Mod/Item/Stuff Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heehee, that post with your avatar...

MODS! I'mma try and stal a little bit on topic. old NES emulator in game so you can play games while you play games :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They should add a mod that requires you to cut your finger/toenails every so often.
Then you could use them as weapons and if you didn't cut them, you'd get ingrown toe/fingernails or broken nails.
Then you could paint them, and file them, and put pretty stickers on them!
Computercraft should add laptops. Not as good as computers, but you can check up on stuff from far away.
And maybe a mod that lets you make spider webs renewable by having a cave spider in a dark space for a certain period of time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They should add a mod that requires you to cut your finger/toenails every so often.
Then you could use them as weapons and if you didn't cut them, you'd get ingrown toe/fingernails or broken nails.
Then you could paint them, and file them, and put pretty stickers on them!
Computercraft should add laptops. Not as good as computers, but you can check up on stuff from far away.
And maybe a mod that lets you make spider webs renewable by having a cave spider in a dark space for a certain period of time.
not only laptops but tablets and phones... I would maybe use it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
not only laptops but tablets and phones... I would maybe use it
Hey! It could have email similar to the mailing system that already exists! Except no item sending.

I just took a nap and had a semi-nightmare. So a nightmare mod, for when you eat certain foods right before sleeping. Lucid dreaming and such. My dream was actually aout minecraft, I couldn't mine anything with my diamond pick, because it was actually enchanted steel, and then I found my real diamond pick and woke up.

True story.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey! It could have email similar to the mailing system that already exists! Except no item sending.

I just took a nap and had a semi-nightmare. So a nightmare mod, for when you eat certain foods right before sleeping. Lucid dreaming and such. My dream was actually aout minecraft, I couldn't mine anything with my diamond pick, because it was actually enchanted steel, and then I found my real diamond pick and woke up.

True story.
Cheese dreams!!!
Gah, I've been trying to Lucid dream for...a while now, I'm too tired every night and on weekends I stay up in the wee hours of the day playing skyrim or watching TV...and I can't remember any dreams most of the time.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Lucid dreaming is easy. Though if you want to do it easily it's best to nap during the day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lucid Dreaming is actually fairly easy. Just takes a little mental training. As Hoff suggests napping mid day can help you get to that state though those tend to be shorter and a little more 'fuzzy' then deep lucid dreaming.

Mostly its about training your brain to notice it is in a dream state.

Just a few steps can help you get there.
1) Dream journals : yes it might sounds silly but if you write down your dreams first thing after waking you will remember them more. This is key because your brain tends to reused parts and themes while dreaming and cataloging your dreams helps you notice these. Lucid dream is all about noticing your in a dream state and making yourself aware. So start cataloging your dreams.
2) Reality checks : Some people like totems (thank you inception for that sillyness) but reality check is just something you do regularly to remind yourself your awake. this is kind of hard to get right because as noted above your mind likes to reuse things so you might pick something that is common in your dreams and that would make the check worthless. But if you have been cataloging you might find something you can use. for me it is time or clocks I should say. When I dream my clocks are all locked in place on a time. Mostly its repeating times like 2:02 or 3:33. So my reality check is to look at clocks fairly simple only takes a minute. Now the sneaky thing is my brain will like a clock run while I'm looking at it. But if I look away and look back it will reset. So yeah... find something in your logs and use that to make up a reality check. If you get into the habit to do it often it will trigger while dreaming helping you get into lucid dreaming.
3) Sleep times : this can not be overstated. While trying to get into lucid dreaming having a set sleep cycle helps tons. You more apt to realize your sleeping if you are doing it every night at the same time.

That is really it... and it can take awhile to get to a point you can reliably create a lucid dream state so don't expect it to work after a few days. It take takes weeks before you get it to work.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
To tack on for reality checks you won't ever see your reflection in a dream and light switches don't work(generally).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lucid Dreaming is actually fairly easy. Just takes a little mental training. As Hoff suggests napping mid day can help you get to that state though those tend to be shorter and a little more 'fuzzy' then deep lucid dreaming.

Mostly its about training your brain to notice it is in a dream state.

Just a few steps can help you get there.
1) Dream journals : yes it might sounds silly but if you write down your dreams first thing after waking you will remember them more. This is key because your brain tends to reused parts and themes while dreaming and cataloging your dreams helps you notice these. Lucid dream is all about noticing your in a dream state and making yourself aware. So start cataloging your dreams.
2) Reality checks : Some people like totems (thank you inception for that sillyness) but reality check is just something you do regularly to remind yourself your awake. this is kind of hard to get right because as noted above your mind likes to reuse things so you might pick something that is common in your dreams and that would make the check worthless. But if you have been cataloging you might find something you can use. for me it is time or clocks I should say. When I dream my clocks are all locked in place on a time. Mostly its repeating times like 2:02 or 3:33. So my reality check is to look at clocks fairly simple only takes a minute. Now the sneaky thing is my brain will like a clock run while I'm looking at it. But if I look away and look back it will reset. So yeah... find something in your logs and use that to make up a reality check. If you get into the habit to do it often it will trigger while dreaming helping you get into lucid dreaming.
3) Sleep times : this can not be overstated. While trying to get into lucid dreaming having a set sleep cycle helps tons. You more apt to realize your sleeping if you are doing it every night at the same time.

