Manufactio - Minecraft/Factorio hybrid

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wow Mek. couldn't just give players a powerfull option. you had to ensure that the machines turn into Extra Utilities Energy Trashcans! XP

Speaking of trashcans. i kinda wouldn't mind having a trashcan option since i dont technicly need some of the items that drop from certain mobs (rotten flesh into leather would be nice) and certain objects (blast furnace)
I was surprised too. To keep the math simple, it basically doubles the r/ft per speed upgrade, so if it was running at 1 rf/t, it would be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 r/ft for 8 upgrades. Unfortunately I don't think the speed upgrade is configurable. But I'll look into it further when I reach that chapter.

I'd prefer to give the player uses for all items, it's more creative then just trashing it. Slag is useful for sand, gunpowder, and iron mechanical components. Sand has a lot of use.

This fixes it for me. I have to set the GUI scale to "Large", which greatly limits the usefulness of JEI.

By the way, the bug affects the 3d and the 2d versions. The 2d doesn't show up at all.

Clearly the bug is with the clipping region. It shouldn't be that hard for the developer to fix.

I'm only in the very early stages of the pack, and I've found 2 things to be quite difficult:

1: The restriction of only 8 lanterns makes it very hard to go mining. I've been mining in pitch black, and obviously one of these mods has tweaked light levels, because I can't see anything.

2: The amount of iron needed early seems pretty high. Just making the laboratory takes about a full stack, which is not easy to come by when you are out of lanterns.
Thankfully the design of the Machines is fairly simple, once built/learnt, you'll be able to switch your GUI scale back to what you are comfortable with. Hope the mod dev fixes it.

1 - You are not really required to go manual mining. Use the scanner and burner drill to find some iron, setup the drill there, find some fuel, and you'll be sorted for iron. Then build more drills, find copper and coal. Then start working out automation to get these resources to a central processing area.

2 - that's right, resource usage is high, the overworld "crust" will not be able to provide the resources you need. The key resources are found with the scanner and drills then you'll find chunks of 80k plus copper/iron, etc. The research is the resource hog, and it'll burn through that.

Had a brainwave about the assemblers. If I put as part of the crafting recipe the item you wish to craft, but make it a non-consumable material, this in effect "programs" the assembler to craft that item. A pattern as such. The standard and advanced assembler has the max number of recipes, and also in many cases the spare item slot capacity.
Ironicially I've already done this as a way of making iron gears and copper wire by using the IE plate press as part of the recipe, the connection didn't sink in that I could do this for all recipes.
Initially it will look confusing, as it appears you need an inserter to craft an inserter, but the recipe tooltip will mention it's not consumed, and it'll make sense.
This fixes it for me. I have to set the GUI scale to "Large", which greatly limits the usefulness of JEI.

By the way, the bug affects the 3d and the 2d versions. The 2d doesn't show up at all.

Clearly the bug is with the clipping region. It shouldn't be that hard for the developer to fix.

I'm only in the very early stages of the pack, and I've found 2 things to be quite difficult:

1: The restriction of only 8 lanterns makes it very hard to go mining. I've been mining in pitch black, and obviously one of these mods has tweaked light levels, because I can't see anything.

2: The amount of iron needed early seems pretty high. Just making the laboratory takes about a full stack, which is not easy to come by when you are out of lanterns.

1. Factorio mining you dont go down below ground EVER!
2. i agree. my recomendation is find like a 20k iron chuck stick 2 burner miners in it. stick 1 in the copper (have a coal one obviously) and if you can find one of lead. will be handy later.
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There is absolutely no need to go below ground. you can find the ores on the surface. at least enough to get you started if you loose your first burner drill.

Episode 7 is out. My first encounter with the tnt zombies....

I iwll run another batch of the electrum in the kiln and see what happens.

Regarding mekanism, provided you have not tweaked the generators from it, there will be plenty of power available.
I have never had problems with power on mek machines just be using the mek generators.

