Whitelist Server MiraiCraft | Monster 1.1.0 | Whitelist

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The way that I get notifications of replies is through my phone and apparently I didn't get the notification

Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
4 hours a day
played for about 2 years
I love community
Skype is pibx10

Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
In-game name: Ezera13
Country: Canada
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I plan to play as much as I can which can range from 30mins-12 hours a day, (depending on the day) I plan to have an enjoyable experience with others and play through the pack a long side with others
Your experience with this or other modpacks: Ive been playing since the early days on FTB on and off, a long with other mod packs that are available for mc, but monster seems to be most enjoyable for me.
Why do you want to play on this server: Why wouldn't I? from what ive seen/heard the server is great! But i'm looking for a server to enjoy the pack with others
Skype or other form of contact: I have pretty much every sort of communication, Skype, TeamSpeak,mumble, vent... But i'd like keep privately unless its needed or im on the server
Any questions you have: None as of now :)
In-game name: ElBob123
Age: 26
Country: USA
How long you will play for and what are your plans: Probably 1-5 hours a day on average. I'd like to build a town or something.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I've played Tekkit and FTB for a couple years
Why do you want to play on this server: I like the start game more than mid-end game so freshly started sounds nice.
Skype or other form of contact: Yes but I'd prefer to keep it private
Any questions you have: Not at the moment
In-game name: Baradin
Age: 21
Country: United States
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I cannot say how long I will be on the server, only that I will be on quite frequently if the community is solid.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: This will be my first time with the Monster pack but I have messed with the mods individually or in other established or personal modpacks.
Why do you want to play on this server: I am looking for a solid community to enjoy myself with.
Skype or other form of contact: They exist but I am not normally on them. The most reliable way to get in touch with me is through pm on this forum.
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Im back :D
In-game name: jokulllogi
Country: Iceland
How long you will play for: Try to be on most of the time and while the server is going
Your experience with this or other modpacks: i've played whit most of the mods when they got released and the Dw20 pack just in general
Why do you want to play on this server:The other server i was on seems to be dead and i would like a nice and friendly community
Any questions you have: Nope
Hi CheeseMonkey, when I log in it says I'm not white listed. Blarg is just my FTB username, ElBob123 is my in-game name. Perhaps you got them switched or it just hasn't updated yet. Thanks!
Hi sorry about that, you should be able to join now.

Hi TNTLover, thanks for applying again. I've added you to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
In-game name: philwillify2001
Country: Australia mate
How long will u play for: about two hours a day maybe more
Your experience with this or other mod packs: i played tekkit for a year and then about 3months on mindcrack ftb.
Why do u want to play on this server: because ice been playing ftb monster on single player but it doesn't feel as good as when there's people interacting with eachother and I love that feeling of having a community.
Any questions: nah I'm good
Hi Philwillify2001, thanks for applying. I have added you to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
In-game name:Hibriid_Panda ( Note the spelling)
How long you will play for and what are your plans:Maybe 4-12 Hours Weekly. My Plan is to make a base, with many aspects from the different mods.
Your experience with this or other modpacks:I have played on Direwolf20, Mindcrack, and Ultimate
Why do you want to play on this server:A friend suggested it in our group, and I have been looking for a good monster server for a while
Skype or other form of contact:funkybomba
Hi again Shelly and thanks for applying again. I have added you to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
In-game name: Fangman
Age: 27
Country: Wales, UK
How long you will play for and what are your plans: Looking to play for several weeks, perhaps longer if the server turns out to be good fun
Your experience with this or other modpacks: First time on Monster, been playing Direwolf 1.6.4 on a personal server, also previously played FTB Ultimate.
Why do you want to play on this server: Would like to play with other people and be part of a more active world, and perhaps coop on projects.
Skype or other form of contact: Prefer not list on a public forum, available by PM if requested.
Any questions you have: None at this time.