I am now in the "end game" and I am loving the combo of mods and having the resources I need to make whatever I want, or at least to make whatever I need to make whatever I want
I have run in to a problem with the Tardis and traveling between dimensions - the lever to dial in on a dimension cycles through many dimensions without problems, including some DW themed ones like Trenzalore and Gallifrey and some of the GalactiCraft ones like Mars (which shows up as planet.mars but works) and Pluto (which shows up as Pluto as it should) but there is at least one dimension that I cannot dial it in to, and that's the Moon. I have an RFTools teleporter/recaller/dialer set up on Mars, Pluto, Venus, and the Moon so I was able to travel in the Tardis to Mars, find my base on Mars by wandering around from where the Tardis put me, then made a Tardis Landing Pad in my base on Mars, recalled it to me with the Sonic Screwdriver, saved the coordinates into the console of the Tardis, and flew back there with the toggle set on the console to prefer landing pads, and it lands on the pad just fine. I figured I'd just RFTools teleport myself to my Moon base, put down a Tardis Landing Pad there, and use the Sonic Screwdriver to recall the Tardis to me, but it says that it cannot recall. I made one of the Tardis Recaller blocks on the Moon and used it and it worked, but when I went inside the console display of the Tardis still shows the dimension of the last one I visited (Mars) rather than the Moon, and trying to put a Tardis Landing Pad near the Recaller block outside the Tardis, get inside and save the current coordinates and fly back to them to hop over onto the Landing Pad didn't work, I ended up back in the last dimension I had visited (Mars.)
I just posted about this on the Tardis mod thread (
post is here) but I wanted to write about it here, too. For what it's worth, I noticed that in the RFTools Dialer menu, some planets show as just their name like Pluto and Venus but others seem to have more of a "behind the scenes" code-esque name - for example, Mars is planet.mars and the Moon is moon.moon. The Tardis can still find planet.mars, though, so I don't think the naming is the issue per se. Perhaps there are just too many dimensions for the Tardis to be able to cycle through them all? Or perhaps there's some other lever or something somewhere on the Tardis console that I'm missing that cycles through even more dimensions?