Look at the gas-burning generator for 8k rf/t.
It also has a fusion reactor for crazy power. As i recall, the lowest power it can generate is 150k rf/t. Massive investment in infrastructure though to get it working.
Not sure how high it can go, especially if you go actively cooled on it.
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1 - You are not really required to go manual mining. Use the scanner and burner drill to find some iron, setup the drill there, find some fuel, and you'll be sorted for iron. Then build more drills, find copper and coal. Then start working out automation to get these resources to a central processing area.

I must be missing something basic then.

I was given two things: 1x Iron Drill Head and 8x Burner Drill Component. The drill head seems useless by itself. The 8 components can be crafted into a "Drill Structure Coil", so I did that. I can set it in the world, but it has no UI, so there seems to be no way to add the drill head and no way to add charcoal.

In JEI, I see a recipe that uses "Drill Structure Coil", 2x iron plates, 3x iron gears, and 3x Basic Control Circuits. The item crafted from it is "Unfamiliar Item". So, it seems I haven't unlocked it yet. Also, I can't make iron plates without a metal press, and I can't even see a recipe or blueprint for Metal Press, so I assume that I am not that far yet.
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I must be missing something basic then.

I was given two things: 1x Iron Drill Head and 8x Burner Drill Component. The drill head seems useless by itself. The 8 components can be crafted into a "Drill Structure Coil", so I did that. I can set it in the world, but it has no UI, so there seems to be no way to add the drill head and no way to add charcoal.

In JEI, I see a recipe that uses "Drill Structure Coil", 2x iron plates, 3x iron gears, and 3x Basic Control Circuits. The item crafted from it is "Unfamiliar Item". So, it seems I haven't unlocked it yet. Also, I can't make iron plates without a metal press, and I can't even see a recipe or blueprint for Metal Press, so I assume that I am not that far yet.
Take those 8 drill components, and build in a 2x2x2 multiblock structure. I must admit, there's a lot of intro text in the quest book so it can be easily missed, but it is covered in the "Mining" quest in the introduction chapter.
I'll add a tooltip to the individual components to clarify.
You'll be using just plain ingots for a while, but one of the earliest research options is the Metal Press, which give some more resource efficient recipes using plates instead of ingots.

Starting steps, find an iron vein, then proceed to find coal & copper. Get a supply, and get it cooking in vanilla furnaces. You'll be moving stuff around manually for a short while, but inserters might be helpful for very basic automation.
Then get the Lab structure built, and start getting some Red Science cooking. At the same time, build the boiler & generator setup, that'll give a much more reliable power source instead of those weak coal generators.
By this time you'll see that Green Research is needed, which is where proper automation starts to kick in, then the blue makes everything before that seem easy :D

Also, keep expanding the factory. If one Metal Press is not fast enough, build more! Limiting yourself to just one of each machine is going to cripple you. The playstyle is quite different from normal modded minecraft.
To give you an idea of a small factorio factory: This pack won't be as dense as that, ore doubling, more efficient recipes and differences in Minecraft and the mods will help cut down the size of the factory.

There is absolutely no need to go below ground. you can find the ores on the surface. at least enough to get you started if you loose your first burner drill.

Episode 7 is out. My first encounter with the tnt zombies....

I iwll run another batch of the electrum in the kiln and see what happens.

Regarding mekanism, provided you have not tweaked the generators from it, there will be plenty of power available.
I have never had problems with power on mek machines just be using the mek generators.

Look at the gas-burning generator for 8k rf/t.
It also has a fusion reactor for crazy power. As i recall, the lowest power it can generate is 150k rf/t. Massive investment in infrastructure though to get it working.
Not sure how high it can go, especially if you go actively cooled on it.
TNT zombies? That should be disabled as I thought creepers would be punishment enough. I'll check that.

