Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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The chooper works for taking the trees down, what I am looking for is the rest of the process for removing the logs, apples, and saplings and adding axes and fuel to the chopper.
@GlitchMonkey Do a manual update of progressive automation. The version in the pack has broken input. The new one works with pipes so that everything doesn't get shoved into the chopper (or whatever) inventory and ejected, but instead waits to fill the proper slots. With the mod upgraded you can do proper automation with something as basic as a couple chests (one fuel, one tool) and nodes on them. They will only place the fuel/tool when that slot is open.

There is a tl;dr at the end of this cause it's late and I'm sure I rambled even after cutting a lot out.

For the pack in general, it would be nice to have a little bit more in the way of tutorial quests for the mods. The star mod for example is completely new to me. A little bit in the book about how you get stars (from comments it sounds like it can be tried at t1?) and very brief info text about some possible variation on them would be nice. The electrical mod seems absolutely ignored and thus superfluous in a pack aiming to be smaller. It is a very complex mod. Same for blood magic (which I literally can't do one thing with). But maybe they are for later on?

Another thing is that there is perhaps too much vagueness and mystery involved in how you intend the player to progress in things. When you heavily modify things and put in a lot of restrictions, simple hints aren't really appropriate. If there are multiple ways to to do things, cool, but making it quite obvious what the most basic (and expected) way to do absolutely everything needed is necessary so people don't have to resort to the forum or hunting through wikis for "non standard" things. Unfortunately, I kept very poor notes on things that really stuck out thus far, unlike usual, so specific examples are nonexistant at the moment. I'll post if I remember/find specifics.

A more general example of how you could help out players a bit is refined relocation. I have used in a lot of maps now, so am familiar, but if someone is playing it for the first time, there is no way they will not have to use an external source. "Look a sorting chest and some pipes with things," does not help at all. The quests are more like simple reminders that the mod exists in the pack. If that is the style you are trying for, thats fine, but you might put a little heads up in the description that the pack is very sparse in it's use of hqm for teaching as you go. That kind of thing is sort of expected now, with some going very far into the hand holding and tutorialness. Agrarian skies has become the new standard and people expect at least some of that detail with hqm, otherwise why have hqm?

Everything does seem to be done quite well and thought out. And I'm definitely continuing to play. Progression seems new and interesting (if slow and a bit too grindy for my taste and apparently some others). Things just aren't explained very well.

tl;dr: The pack is well done but short on guidance with hqm, which is a valid choice but uncommon. You might think about adding some more helpful text and "getting to know you" quests, or let people know the nature of the pack upfront since it is not the norm with hqm nowadays. Kids can't play this without a lot of additional help.
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I'm playing beta 1.3.2 on curse and the recipe for galacticraft fragmented coal overlap the mini coal/charcoal.

Is there a better tool for mining early game than vanilla pickaxe ?

Mining moon rock take so long and my pick broke so quickly.

Envoyé de mon LG-H815 en utilisant Tapatalk
Theres a diamond pick reward early on. With automated sieving making more shouldnt be a problem as well. The polytool is quite expensive but you can make it @T1. The coal recipes is a known bug i haent found a way to fix yet. Thoo you should rely on minechem for burnables anyway! :)
@GlitchMonkey Do a manual update of progressive automation. The version in the pack has broken input. The new one works with pipes so that everything doesn't get shoved into the chopper (or whatever) inventory and ejected, but instead waits to fill the proper slots. With the mod upgraded you can do proper automation with something as basic as a couple chests (one fuel, one tool) and nodes on them. They will only place the fuel/tool when that slot is open.

There is a tl;dr at the end of this cause it's late and I'm sure I rambled even after cutting a lot out.

For the pack in general, it would be nice to have a little bit more in the way of tutorial quests for the mods. The star mod for example is completely new to me. A little bit in the book about how you get stars (from comments it sounds like it can be tried at t1?) and very brief info text about some possible variation on them would be nice. The electrical mod seems absolutely ignored and thus superfluous in a pack aiming to be smaller. It is a very complex mod. Same for blood magic (which I literally can't do one thing with). But maybe they are for later on?

Another thing is that there is perhaps too much vagueness and mystery involved in how you intend the player to progress in things. When you heavily modify things and put in a lot of restrictions, simple hints aren't really appropriate. If there are multiple ways to to do things, cool, but making it quite obvious what the most basic (and expected) way to do absolutely everything needed is necessary so people don't have to resort to the forum or hunting through wikis for "non standard" things. Unfortunately, I kept very poor notes on things that really stuck out thus far, unlike usual, so specific examples are nonexistant at the moment. I'll post if I remember/find specifics.

