Mining well nerfs.....

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One thing that occurs to me after this change is now they have changed the way power pipes work a little might it not be better to change from using tesseracts and conduits to some form of conductive teleport pipe (aditionalpipes adds one though have not tested how much power it can carry) and the higher tiers of power pipe so that then you can provide more power to your system. I dont think that the pipe system however would work with any turtle version currently as the teleport pipes dont remember their settings.
with the new BC pipes it's better to use them instead of conduits so you avoid the 5% loss, you just need a high enough tier to carry all the power
with the new BC pipes it's better to use them instead of conduits so you avoid the 5% loss, you just need a high enough tier to carry all the power

Actually conduits and energy tesseracts were buffed slightly recently. The conduits are now lossless and the tesseract only loses 20% of the power transfered not 25% so it can transfer I believe 80 MJ/t as opposed to 75 now. Though assuming the teleport pipe used for this kind of system has no limit on transfer amount then gold or above of BC pipes are better.
As far as I know teleport pipes can handle anything you throw at them with the loss configurable, however they REALLY don't like frames moving... Tend to disappear after movement
Yeah, I hate to be late for the party, but CodeCrafted came up with the idea of a mining well quarry way back in February compared to when Dire did in March. It goes to show how damn clever the guy who built 2D Minecraft IN Minecraft, with redstone, really is.

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Actually yes, when you think about it. The Mining well is a legacy block from the early years of BC. Its recipe is negligible at best in comparison to the quarries recipe. I'm rather amazed they don't just remove it.

I think it was suppose to be use in conjunction with pumps so that you could get lava early in game
The IC2 miner works incredibly well in conjunction with its pump, and it automatically cans and everything.
I sometimes use the miner when scouting for overworld lava - and gathering ores along the way!
Yeah, I hate to be late for the party, but CodeCrafted came up with the idea of a mining well quarry way back in February compared to when Dire did in March.
Maybe Dires ideas aren't always original but he does teach them very well.

Yesterday I did some testing with the new mining well and pipes and how they affect my script. The new things I've found(might repeat things said on this thread:
- a mining well take 60Mj/t
- When the mining well hits bedrock(maybe lava too) it continues to consumes energy at about max rate (in ultimate it stops)
- if you connect a wooden pipe to a BC energy source like an energy cell it will pull 1Mj per second for each connected wooden pipe (0.05Mj/t)
- to feed 100Mj/t from redstone energy cells you need multiple wooden pipes
- the delay of conductive pipes is gone - they are now as fast as redstone conduits
- wooden pipes are bi-directional so if you set a redstone energy cells to input it will both pull and push energy (not sure it's simultaniuous)
- loops in the pipe don't explode but seem to store energy - the release rate is unknown - I need more testing. a loop will consume energy until congested if I understood correctly). This can be a good feature if you are feeding your system with engines and need bursty energy like mining wells

So far the conductive pipes seem a bit better and very cheap compared to conduits even with the removal of the 5% cost. This can let my script rush mass mining (single well) with minimal use of gold because using a stone pipes pushes 16Mj and I was feeding my initial mining well system with 6-8MJ . Because the conductive pipe lag is gone and so is the energy loss a h=65 (3900MJ) will need only a 24 delay@8MJ while previously I needed about 16. Extending the system is also much easier to extend because conductive pipes are much easier to make compared to conduits. Making it mobile seems not as important because if I get enough pipes it can build a quarry size 192x192 without an ender chest . moving the energy setup may be a problem but I can just make a power plant on the spot and keep the thing going in 4 directions mining a 384x384 area which is about 9.5~ million blocks.

What we need to see from TE is a way to push more energy in conduits (new type of conduits?!) and buildcraft need some kind of storage. Now that gold conductive pipes are lossless,lagless and transfer 256Mj/t they are superior to conduits but the only problem is moving the energy supply (wrench turtle is a must for tesseract/redstone energy but can't break buildcraft pipes).