I tweaked the power usage in the config, but the speed upgrades are making rf/t at insane levels. I'll also need to learn meks advanced power generation options. Never actually used them as in an normal game you just don't need that much power generation - I've never been one to generate power just for the sake of getting high numbers :D
I was wondering if there's any diamond ore locations, or if you have to go mine for it underground to get the diamond drill head, and to mine obsidian.
I guess it could have been a charged creeper saying " hey, hold my beer and watch this!!"

I have worked with mekanism power before so let me know if there is anything you need.

I was wondering if there's any diamond ore locations, or if you have to go mine for it underground to get the diamond drill head, and to mine obsidian.

You can find diamonds in different chunks by using the scanner.
Use the burner drill to get them. If you are lucky there will be chunks with 600+ diamonds and nothing else.
That's correct, Diamonds do exist, but they are rare, and will be valuable later on.

While you don't have to mine underground, that option exists if desperate.

I guess it could have been a charged creeper saying " hey, hold my beer and watch this!!"

I have worked with mekanism power before so let me know if there is anything you need.
Thanks, I've only touched early power options, as that's always been powerful enough. I know it has some crazy reactor (from watching Etho playing Project Ozone) and there's some gas burning options too.
my creative build has the power to fully power it. but i was only useing the big reactor to offset the Applied Energistics energy cost. i can power my whole base and then some with that particular build i had. 7x7x7 frame. 5 pillars of fuelrods in an X pattern, 4 pillars of graphite blocks between the rods making a 3x3 structure in the middle of the reactor. and some liquid ender around that. makes for a 400% efficent reactor with a high power output. (dw20's reactor code doesn't work well thanks to changes to ender IO)
my creative build has the power to fully power it. but i was only useing the big reactor to offset the Applied Energistics energy cost. i can power my whole base and then some with that particular build i had. 7x7x7 frame. 5 pillars of fuelrods in an X pattern, 4 pillars of graphite blocks between the rods making a 3x3 structure in the middle of the reactor. and some liquid ender around that. makes for a 400% efficent reactor with a high power output. (dw20's reactor code doesn't work well thanks to changes to ender IO)
I believe I did buff the AE2 base power cost (being an end game option, power shouldn't be an issue), and I did buff the power generation of Extreme Reactors due to the more involved process in fueling it.
Both will be reviewed now that I've got a clearer picture of power usage and generation going on.
ok. the labritorystructure is resolved. but now it doesn't reconize the recipe. AFTER consuming the red science. it burns the 1 red science then it stops working. WTH
if i didn't have walls (and cheated magablocks) i would be dealing with this on all 4 sides of my base and the numbers just keep growing.

Take those 8 drill components, and build in a 2x2x2 multiblock structure. I must admit, there's a lot of intro text in the quest book so it can be easily missed, but it is covered in the "Mining" quest in the introduction chapter.
I'll add a tooltip to the individual components to clarify.

Thanks, that is what I was missing. I hate it when people don't read and then complain, and now I'm guilty of it myself!

I remember reading that now, and thinking "Oh, I'll bet I'll get a schematic showing me what pieces I need to build the drill, I'll just ignore figuring this out until then".

Current wording: The Burner Drill is a 2x2x2 structure (8 blocks) and the Powered Drill is a 3x3x1 structure (9 blocks).

Maybe you could have: The Burner drill is a 2x2x2 structure, and it can be built with the reward items from this quest (the 8 Burner Drill Components). Later you will make 9 Powered Drill components and use them in a 3x3x1 block to build a Powered Drill.

Of course, the best thing would be to have a BQ goal to build the 2x2x2 structure, but unfortunately that's just not something BQ can recognize yet. Maybe someday!
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if i didn't have walls (and cheated magablocks) i would be dealing with this on all 4 sides of my base and the numbers just keep growing.

Are you in a deep ocean biome? It appears so, based on the tiny text under your minimap. You should try making a world with a different seed and see if your experience is different.

