I've spent about 30 hours playing the FTB v.1.08 of this pack so far. It reminded me a lot of Crash Landing which was the first modpack I played and enjoyed a lot. I'm not enjoying this on as much (yet) because there was no exploration and the issues with the quests.
I'm at the point where I'm nearly complete collecting the resources to build the Tier 2 Rocket to go to Mars. Before I complete it I wanted to give a lot of feedback on the pack so far.
- Quest #5 Moar Power!, #6 Stars align, and #7 Quantums should not be unlocked until after you go to Mars since they all need Deft.
- At the very start, have the player start with the Star Container instead of having it inside the Star Harvester. This took me way to long to figure out and almost made me quit right then.
- Quest to craft a Glowstone Torch and Floodlight.
- Quest to get the MineChem book.
- Add quest text to various quests informing the player of critical MineChem decompositions, such as: Obsidian to SiO2, Compressed Cobble to a bunch of stuff, End Stone to Einsteinium and Beryllium.
- Add quest text to various quests informing the player that synthesizing End Stone (after you get the Chemical Fission Chamber) and Gravel in addition to the already mentioned moon blocks.
- Add more quest rewards for electrical wires (either Aluminum Wire or Energy Conduits).
- Remove the quest "Fossil Stuff" for getting oil as it is useless.
- Remove the quest for the Automatic Hammer since it isn't useful (at least not before Mars).
- Tell the payer that Crucibles can be sped up by using lava instead of torches to heat them.
- Quest for Stone Barrels. Tell the player you can put a water source node above it with lava inside to make Obsidian.
- Quest to introduce the player to Stirling Generators.
- Optional quest to get a Frequency Module so the player can hear sounds (it took me forever to find this item!)
- Quest for Transfer Node (Items) and the World Interaction Upgrade and tell the player how to use it for cobble gen.
- Optional quest for Transfer Pipes. Tell the player they can be configured with a stick.
- Optional quest for Stack Upgrade, Speed Upgrade, and Pseudo Round Robin Upgrades as these are all very usefull for this modpack.
- Quest to get the Compressor and Electric furnace (tell the player that they can be upgraded)
- Quest to craft the NASA Workbench
- In addition to the Refined Relocation sorting chests, add another quest for BSpace barrel upgrades.
- Fix the "Trees on the moon" quest from not completing
- Fix all your grammar mistakes in the quest book. It's really annoying seeing lower case "i".
- Add quest text to the right side of the page where there is still default HQM text for nearly all the quests.
- The early game loot bags are terrible. Add some luxury items to their loot table such as electrical wiring, armor, redstone, lights, and more air tanks.
This pack still feels very much like an alpha or beta and I think you should label it as such. Being at v.1.08 implies that the pack is feature complete and ready to play, which I feel it is not.
You are absolutely right, it is definitely a beta release at the current stage. The version'ing follows standard procedures:
First number = status
- 0 for alpha (status)
- 1 for beta (status)
- 2 for release candidate
- 3 for (final) releas
Second number = major updates, introducing new gameplay content
Third number = minor updates, mainly bug fixes
Fourth number = hot fixes and alike
Unfortunately there did happen a small mistake with the version number 1.08 as this should have been 1.0.8.
The pack is currently on version 1.1 (awaiting ftb approval) which introduces a new mod, a new dimension and a complete quest rewrite.
Currently it is being worked on 1.2 which will introduce another 2 new mods and dimension. (I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to spoiler)
Once a release candidate is ready (probably after 1.3 or 1.4) the version number will move up to 2.x..
There is a lot of stuff that could need improvement and to be cleaned up. Thank you very much for sharing your experience, recommendations.. and especially for the nice layout that is great to work with. I don't know how much is still compliant with 1.1 but I'm sure caith or chet will go over it and work on what is possible.
If you continue playing the modpack it would be great to get more feedback from you, this is giving us a good opportunity of improvement. (If you would like to get involved with it a bit more, we are always looking for clear heads to give regular feedback, share ideas, give opinions about other ideas and if enough time is available help out
