Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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if I just sky block a 25 by 25 square of compressed cobble, and build my base under that, would that server as a effective meteor shield?
you dont really need a meteor shield: i have a 32x32x5 base, and its constructed with cobble, and every time a meteor hits it, it just lands on top. no damage. that might be because it is a chisel block (square cobble bricks or something like that), but i don't have an issue with meteors breaking the base.
Is there a way to remove enchantments from items in this pack? Putting them on books would be helpful, but not necessary. The division sigil appears to be missing.
Ok, folks episode 3 is now online. I hope to have episode 4 uploaded today. I've recorded 5, but it needs to be edited and I'm set to record 6 and 7. I hope everyone who watches enjoys them!

Hey man, just a thought,
In this ep i noticed you didn't really have an efficient form of power. Before you start to focus on getting to mars and everything, build some advanced solar panels (galacticraft rf generators). on the moon, they work quite well. i also recommend digging your base out, finding the rf storage system, and creating the larger version (also a galacticraft item). You can also use the dug out blocks from your base to get iron and aluminium: use the decomposer.
Also, you can craft moon rock with minechem chemicals (check the NEI), but you are better off getting gravel to sieve: (you can make it in minechem with obsidian (1 obsidian = 16 gravel)).
Just some suggestions, if you havent done this already in the unpublished eps.
The ONE problem is a bug Ex Astris. Uncharget nether star do not drink blood from the altar 4 tir. Problem solved within the text.
The TWO problem is a bug Galactycraft. Oxygen sealer does not see darck glass and obsydian glass from extra utilites. Problem solved within the text.

Option 1:
Path from RomixERR'a
This >>  core.conf
>> ftb\GalacticScience\minecraft\config\Galacticraft
This >>  replacedRecipes.zs
>> ftb\GalacticScience\minecraft\scripts
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Option 2:
Go to: ftb\GalacticScience\minecraft\config\Galacticraft\core.conf
And replace this:
# List non-opaque blocks from other mods (for example, special types of glass) that the Oxygen Sealer should recognize as solid seals. Format is BlockName or BlockName:metadata
    S:"External Sealable IDs" <

Go to: ftb\GalacticScience\minecraft\scripts\replacedRecipes.zs
And replace this:
// ================================================================================
// Blood Magic

mods.bloodmagic.Altar.addRecipe(<AWWayofTime:blankSlate>, <TardisMod:item.TardisMod.CraftingComponent:2>, 0, 1000, 50, 50);

mods.bloodmagic.Altar.addRecipe(<AWWayofTime:weakBloodOrb>, <thedalekmod:DalekaniumIngot>, 0, 1000, 50, 50);

    [[<GalacticraftMars:item.null:2>, <GalacticraftMars:item.null:2>, <GalacticraftMars:item.null:2>],
    [<ore:ingotDesh>, <thedalekmod:DalekaniumIngot>, <GalacticraftMars:item.null:2>],
    [<ore:ingotDesh>, <ore:ingotDesh>, <ore:ingotDesh>]]);
//RomixERR patch


mods.bloodmagic.Altar.addRecipe(<minecraft:nether_star>, <exastris:uncharged_netherstar>, 4, 20000, 20, 20);

// ================================================================================
You can say thank you for the work done RomixERR!
Можете сказать спасибо RomixERR за проделанную работу!
you dont really need a meteor shield: i have a 32x32x5 base, and its constructed with cobble, and every time a meteor hits it, it just lands on top. no damage. that might be because it is a chisel block (square cobble bricks or something like that), but i don't have an issue with meteors breaking the base.

my experience is contrary to your suggestion (you don't really need a meteor shield)

So I decided to make a 13 by 13 tower as a base and as narrow as it is, I checked the meteor shield and it was hit multiple times and the compressed cobble did take damage, I'm upgrading to double compressed cobble.

also I appears you get 1 nether star (or depleted nether star) and that's the only one you will get for a long while, I see you can make cursed earth from it, what other good uses does it have?
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I have a problem:<<Error extracting native libraries>> Can somebody help me?
Hey Guys how can help me i cant play the modpack because it crash at the ingame launcher at 5 from 7
Hey man, just a thought,
In this ep i noticed you didn't really have an efficient form of power. Before you start to focus on getting to mars and everything, build some advanced solar panels (galacticraft rf generators). on the moon, they work quite well. i also recommend digging your base out, finding the rf storage system, and creating the larger version (also a galacticraft item). You can also use the dug out blocks from your base to get iron and aluminium: use the decomposer.
Also, you can craft moon rock with minechem chemicals (check the NEI), but you are better off getting gravel to sieve: (you can make it in minechem with obsidian (1 obsidian = 16 gravel)).
Just some suggestions, if you havent done this already in the unpublished eps.

Thank, some of those things are already done. I've recorded up to episode 7, just need to get them edited and uploaded. I should have 4 up tonight, and 5 sometime tomorrow. Other than minor goofs here and there, running out of redstone, etc, everything I do is for a reason. I've been through the pack six times now, and if I'm not using coal in early game for power its because I have a better use for it down the road. The Galactic Science Community Server World Tour video I did will pretty much show where I'm going with the pack, the let's play just shows in greater detail how I got there.
Is there a way to remove enchantments from items in this pack? Putting them on books would be helpful, but not necessary. The division sigil appears to be missing.

check out the Ender IO enchanter, it allows you to craft books with specific enchantments
check out the Ender IO enchanter, it allows you to craft books with specific enchantments
thanks, though I was looking for a way to re-enchant items. I ended up making another one. Speaking of the EIO enchanter, you cannot make the shaped rose bush recipe in the synthesizer, as the shapeless red tulip recipe overwrites it. This prevents the acquisition of thorns. I think this is a bug, so I cheated in a rose bush and voided a red tulip.
Config help

Hey, I've been playing the modpack alot and I've pretty much completed all the quests and I sort of want to play still in sandbox mode

The problem is I want to go back to the overworld to make a base but its locked

I did change a config saying I could return to the overworld but when I try it takes me back to the moon

Plese help me get back to the over world by telling me how to get there
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Here's a fun thing I learned. Oxygen sealer works with fused quartz, but not obsidian glass. Go ahead and guess which one of those materials I made thousands of to build a huge freaking parkland dome. And ancillary farm dome. And blast armor for my solar farm. And rocket launch bay with retractable roof...
Here's a fun thing I learned. Oxygen sealer works with fused quartz, but not obsidian glass. Go ahead and guess which one of those materials I made thousands of to build a huge freaking parkland dome. And ancillary farm dome. And blast armor for my solar farm. And rocket launch bay with retractable roof...

you might be able to add obsidian glass to the sealable blocks list...
I wanna make a series of this as well(it would be my very first youtube video series ever).. but i wanna start fresh after the update which is supposed to break Ex Artis. Any ETA on that?
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