Manufactio - Minecraft/Factorio hybrid

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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Well, I am playing the 0.4 pack and since ores still generate on the surface in patches, the mobs are spawning on them and it's still a fight for life.
Hmm, that's interesting. I had different results, wasn't until the 3rd night that I had to deal with some mobs.

I've attached zip with 2 new jsons that stop ores being allowed to replace grass blocks, which will cut down the valid surface blocks drastically.
Unzip into \Minecraft\Instances\Manufactio\config\cofh\world

Edit: In other news, looking at integrating Advanced Rocketry. One key change I'm making is making the mod recipes more uniform with the existing factory components, and where possible, streamline the process where possible.
Refreshing my memory on the mod, getting to asteroid mining is quite a long process.


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Been fumbling my way through the beginning of the pack but having fun with it.

One thing i noticed though, i can make the logistical transporter and sorter from Mekanism quite early. The configurator that is needed for full function of the system is locked behind a lot of progress though.
Once i had the logistical sorter, i could skip all of the conveyors and stick to the Mekanism stuff even without the configurator.

From the way the quests appear to be laid out, i assume you want more conveyor use in the early game so you might want to tweak the logistical transporter and sorter to be a later game option.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Been fumbling my way through the beginning of the pack but having fun with it.

One thing i noticed though, i can make the logistical transporter and sorter from Mekanism quite early. The configurator that is needed for full function of the system is locked behind a lot of progress though.
Once i had the logistical sorter, i could skip all of the conveyors and stick to the Mekanism stuff even without the configurator.

From the way the quests appear to be laid out, i assume you want more conveyor use in the early game so you might want to tweak the logistical transporter and sorter to be a later game option.
Correct, I've not yet locked mekanism behind research, currently I disabled the Steel Casing recipe but all other elements are as is. If you look in the logistics research, there's an expensive research option for all the basic pipes (mainly due to using just wires for connecting all the machines is going to get messy).

For most of the game you are forced to use conveyors and limited logistics, so for this short time, you've got access to Mek logistics :D
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Got a strange problem with the silo from IE.

Stage L013 has been unlocked but i am not able to form the multiblock.
The error given is "You cannot form this MultiBlock! Further Progression is Required." 2 times.

As far as I can see in the configs I have done everything that is required.

Also tried to run the unlocking command but that did not solve the issue.

The projector gives a green outline of the structure and a double-check of the manual confirms the blocks are placed correctly and are of the correct type.

Any ideas on how to form it?


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Spot the error in the script:

mods.multiblockstages.IEMultiBlockStages.addStage("P013", "IE:Silo");


If you open up \Manufactio\scripts\research.zs and change that to L013 instead of P013, and reload the game, it'll work for you.


You might want to do something about the transmutation table.

Once you have a minimal power gen and very few resources, the table is avaiable.
Since you can make the science packs through that, a lot fo the automation means nothing.
All you need to set up is some smelting. Feeding ingots to the table manually is easy and you have all the emc you need for quick progress.


Oh, and what is going on with all the bats??
I seem to have them everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Just as an fyi, you can edit your messages. It's not really useful to post two messages in quick succession like that. That being said, I think the Transmutation Table will be gated way later to work as an endgame goal. Might be better to just ignore it for now, the pack is still in development after all.
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I know it can be edited however it is two different things so I thought it best to have them in two different posts to not mix bats in the transmutation table


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Thanks. The next update (0.5) is going to focus on fixing/resolving these issues and finish off the last few research/quests, so the WIP chapters are the only areas left to focus on.
There's plenty of items I tend not to use, and forget all about, so these prods/reminders are useful.

Transmutation table is going to be disabled. Game progress is miniturisation, IE to Mek, to Energy Condensors (and collectors), then the final "challenge (resource intensive)" of creative items.

Bats - I know exactly what is going on there. Need to adjust the InControl script (it basically allows any passive mob to spawn anywhere, regardless of vanilla MC rules, so need it to follow MC rules too).


Thank for solving the bat problem.
Those buggers drive me crazy flying into the overhead powerlines.

As for the transmutation table, it has always been OP for most things.

Btw, is there a way to see the results of your ore scanner after the pop-up messages disappear?
I keep forgetting which chunk has what resources. It is mostly the rarer resources such as redstone i have trouble with.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Thank for solving the bat problem.
Those buggers drive me crazy flying into the overhead powerlines.

As for the transmutation table, it has always been OP for most things.

Btw, is there a way to see the results of your ore scanner after the pop-up messages disappear?
I keep forgetting which chunk has what resources. It is mostly the rarer resources such as redstone i have trouble with.
Next version has a new item added to the mod, it's a new scanner that shows the local area as a mini-map, and you can put a piece of Iron Ore, and it'll show you the density of Iron Ores in the local area (about a 16 chunk radius), making it easier to find resources.
It's more of a "creative item" but I'm going to give it a recipe and lock it behind research as it's so useful.

If redstone (or any ore) looks like it's going to be a bottleneck, I'll adjust oregen.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Here's a preview of the advanced form of ore scanner:

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That looks really nice.
Compared to placing signs all over it is much better.


Found a problem with the quest "Advanced materials processing" (quest #27).

The reward command is "#/gamestage add @p P011". Once the "#" is removed, it works fine.

Another thing that bothers me is that the crafting of treated wood seems to eat my bucket.
For some reason i cannot use an efab tank to provide the creosote for the recipe. I know liquid components can be required from tanks in the efab so maybe a specific recipe for that?
Not the biggest problem yet as I can find vanilla crafting tables in villages for making my treated wood.
I think that once i get to the assembler stage it will be easy enough to make treated wood without losing buckets.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Found a problem with the quest "Advanced materials processing" (quest #27).

The reward command is "#/gamestage add @p P011". Once the "#" is removed, it works fine.

Another thing that bothers me is that the crafting of treated wood seems to eat my bucket.
For some reason i cannot use an efab tank to provide the creosote for the recipe. I know liquid components can be required from tanks in the efab so maybe a specific recipe for that?
Not the biggest problem yet as I can find vanilla crafting tables in villages for making my treated wood.
I think that once i get to the assembler stage it will be easy enough to make treated wood without losing buckets.
Good spot, thought I'd eliminated any remaining #.

That's an interesting and unexpected find about creosote wood. Efab has to have specific recipes defined to use actual fluids, it's not "smart" and doesn't see the liquid bucket as an actual liquid.
I'll put in an alternative recipe for Creosote wood.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Next update features an amazing change. MagneticCraft inserters are now animated, and can also have filters, and speed and stack upgrades. Only thing I've found is that sometimes they need to be broken and replaced to function correctly. Now I need to add the speed & stack upgrades as research. :D

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Not sure how i feel about the inserters.
Tried to make a coal coke factory using them but they consistently failed to work when i loaded the world so I ended up úsing the dropping conveyors instead. While they cannot be covered, they fit nicely on top of the ovens and blast furnace.