A more general example of how you could help out players a bit is refined relocation. I have used in a lot of maps now, so am familiar, but if someone is playing it for the first time, there is no way they will not have to use an external source. "Look a sorting chest and some pipes with things," does not help at all. The quests are more like simple reminders that the mod exists in the pack. If that is the style you are trying for, thats fine, but you might put a little heads up in the description that the pack is very sparse in it's use of hqm for teaching as you go. That kind of thing is sort of expected now, with some going very far into the hand holding and tutorialness. Agrarian skies has become the new standard and people expect at least some of that detail with hqm, otherwise why have hqm?

Everything does seem to be done quite well and thought out. And I'm definitely continuing to play. Progression seems new and interesting (if slow and a bit too grindy for my taste and apparently some others). Things just aren't explained very well.

tl;dr: The pack is well done but short on guidance with hqm, which is a valid choice but uncommon. You might think about adding some more helpful text and "getting to know you" quests, or let people know the nature of the pack upfront since it is not the norm with hqm nowadays. Kids can't play this without a lot of additional help.

Thanks for that, to your point, the reason I am using Refined Relocation is that the quest book takes you that direction. However seeing that its broken that is causing the issue I am having now. Think of it being like a lets play, I am trying to do things along the path the book is taking you on so others can do the same and have something to work from. By distracting myself with other methods of doing the "things" in the pack I take away from the progress of the pack. I am going to end up pulling ALL of my Refined Relocation components and replacing them with Extra Utilities. Granted this was also hinted at in the quests but it seemed clearer to me that it wanted us to use Refined Relocation. However the book also hints at a couple other mods. Most of them (related to inventory management) seem a bit redundant and have higher levels of difficulty in using them, if nothing more than the fact of little to no real documentation on how to use them (not the fault of the pack but the mod maker).

I took a look at electrical age, I see no reason its in the pack.

Some of the quest sections are good, others need work by expanding what they talk about and cover. Pack creation is hard and I can tell that this pack has had a lot of time devoted to it, with a bit more house cleaning on the extra mods and expansion of the quests I think this pack could be a big hit. First thought is, with a clear direction on automation the complaints about it being grindy would go away.
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Refined Relocation needs a lot of refinement to come close to fantastic. hehehe

The first issue I ran into with it does not have great filters for doing what it is doing. It ignores some ores and includes other (to be specific) chems as ore. This results in a bit of a mess removing any idea of reasonable/simple form of configuration. It, on it's own, can't fully manage inventories on a granular level with types. Well, it can, if I spend hours editing the small text field it gives with every item I don't want an inventory to accept. In the case of ore types from other mods I need to go dig in the configs for their actual names then I can add them to the list.

Outside of ores it probably does do a good job of sorting other items its just not able to manage ores yet. That is what I have found anyway, problem is, ore is really what I need managed. The other stuff is simple enough to deal with as it does not require processing steps/phases an such. It has potential that is for sure. :D
Well I managed to get it to sort Broken ores quite well with wild card configuration in that text field from Ex Nihilo
Refined Relocation is actually fantastic for sorting once you work it out
I have to agree.
Refined Relocation needs a lot of refinement to come close to fantastic. hehehe

The first issue I ran into with it does not have great filters for doing what it is doing. It ignores some ores and includes other (to be specific) chems as ore. This results in a bit of a mess removing any idea of reasonable/simple form of configuration. It, on it's own, can't fully manage inventories on a granular level with types. Well, it can, if I spend hours editing the small text field it gives with every item I don't want an inventory to accept. In the case of ore types from other mods I need to go dig in the configs for their actual names then I can add them to the list.

Outside of ores it probably does do a good job of sorting other items its just not able to manage ores yet. That is what I have found anyway, problem is, ore is really what I need managed. The other stuff is simple enough to deal with as it does not require processing steps/phases an such. It has potential that is for sure. :D
My friend OH_Herobrine and I played as partners on one of the Tybak servers. Our automated sieving system featured the output of several sieves (gravel produced from an automated obsidian->siO2->gravel subsystem). Broken ores were dumped into a tier 3 crafter, sent to a hammerer, output to another tier 3 crafter to make the blocks of ore sand, back again to another hammerer, another tier 3 crafter, into a sorting chest then smelted in a metal furnace from which they were sorted into barrels by rr. Almost all of the item movement was handled by rr. This system was created by herobrine and we ended up with so much material that several barrels had to be upgraded into void barrels to handle the overload. The same chest that received the final smeltable blocks also handled the output from sifting moon turf AT THE SAME TIME and we had no sorting problems other than the sorting chest sometimes getting clogged because barrels needed upgrades.

