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In-game name: Gamenerd83
Age: 15
Country: USA
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will play until I get bored or when I get to end game and dint feel like doing anything else
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I have played minecraft for 4 years and played with mods for 3.
Why do you want to play on this server: Because I want a good lag free whitelisted server where I will not get griefed
Skype or other form of contact: add me on steam if you want to talk.
Any questions you have: N/A
In-game name: Fightnight2012
Age: 17
Country: USA
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I play several hours a day at least
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I've been playing modpacks like this for about the last 5 months
Why do you want to play on this server: Heard about the server from my friend Ardje, and he said it's pretty good
Skype or other form of contact: I'd rather not put it out on the forums
Any questions you have: None
In-game name: TMAlin
Age: 18
Country: Romania
How long you will play for and what are your plans: For quite a long time , for sure. And for plans ? Have a nice base and help people.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I've been playing modded MC for 1+ year , i played quite a lot of Ultimate , Unleashed and Monster. I love "techy" packs.
Why do you want to play on this server: Have fun and help other people.
Skype or other form of contact: for_dglftw - Skype ID
Any questions you have: When can i start ?
In-game name: TheSpicePhantom
Age: 14
Country: Germany
How long you will play for and what are your plans: Building a factory for all!
Your experience with this or other modpacks: Unleashed, Ultimate, Pax East 2014, Dw20 1.6
Why do you want to play on this server: Because i'm unhappy with the old server where i were because the mining age has had meteors xD
Skype or other form of contact: richphantom14 - Skype
Any questions you have: nope no Questions
In-game name: BelllyButton
How long you will play for and what are your plans:I can play a couple hours a day and my plans is to fully dive into thaumcraft and expand from there.
Your experience with this or other modpacks:I have played direwolf and unleashed but I see that monster has more mods so I want play this more.
Why do you want to play on this server:Well I hate single player and having community around to help is always nice. I want to try this server because it's new.
Skype or other form of contact: skype:roveleg
In-game name: jerkmystick
How long you will play for and what are your plans:can't really say, I am going to help my friend expand.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: direwolf and tekkit
Why do you want to play on this server:my friend is currently playing on it and he told me that it is good.
Skype or other form of contact: skype:jerkmystick
In-game name: Im_Tiko
Age: 19
Country: Canada
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I'll play on and off everyday for a couple hours until end game (Mostly 3-5+ hours)
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I've played multiple modpacks till endgame (FTB Original, Unleashed, Madpack(On ATLauncher), played a bit of Monster solo but i got bored alone)
Why do you want to play on this server: I want to play with some other friendly people as I don't know any of my friends that do.
Skype or other form of contact: Will give if requested, rather not mention publicly for personal reason.
Any questions you have: Not really
In-game name: faded19
Age: 18
Country: United States
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I have a pretty decent playing style, probs like 4 to 6 hours a day on weekdays, too much on weekends
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I mastered thaumcraft and bees in one go. only took me 20 hours per.
Why do you want to play on this server: The novelty behind getting griefed gets a little worn out after a while.
Skype or other form of contact: rather not post publicly, pm if you really want to listen to me ;D
Any questions you have: Non had =D
In-game name: Mr0re0
Age: 17
Country: United States
How long you will play for and what are your plans: As Long as the server is around I hope.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I have had experience with Ultimate Pack and DireWolf Pack.
Why do you want to play on this server: So that I can have fun playing with other people on a server (Without getting griefed)
Skype or other form of contact: Skype: mr.0reo
Any questions you have: What items are banned?
In-game name: YasukiHumai
Age: 32
Country: United States
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will keep playing for a long time, Once I get tired of a location I tend to return it to mostly natural an move on.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I have been playing FTB since Ultimate
Why do you want to play on this server: I would like to have people to play with, my normal server is dead, and it makes FTB un-fun
Skype or other form of contact: I dislike skype, but skype is [email protected] Twitter is better @YasukiHumai
Any questions you have: none.
In-game name: rooneyboy_1
Age: 13
Country: UK
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will play as much as I can and a plan to have a good set up with all mods done
Your experience with this or other modpacks: FTB Unleashed Direwolf20 FTB Ultimate Mad pack Skyfactory and more
Why do you want to play on this server: Well I'm bored of SP and I was on the Unleashed server I want to have fun with others too
Skype or other form of contact: MineThePeeps
Any questions you have: No