transmission over glass fibre cables. They're used for high-speed data transfer in meatspace, not much good for powering. Unless you said that somewhere and I missed it.

Well, I wasn't saying I'd use IC2 cabling, just that their lossiness would be an example of what one would expect from my mod. What I want to encourage with all this is centralization, the idea that while you can transfer electricity over distance, its better to transmit it as steam first, then use the steam to run a generator. This way, you can still have a room dedicated to mod power production that's explosion-safe and protects your machines, but also doesn't mean that same power production room can be a kilo away without some -heavy- infrastructure work. This way, players think more about how they build their facilities, encouraging them to plan ahead and to ensure that they, first, have everything in place before firing the system up and letting it work.

I'm also considering how lava would be handled in terms of steam production. Again, in real life, lava has a TON of heat, which means steam production would be colossal. However, the kind of tank you'd have to have to be able to even -hold- lava would have to be incredibly durable and heat-resistant, and the water couldn't be added after the lava, because then the machine, unless its made out of something like fucking iridium, would explode violently because the water would flash-vapourize.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, now my idea sounds basic.
Crops should be rotated. If you keep planting things on the same spot, the land turns to grass on desert-type land (where it's yellowed out). They'll grow slower, and take longer to turn back to normal, and you can kill the land so it's useless.

unless its made out of something like fucking iridium
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, now my idea sounds basic.
Crops should be rotated. If you keep planting things on the same spot, the land turns to grass on desert-type land (where it's yellowed out). They'll grow slower, and take longer to turn back to normal, and you can kill the land so it's useless.


Corp rotation is a bit more complex that then. It is not just plant wheat one year and potatos another. It is also about using corps with a high waste to refurlizie the land or in some classes basicly a corp gorwn purely to let compost in the feild.

Not really sure how you would do that in MC as corps dont have any waste parts when harvested (no unuseble stock or leaves) so theres nothing to till back in. And since there is no corp cycle the idea of gorwing something and letting to compost is odd.

You could add a new plant or two just for that. Some sort of thing that needs low neturents but it cycle gorws then dies and clears it self from the feild with no player harveting needed that in the end ups the neturent value in the process.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Corp rotation is a bit more complex that then. It is not just plant wheat one year and potatos another. It is also about using corps with a high waste to refurlizie the land or in some classes basicly a corp gorwn purely to let compost in the feild.

Not really sure how you would do that in MC as corps dont have any waste parts when harvested (no unuseble stock or leaves) so theres nothing to till back in. And since there is no corp cycle the idea of gorwing something and letting to compost is odd.

You could add a new plant or two just for that. Some sort of thing that needs low neturents but it cycle gorws then dies and clears it self from the feild with no player harveting needed that in the end ups the neturent value in the process.
Well, corn should have unusable...stuff. Maybe some very low yield food instead that takes moderate amounts of refining to get the "good stuff" out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Iridium boilers? Its something I've been considering since I thought of the idea of IC2 (amongst other mods) integration. An advanced alloy boiler sounds cool, too...not as strong as iridium, of course, but very capable of withstanding both heat and pressure. Honestly, if we're talking about real life, FTB has no material harder than iridium; osmium is the hardest metal known to man, and iridium is 2nd to it by only, at most, 1%...I think the difference on the Moh's scale of hardness is somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.25%, I'll have to look it up again.

Needless to say, iridium-plate boilers would be incredibly durable, as would iridium-based machine parts. Teflon-coated iridium motor components? Awwwwwww yeah.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iridium boilers? Its something I've been considering since I thought of the idea of IC2 (amongst other mods) integration. An advanced alloy boiler sounds cool, too...not as strong as iridium, of course, but very capable of withstanding both heat and pressure. Honestly, if we're talking about real life, FTB has no material harder than iridium; osmium is the hardest metal known to man, and iridium is 2nd to it by only, at most, 1%...I think the difference on the Moh's scale of hardness is somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.25%, I'll have to look it up again.

Needless to say, iridium-plate boilers would be incredibly durable, as would iridium-based machine parts. Teflon-coated iridium motor components? Awwwwwww yeah.
You could make some super-hot materials that would explode in other boilers but provide much more heat (and steam) in an iridium boiler. ...Hmm, I can't think of anything except for
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iridium boilers? Its something I've been considering since I thought of the idea of IC2 (amongst other mods) integration. An advanced alloy boiler sounds cool, too...not as strong as iridium, of course, but very capable of withstanding both heat and pressure. Honestly, if we're talking about real life, FTB has no material harder than iridium; osmium is the hardest metal known to man, and iridium is 2nd to it by only, at most, 1%...I think the difference on the Moh's scale of hardness is somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.25%, I'll have to look it up again.

Needless to say, iridium-plate boilers would be incredibly durable, as would iridium-based machine parts. Teflon-coated iridium motor components? Awwwwwww yeah.
That sounds beautifully difficult. Imagine if greg still felt the need to nerf it, and added in osmium just to spite everyone.

Oh, and about the iridium boilers. They would glow and require a nuclear reactor instead of fireboxes, because otherwise you would never get enough heat to fill the damn thing. Unless you enabled lava pumping, and buffed lava.