I haven't had mob hordes attacking me yet, but I'm also not sure I've been in my world for 5 days yet.
if i didn't have walls (and cheated magablocks) i would be dealing with this on all 4 sides of my base and the numbers just keep growing.
Now, that is just wrong. Can you share the seed, that needs investigating. I don't understand also how the biome can be deep ocean. How many days into the game are you?
I have been in a test world a few weeks ago and did nothing apart from run around for 3 days, only had to avoid a couple of spiders in forest on day 2, and wasn't till day 3 that I saw a handful of zombies.
Also, don't know if you are aware of Zombie Awareness mod, but zombies are attracted to light and noise, and pathfind to find a way in, and can pull other zombies.

But, key thing here, is that it looks like the ZA config is not being applied correctly.

ok. the labritorystructure is resolved. but now it doesn't reconize the recipe. AFTER consuming the red science. it burns the 1 red science then it stops working. WTH
Are you providing 140 rf/t? It seems MM machines don't slow down with less power provided, they just stop. I have also been debating buffing the power output of the starter coal generator.

Are you in a deep ocean biome? It appears so, based on the tiny text under your minimap. You should try making a world with a different seed and see if your experience is different.

I haven't had mob hordes attacking me yet, but I'm also not sure I've been in my world for 5 days yet.
Latest version has been upped to 20 days, and above ground spawns has been lowered.
If there's an issue with the spawning from ZA, I'll either disable the extra swarms, or only have swarms underground, increasing the risk from caves, which will be easier to block up and control.
Suggestion: Change the IE Projector recipe to use an electric lamp instead since the regular lamp is uncraftable.

EDIT: wow the nether is super dangerous

worth it, got glowstone
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@Anakardian just finished your vid, just love that mob invasion you had. Total sods law right where your new build was.
Confirmed it was creepers that blew up, not a TNT zombie (they are a lot worse).

Regarding the boiler and pipe connection, I've reported it to the mod maker a while back, but I think he is too busy with Real Life stuff, which is understandable. It's the interaction between IE pipes and the boiler. I think the boiler structure is not loading fast enough when the chunk loads, the the pipe no longer sees a valid structure to connect to.
Shame that Railcraft isn't around yet, perfect for boilers and trains.
There is now an option to add a Modular Machinery Boiler instead, to replace the mod currently being used, but it won't auto output the steam (I think), which means an IE pump. Worth worrying about?

Any modded concrete will stop mobs digging through (they also can't spawn on it), so there are other recipe & texture options, you just can't see them all.

Also, I know you are eager for the Automated Workbench because of some of the cheaper recipes, but do also look at the Assembler options, some of those recipes are really fast crafts, so it's a case of time vs resources.

I've also been thinking about the smelting options, the progression from Blast Furnace to Arc Furnace is quite a jump, and the Arc Furnace is not the easiest thing to build, plus the graphite rods need to be crafted. I strongly feel there needs to be a true electric furnace that sits in between the two with the Arc furnace more for the two "end game metals", which you don't need thousands of stacks off.
Plus, this furnace can also be an electric kiln, as again, there's nothing to alloy apart from Kiln and Arc Furnace. Electrum is the main alloy needed in this pack.

Modular Machinery appears to be coming to the rescue with this style of pack. :D
Proof of concept for Electric Furnace:
Not exactly exciting in appearance (the pre-heater is part of the structure for decorative purposes and allows for recycling parts from an upgraded blast furnace).
According to Wiki, and scaling to RF, this operates at 420 rf/t, twice as fast as a normal furnace (so I've made it twice as fast as the blast furnace as there is no module system).
There are 4 possible locations for input hatches (3 on the side, one on top), so it has some flexibility for automation, only 1 input hatch needed for ores/dusts, 2 inputs for alloying (ingots only), and as a bonus (perhaps), no slag output.

To get to this furnace, it's advanced material processing, then instead of arc, it's electric furnace, then arc follows this, which leads to the titanium aluminde.

Let me know your thoughts.
Wait, are you able to incorporate other mods blocks into modular machinery??? Have I just totally missed this?! :D That's really damn cool holy moly.
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