I made it through the Stargate

As someone else had posted a few pages back, I copied over the DIM 112 folder and I was able to get there through the Stargate but the short range teleporter didn't work, so I dug my way up. For those curious, I had made a Polytool with +32 attack (look through Minechem for the elements that add Sword damage) and I had the Quantum Flux Battlesuit armor on, with upgrades in each piece except the helmet (since night vision seems buggy on Galacticraft planets) and I was fine, the biggest problem was explosions taking out the small amount of standing space more than any concerns about dying.
EDIT: I see TheLogan posted about this same Short Range Telepad issue while I was writing my post - I have armor that lets me fly so I just dug out to the side then up a bit, but be prepared to fight lots of mobs!
I got the Blood Altar and now I am trying to turn the Awesome Machine Core into a Tardis Key with it, and I've hit a wall - the upgrades for the Blood Altar need Blank Slates, which have been modified to not use Stone but instead to use Kontron Crystals from Tardis Mod, so I can't get those until I get the Tardis. No problem, the recipe in NEI says it is a Tier 1 recipe, so I don't need an upgrade. The problem is with the amount of LP needed - 100000! Each prick of the knife only gets me 200, so what am I missing?
How in the world am I supposed to get 100000 LP into this block considering the altar only stores 10000 at a time and if I am infusing something in the altar and it runs out of LP the infusion slowly reverses. What's the secret here? The best idea I have is guzzling instant healing potions, but even that doesn't seem like enough. Since each heart of damage I do to myself is 200 LP, that's 100000/200 = 500 hearts, so 50 full heals of all 10 hearts o.0