It still miffs me that lava has a lower heat value than charcoal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could make some super-hot materials that would explode in other boilers but provide much more heat (and steam) in an iridium boiler. ...Hmm, I can't think of anything except for
Hahaha. Oh, I intend to make lava late-game. Lava always seems to be one of those early-game things in other mods, but lava's got an arse-tonne of heat, so it'd take something like iridium to contain it. Also, I'm thinking that things like liquiducts carrying lava won't be able to -directly- connect to the boiler, they'll need to go thru a trickler block which reduces the amount of lava that goes into the boiler, due to the extreme heat lava's got, to prevent complete flash vapourization of the water inside the tank, which would lead to...certain results.

That sounds beautifully difficult. Imagine if greg still felt the need to nerf it, and added in osmium just to spite everyone.

Oh, and about the iridium boilers. They would glow and require a nuclear reactor instead of fireboxes, because otherwise you would never get enough heat to fill the damn thing. Unless you enabled lava pumping, and buffed lava.

It still miffs me that lava has a lower heat value than charcoal.

Yeaaaaaaaaaah...I don't think Greg will be allowed to touch my mod. Its my mod, I handle the balance, damn it! Also, nuclear boilers? That actually sounds -really- cool...hmm...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hahaha. Oh, I intend to make lava late-game. Lava always seems to be one of those early-game things in other mods, but lava's got an arse-tonne of heat, so it'd take something like iridium to contain it. Also, I'm thinking that things like liquiducts carrying lava won't be able to -directly- connect to the boiler, they'll need to go thru a trickler block which reduces the amount of lava that goes into the boiler, due to the extreme heat lava's got, to prevent complete flash vapourization of the water inside the tank, which would lead to...certain results.

Yeaaaaaaaaaah...I don't think Greg will be allowed to touch my mod. Its my mod, I handle the balance, damn it! Also, nuclear boilers? That actually sounds -really- cool...hmm...
Heh, I love greg, but I get where you're coming from. He's *alright* at certain types of balance, but mostly aims for something endgame-like.

Nuclear boilers...sounds like nuclear submarines. Is that a mod? Hmm...I wish I could code.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heh, I love greg, but I get where you're coming from. He's *alright* at certain types of balance, but mostly aims for something endgame-like.

Nuclear boilers...sounds like nuclear submarines. Is that a mod? Hmm...I wish I could code.

Aye, Greg's alright, but my mod would be like a kid, to me...closer, probably, since I'm not bothering with any little sprogs, in my real life, especially the ones that are hand-made.

...Odd tangent aside, I just don't like the idea of somebody deciding how to balance something I made and balanced myself. I'll happily take input and assistance, but taking the initiative can be a bad thing, sometimes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Normal nuclear reactors use the heat from the uranium to create steam, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch. And the iridium would be like heat plates, compared to basic iron, then somewhat good steel and advanced...advanced alloy. So you can put some good stuff in the iridium with no fear of explosion. And, of course, a 1x1x1 boiler would have a 4x4 gui, and a 4x4x3 would be...a lot bigger.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm...that's not something Ive thought of, but having the GUI operate like that may be useful...I definitely know that bigger boilers will, by the simple fact of their size, be less prone to explosion, but will take longer to build up pressure. Not Railcraft-long, though. One must toe the line between realism and fun! What's fun isn't always realistic, and conversely, what's realistic ain't always fun.

I'm wondering if there should be a hard limit on the size of a single boiler...I mean, technically speaking, if you have enough materials, you -could- build a boiler that takes up a square kilometer of land and can produce more power than the freaking sun while holding an ocean of fuel...and a literal ocean of water. I want 'em to be kinda like XyCraft tanks in terms of flexibility of dimensions. I'm thinking the max size would be 16x16x24. Huge, but then again, to get a boiler that neatly fits inside its own chunk would require an incredible amount of resources, and would take quite some time to build up significant pressure, but it'd be able to produce more and sustain it for longer while in cool-down.

Also, I'd love to see someone work their asses off to get enough iridium plates to make an iridium boiler of max size. I think, at that point, you're just showing off, lol.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It better be a damn good boiler for all the time put into it.[DOUBLEPOST=1367750985][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, if you make a nuclear boiler mod I'd be happy to make textures for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm...that's not something Ive thought of, but having the GUI operate like that may be useful...I definitely know that bigger boilers will, by the simple fact of their size, be less prone to explosion, but will take longer to build up pressure. Not Railcraft-long, though. One must toe the line between realism and fun! What's fun isn't always realistic, and conversely, what's realistic ain't always fun.

I'm wondering if there should be a hard limit on the size of a single boiler...I mean, technically speaking, if you have enough materials, you -could- build a boiler that takes up a square kilometer of land and can produce more power than the freaking sun while holding an ocean of fuel...and a literal ocean of water. I want 'em to be kinda like XyCraft tanks in terms of flexibility of dimensions. I'm thinking the max size would be 16x16x24. Huge, but then again, to get a boiler that neatly fits inside its own chunk would require an incredible amount of resources, and would take quite some time to build up significant pressure, but it'd be able to produce more and sustain it for longer while in cool-down.

Also, I'd love to see someone work their asses off to get enough iridium plates to make an iridium boiler of max size. I think, at that point, you're just showing off, lol.
Yes, chunk-sized boilers. They have to be much more efficient than 1x1x24 boilers (hah, boiler towers) that take up a space of one chunk.
And I think a chunk sized boiler should take a little bit longer than a 3x3x4 boiler ;)