Whitelist Server MiraiCraft | Monster 1.1.0 | Whitelist

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Hi Fangman and thanks for applying . I have added you to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
In-game name: Neath
Age: 19
Country: England
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I plan to play for as long as possible ;) ( per day i say that i will play at least 1-2 hrs in the afternoon, uk time )And i just plan to play the game and build cool things
Your experience with this or other modpacks : I've played many other ftb modpacks; mindcrack, monster, unleahsed ext
Why do you want to play on this server: i want to play on this server cus my single player got lonely :p and i want to play with other people who share the same interest.
Skype or other form of contact: neath_4
Any questions you have: No
Hey guys, I'm currently traveling, on the day we were going, so i couldn't have told you guys. The thing is that i probably won't be on for a few days, but ill back soon.
In-game name: FangzWuff
Age: 26
Country: No
How long you will play for and what are your plans: A few hours most days, too kill time :p Plan too build, farm, and dig ^^
Your experience with this or other modpacks: Played Monster since came out and Ultimate and other before that back too Tekkit before FTB
Why do you want to play on this server: Need somewhere new as last server had too much greifing and downtime, also too try something new
Skype or other form of contact: Got Skype, Mail, Steam, Origin, and mail ^^
Any questions you have: What forms of player commands is available and what server side mods/plugins are running and or any other significant config changes?
Hey, could you add me back to the whitelist again?
Please Re-Apply[DOUBLEPOST=1396305370][/DOUBLEPOST]I am just notifying everyone we will be having a World Reset, however any items in your inventory will be kept so store your items in strong boxes/golden bags of holdings. We are doing a world reset because we are moving ATG due to the lag it causes. For more information please contact me or Cheesemonkeyx we will be performing this very soon because we want YOU to be able to play on a good and lag free server.
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In-game name: MoonsMist
Age: 14
Country: England
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will carry on planing mine and Shelly's you tube channel, building a big house and expanding on my knowledge of mod packs.I would be playing from 5pm - 9pm most nights.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I have played FTB and Technic.
Why do you want to play on this server: Because I am fed up with greifers and I love the community on the server.
Skype or other form of contact: I have Skype, Origin, Email and Steam.
Any questions you have: Nope :)
In-game name: VITIRI

Age: 15

Country: United States

How long you will play for and what are your plans: I'm not quite sure if you mean how long would I play on a daily basis, or how long I would play on this particular server. Daily, I'd probably play anywhere from 1-2 hours; sometimes more, sometimes less. It all depends on my schedule and how much free time I have. On this server; or FTB all together, I honestly have no idea, it'd all depend on how interested I am in the ModPack. If I find myself playing less and less, and I lose interest I will stop playing. My plans, I've been wanting to get back into FTB for a while now. I played for about a year and wanted a break, it's been about 6 months since I've played and I wanted to get back into it. I don't have a major plan, just to play and have fun.

Your experience with this or other modpacks: I primarily played the MindCrack Pack for about a year or so, but I wanted a change of pace so I decided to try out Monster. I've toyed around with it in single-player a bit, and it seems like an entertaining ModPack.

Why do you want to play on this server: I've been searching for a while now for a good Whitelisted FTB Monster Server. I've tried out maybe 3-4 servers, and none suited me. I'm trying to try out as many servers as I can to find the one that fits my liking.

Skype or other form of contact: Skype - vitirigamer

Any questions you have: Is recording allowed on this server?
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In-game name: Chortnee
Age: 24
Country: United States
How long you will play for and what are your plans: around 4 hours most days
Your experience with this or other modpacks: Been on modded minecraft for a few years now and played most the packs on ftb besides monster
Why do you want to play on this server: Getting back into FTB and want to try the new pack out. Want to join a tight knit community and a server that is'nt filled with griefers
Skype or other form of contact: Squirrellie
Any questions you have: Not that i can think of :D
Hi VITIRI and Squirrellie, thanks for applying. I have added you to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
In-game name: Ardje
Age: 16
Country: Netherlands
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I'll play when I feel like playing, which means about 1-2 hours a day. Really depends on how many time I have :p
Your experience with this or other modpacks: Not that much honestly, I played a bit of ultimate but I'm not that good with everything yet. Still figuring stuff out and learning!
Why do you want to play on this server: The server seems really nice. I've been looking for a good server for quite a long time now and I really want to play feed the beast in a small community of nice people :)
Skype or other form of contact: Ardjeuh
Any questions you have: Not yet, but when I'm in game I'll probably ask a shitload of questions
In-game name: Shartas
Age: 21
Country: Netherlands
How long you will play for and what are your plans: for as long as it's online and i got the time :)
Your experience with this or other modpacks: A lot have played on a few servers but most of them closed / got inactive so I left them
Why do you want to play on this server: Looking for a nice community and a server that lasts longer than 3 weeks..
Skype or other form of contact: sure pm about that but i got skype ts vent so :)
Any questions you have: any plugins available?
In-game name:liam_t_123
How long you will play for and what are your plans:a very long time if i like the server. usually if i do like it ill play for about 7 hours everyday.
Your experience with this or other modpacks:yes i have played ftb unleashed, direwolf20 pack and teckit.
Why do you want to play on this server:i like friendly servers and it seems like this server would be nice.
Skype or other form of contact: skype:liam_t_123
Any questions you have:nope.