Looking at the available scripts only direwolf would get a performance hit but it can be fixed somehow . Psyestorm's script is unaffected because he only uses 1 well (it might be better than direwolf because it can go on forever with its charge station). My well script is half benefit half loss because it's cheaper to rush while the endgame engineering turtle script and its interaction need to be redesigned .
You guys do realize BuildCraft is open source right? If you don't like the changes simply undo them... Or, instead of whining about how it should be a config, do it yourself and send a pull request. You never know, it could be accepted.
You guys do realize BuildCraft is open source right? If you don't like the changes simply undo them... Or, instead of whining about how it should be a config, do it yourself and send a pull request. You never know, it could be accepted.
I'm guessing that most people here use modpacks, and if you play with others then propagating custom changes around all your friends' installations would be a pain especially if they also play solo with a default pack build. So although changing an open source mod is an option, it's something of a dead-end one. *Edit* Also, when someone is expressing an opinion about how a mod should be, answering "If you don't like the changes simply undo them" is a but of a null reply, especially as not all players are programmers. I know that mod development isn't a democracy, but I'm sure that developers listen to opinions and take the general flow of them into consideration.
with the new BC pipes it's better to use them instead of conduits so you avoid the 5% loss, you just need a high enough tier to carry all the power

If you're on a server you should still use the conduits since they're much less CPU intensive than pipes however.[DOUBLEPOST=1372754720][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually conduits and energy tesseracts were buffed slightly recently. The conduits are now lossless and the tesseract only loses 20% of the power transfered not 25% so it can transfer I believe 80 MJ/t as opposed to 75 now. Though assuming the teleport pipe used for this kind of system has no limit on transfer amount then gold or above of BC pipes are better.

Good to know. Thanks.
I want to point out that the Mining Well and Quarry DO NOT USE THE SAME AMOUNT OF POWER. The Quarry still uses a significant amount of power to MOVE the arm above and beyond the 60 MJ required to dig a block. Hence the reason you need like 100 MJ/t to run a Quarry at the same speed as a Mining Well at 60 MJ/t. Plus the Mining Well can mine multiple blocks per tick, making it insanely faster.
Quarries only can take in 50MJ/t and the last time I used a mining well it's take 10mj/t so at 60mj/block the quarry is about 3x faster than a single mining well and now that RP2 is gone it's harder to move them automatically. (only way now is with turtles)
Quarries only can take in 50MJ/t and the last time I used a mining well it's take 10mj/t so at 60mj/block the quarry is about 3x faster than a single mining well and now that RP2 is gone it's harder to move them automatically. (only way now is with turtles)

Didn't you read CovertJaguar's post? Mining wells can take up to 60mj/t now.
Quarries only can take in 50MJ/t and the last time I used a mining well it's take 10mj/t so at 60mj/block the quarry is about 3x faster than a single mining well and now that RP2 is gone it's harder to move them automatically. (only way now is with turtles)
I think I'm gonna go with Covert's post on this. He supposedly knows his stuff ;)
I think the nerf isn't in yet after farther testing

I tested my mining well script in 0.8 in single well mode and the results weren't too logical for 60mj/t . I also tested in 0.7 and my results weren't too logical.

The mining script I wrote has a cycle of : back, placeDown,back,place,down ,dig,place up = 8 operation overhead = 4~ second (It's less but the script isn't that efficient) .

Iin 0.7 I used a 4 steam engines with a total output of 8Mj/t to feed the well. height 75 require 75*60Mj =4500MJ per cycle . If it's divided by my energy per second (8*20 = 160 ) I get 28.125 seconds delay. Despite that the script worked fine with a 10 second delay which equal to around 14 second of energy = 160*14 =2240MJ . at 25Mj/t it can dig almost 90 blocks with that much energy. if the well costs 60mj/t it should dig only 37~ blocks but i saw it went straight down to bedrock . Maybe I messed-up and let the pipe accumulate too much power .

I switched to 0.8 and tested the same setup but this time steam engines are 4mj/t each so I got 16mj. what I also did is pushed the delay down as much as possible and the lowest I could get it was 3 second delay = 7 seconds of energy for total energy per cycle of about the same - 2240. the script did derp a little in term of inventory handling (not critical) but the well still dag all the way down.

I checked the buildcraft version and it said 3.7.0. I checked the well with a multimeter and it request 25mj/t. My guess is that the nerf is not in yet. Nothing else seems to explain it looking at the 3.7.0 changlog it doesn't say anything about the nerf.

I think I need to test the 3 well setup again . So far my script became even more OP for 0.8 mass mining rush. The boost to steam engine along with the removal of the conductive pipe delay means I can mine at 7blocks/s pretty early