I thought it was very fantastic, especially compared to the cranky and somewhat erratic system I created on my own in ssp
The issue I found is when you try to use the chest sorting options to have them "auto sort". As long as I keep the items in pipes (labor and time intensive because of how they work) its not a problem. Another issue with the pipes is, they connect to everything. This can jam things up and such. I tried to find a wiki and information on RR and came up dry. Not a 5 min search, I spent hours looking for information, watching videos, etc.

I take a step back and look at it and all the little special details it has and its way too much work with its own special "rules" that make it impractical. Yeah, it can be made to work but I don't have that kind of time to devote to 1 mod when others will do it quick and easy.

I have honestly spent more time fighting RR than any other mod I have used, part of that was due to a bug that was pointed out to me. I am not here to bash RR, its a fine mod I think it just needs some polish to make it fun.

Right now I am using it to manage resources in closed systems but I need to interconnect them as I am at that point and I don't think it can handle a raw material to finished product production line without taking up a ton of resources and space, nothing to say about time.

I welcome anything that would help educate me on the mod, mainly a usable wiki would be all I need.

Also, I hear you about the mess thing. :D
The issue I found is when you try to use the chest sorting options to have them "auto sort".
This reminds me of an old joke:
Patient: "Doctor, I broke my arm in 3 places!"
Doctor: "Stay out of those places!"
Don't try to use the chest sorting options, they have been buggy since the mod was first created.
Another issue with the pipes is, they connect to everything. This can jam things up and such.
Don't use the relocators. Use the block extenders. They function very much like the Steve's Factory Manager cables without the need to program them.
Refined Relocation Wiki:
Using sword has weapon in a space based modpack isn't good!

I've set a server for my friends and I but there is one base for all (not in hqm party).

A true multi-player map (ie with multiple base) is planned or shall we forced to live together?

Envoyé de mon LG-H815 en utilisant Tapatalk
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Im thinking about adding some guns (looks nice :

There are servers that have a working setup for multiple islands like the mym server. If you want to host a server just for some friends, id suggest using worldedit to make some copies of the base.
My first concern about ratchet-and clank mod is: does the dev have permission to use those models? could be problematical if not
This reminds me of an old joke:
Patient: "Doctor, I broke my arm in 3 places!"
Doctor: "Stay out of those places!"
Don't try to use the chest sorting options, they have been buggy since the mod was first created.Don't use the relocators. Use the block extenders. They function very much like the Steve's Factory Manager cables without the need to program them.
Refined Relocation Wiki:

That's my point, nothing explains the finer points and the "buggy" nature of it. I have used that git already and its very hard to understand. It's just not possible to use the mod as is should be expected, you have a pipe it moves things, no its broken. ok now what? (rhetorical)

Refined Relocation has some real amazing features. And since no AE2, you happen to actually use them! :D

I get the idea that a lot of people want to find an alternative to the OPedness of AE2, I respect that and don't ask that it be added to the pack. However RR has a very long way to go before it can come close to what AE does. I think the biggest reason AE2 is so popular is how easy the stupid thing is to use on a basic level. No need to make inventory walls, just toss in a "disk" and you have all your stuff right there. No need to really do much of anything else with it. If you do want to automate, you can and while that can get complicated its only as complicated as you make it.

Anyone that can actually manage to get RR working 100% to take care of ALL their sorting and automation either has a TON of time on their hands or are far more stubborn than I am to make it work. hahaha

ALL the people that I know that charged into Galactic Science quit playing it. I am trying to find a way through the mess that forced them out. Only 1 of them got to mars before tossing in the towel. All of it is related to the lack of reasonable automation/sorting. RR is just too broken to be of use, the time cost needed to put into it is very high and time is incredibly valuable for a lot of people, it just can't make the ROI to keep people going. The problem with this is, those guys that I am talking about are all streamers, I gave it a good push to try and get people to stream this pack to raise visibility but their frustration with it ended their streaming it. I can give you the names of those streamers but not in this format, it will need to be DM.

I am here because I believe in this pack, I really feel that it could be a big hit. One of those, "Where the heck did that pack come from? You mean its been around for this long and no one knew about it?" hehehe
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