That is really it... and it can take awhile to get to a point you can reliably create a lucid dream state so don't expect it to work after a few days. It take takes weeks before you get it to work.
I had partial lucidity only twice (and I had to use one of them to wake up in English class :p), I have been trying to do that stuff, my dream journal is sitting right next to me, actually, I'm in my bed. My reality check is trying to press my hands into eachother or into another surface to go through a wall, and looking at them, as in dreams they'll be blurry. But I don't look at my hands and I have trouble remembering my dreams. I may just set my alarm clock to "REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS"...which would be creepy but effective.
I'm probably going to need to fix my sleep times. It's 5 PM right now, and I definitely need to catch up on my REM sleep since I had 6 hours (and all that good stuff is in the last few).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had partial lucidity only twice (and I had to use one of them to wake up in English class :p), I have been trying to do that stuff, my dream journal is sitting right next to me, actually, I'm in my bed. My reality check is trying to press my hands into eachother or into another surface to go through a wall, and looking at them, as in dreams they'll be blurry. But I don't look at my hands and I have trouble remembering my dreams. I may just set my alarm clock to "REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS"...which would be creepy but effective.
I'm probably going to need to fix my sleep times. It's 5 PM right now, and I definitely need to catch up on my REM sleep since I had 6 hours (and all that good stuff is in the last few).

This is a common problem. relativity checks are best when they are passive things linked to the real world. Here is the thing with active checks. If your not lucid you will not always do what you think you want to do. Because pushing your hands through stuff is not something you can do normally there is no reason for your brain while dreaming to be Ok lets do that. This is why totems for the most part don't work just because you want a top to never fall over while dreaming does not mean your brain will agree with that naturally. It is far better to find something your brain does already while dreaming and then start doing reality checks in real life to get into the habit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a common problem. relativity checks are best when they are passive things linked to the real world. Here is the thing with active checks. If your not lucid you will not always do what you think you want to do. Because pushing your hands through stuff is not something you can do normally there is no reason for your brain while dreaming to be Ok lets do that. This is why totems for the most part don't work just because you want a top to never fall over while dreaming does not mean your brain will agree with that naturally. It is far better to find something your brain does already while dreaming and then start doing reality checks in real life to get into the habit.
I've heard that since your dreams are fuzzy, you may want to check if your vision is clarity. Hmm, should I sleep now? 2 hours good? All the time I can spare atm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've heard that since your dreams are fuzzy, you may want to check if your vision is clarity. Hmm, should I sleep now? 2 hours good? All the time I can spare atm.

I meant Fuzzy as in undistinguished or less real. Not like fuzzy vision. And that only happens when I do stuff like take short naps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I meant Fuzzy as in undistinguished or less real. Not like fuzzy vision. And that only happens when I do stuff like take short naps.
Well, I'm gonna try to take a nap right now and...hopefully remember to look at dem clocks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I'm gonna try to take a nap right now and...hopefully remember to look at dem clocks :)

Might not work for you. Different people kind of have their own rules for dreamscapes. Hence the look for common themes and oddities in your dream journal to find what works best for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might not work for you. Different people kind of have their own rules for dreamscapes. Hence the look for common themes and oddities in your dream journal to find what works best for you.
I couldn't even freaking fall asleep...
Guess I just lost an hour trying. :p
Since I don't really ever look at clocks, it doesn't happen my dreams. Certain people in my dreams tend to tell me it was a dream. But that's weird, because the few people are all from my school and I see them...well...daily.

But it's just different in the dream. Why? I don't know! :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I couldn't even freaking fall asleep...
Guess I just lost an hour trying. :p
Since I don't really ever look at clocks, it doesn't happen my dreams. Certain people in my dreams tend to tell me it was a dream. But that's weird, because the few people are all from my school and I see them...well...daily.

But it's just different in the dream. Why? I don't know! :D
I was just sleepin', dreamin' and stuff. I don't focus on lucidity like you guys do. In my dream, I was in a meeting talking to people, a door appeared when I thought of it, as did a book. I went to hand the person the book, and couldn't, because my arms were under me in reality. Creepy as heck, and it woke me up. Well, that and my dog licking my feet.

Now I have a massive headache, and I KNOW that there is a status affect mod.
To stay on topic, though, an mp3 player mod that plays music from a folder ingame.