here is a link to a forum with it
if you look there it will give you info on tools to change that
personally id let the modpack owner do the editing
im just trying to give you helpful advice dude take your risks
You can do that with regular barrels. I have fairly complicated auto manufacture of various things, some vanilla crafting, some minechem, and it all barrels, crafters and relocator pipes.
I know I can manually extract things from individual barrels but I was kind of hoping there was something in the pack to treat a connected set of sorting barrels kind of like a primitive AE system to help keep the clutter down.
not sure if a bug but i thought id mention this....i was making some silicon dioxide or whatever it is for making sand in the chemical synthesizer and when i did make it it subtracted the core elements from the in-built inv of it but i never got any put in my own inv so i checked my inv to see it almost full up of stuff i needed for my next step of automation and i had two slots free so it should have gone into at least one of them right? no what happened was rather odd, it made the stuff but then it just poofed into nothingness! i looked everywhere on the ground in my small workshop thinking that it had been made but i didn't pick it up but i couldn't see it anywhere! i even checked on the top floor of the base that i spawned with when i started the map but it wasn't there eitherso i basically made 20 of them for nothing?
i know it's buggy, im just a bit annoyed that all that decomposing was for naught! but it's to be expected, the pack is still in beta so i really shouldn't be too angry that stuff goes "poof into nothingness" should i?It can be buggy sometimes but I've never had anything disappear. Most of the time the bugginess I experience is a duplicating glitch where when I shift click the item to be received out of the synthesizer it seems like I get more than what I had materials for. That is just a visual glitch however, as when I close and reopen my inv. the correct amount is accounted for.