Shear on infested leaves : vanilla exnihilo behaviour. - That's what I figured.
Oil - Probably with GC pipes. But its not like you need sooo much gc fuel- Yeah I completely forgot about Transfer nodes which worked. So I wont need the 10 tanks and counting I made..Is there a difference between fuel and rocket fuel which I've got from reward bags?
So I finally got a Tier 2 Rocket Schematic (3rd dungeon), unlocked it in the machine, now I have an empty build screen. Is there something other than the wiki which would tell me what to put in to make a rocket? I can use the wiki, but shouldn't there be some in game way (maybe I'm missing it, never played around with Galactic Craft before.)
As for the difference between "fuel" and "rocket fuel" it can be rather misleading. "Fuel" is used for galacticraft rockets and can be produced by placing wood in a crucible to get oil and refining that in a refinery to get fuel. You don't really need much fuel, ~10 buckets should be all you ever need in the modpack. As for "rocket fuel" that is made in an Ender IO vat from Hootch and it is used as a fuel for generators, "rocket fuel" being a colloquialism for a strong alcoholic drink being used as fuel.
Lol, I don't mean to be derogatory but man, you like to do things the hard way =P You can get the schematics in the set of quests at the very bottom of the index, something space junk, you don't need to go to dungeons, just give a diamond block and you will get 3 diff schematics, including the buggy. As for the how to build the rockets, look in NEI, when you open your inventory use the search bar down at the bottom to search for "tier 2 rocket" and click on the rocket to see the recipe.
If the search bar/items are not showing to the right in your inventory press "O"