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I have to agree.
My friend OH_Herobrine and I played as partners on one of the Tybak servers. Our automated sieving system featured the output of several sieves (gravel produced from an automated obsidian->siO2->gravel subsystem). Broken ores were dumped into a tier 3 crafter, sent to a hammerer, output to another tier 3 crafter to make the blocks of ore sand, back again to another hammerer, another tier 3 crafter, into a sorting chest then smelted in a metal furnace from which they were sorted into barrels by rr. Almost all of the item movement was handled by rr. This system was created by herobrine and we ended up with so much material that several barrels had to be upgraded into void barrels to handle the overload. The same chest that received the final smeltable blocks also handled the output from sifting moon turf AT THE SAME TIME and we had no sorting problems other than the sorting chest sometimes getting clogged because barrels needed upgrades.

I thought it was very fantastic, especially compared to the cranky and somewhat erratic system I created on my own in ssp
Would love to see some pictures of that setup if you wouldn't mind.
Would love to see some pictures of that setup if you wouldn't mind.
You have no idea how much I would like to be able to but my motherboard has passed away (rest in pieces) and I am unable to play. I've been watching this thread from a kindle and I am starting to go into minecraft withdrawal just because mcpe is less than satisfactory. A lot less. Will not be getting Windows 10 version when I am able to replace computer.
Heres a demo setup for T1 :



"Perpetuum mobile". Water gets decimposed to O and H. O is in a Voidbarrel. H is used to power the stirlings.


XU Cobblegen


That feeds these crucibles.

In the back you can see a stone barrel that gets the lava from the crucibles and has a water source on top -> Obsidian. This gets fed to the decomposer on the left. The XU pipes filter out the SiO2 to the synth on the right, which makes gravel.

Rest is from my T2 setup, so dont wonder if there are alloy smelters and stuff, the processing itself can be done at T1 as well :


The sieves

To the left are the sorting barrels where i sort the sieved stuff in. The ones with broken ores feed the T3 crafter which makes ore gravels. Ore gravels get hammeres and into the next T3 crafter which makes ore sands.

Those get hammeres again and finally another T3 crafter which makes the ore dusts that get smelt and stored.

Need more informations, @Yarma92 ?
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Heres a demo setup for T1 :



"Perpetuum mobile". Water gets decimposed to O and H. O is in a Voidbarrel. H is used to power the stirlings.


XU Cobblegen


That feeds these crucibles.

In the back you can see a stone barrel that gets the lava from the crucibles and has a water source on top -> Obsidian. This gets fed to the decomposer on the left. The XU pipes filter out the SiO2 to the synth on the right, which makes gravel.

Rest is from my T2 setup, so dont wonder if there are alloy smelters and stuff, the processing itself can be done at T1 as well :


The sieves

To the left are the sorting barrels where i sort the sieved stuff in. The ones with broken ores feed the T3 crafter which makes ore gravels. Ore gravels get hammeres and into the next T3 crafter which makes ore sands.

Those get hammeres again and finally another T3 crafter which makes the ore dusts that get smelt and stored.

Need more informations, @Yarma92 ?
None, I know how to do all the setups just curious to see other people's builds is all ^^, nice setup :) and thanks for an amazing pack :D

@pndragon65 sorry to hear about you mbo. My hardrive critically failed last week so I share you pain. Hope the recovery goes well.
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I haven't any photo but in my little base I have a XU cobblegen > Crucible eated by an awesomnite block to make lava > Obsidian in stone barrel > Jabba barrel.

Manualy decompose Obsidian to SiO2 (I should automate this) > Gravel to chest > Automatic sieve > Iron chest.

Recently I've powered all machines with two advanced solar panel (other is WIP) from galacticraft and I've some battery from Quantum Flux and a Quantum Entropy Accelerator (trashcan 2.0) as buffer for the night.

When the panel deliver full power I can power my oxygen stuff too.

As I said my base isn't big and I play on private server with some friends (wich have bigger base).

We have a setup to go to mars but the teleporter from RFtool is WIP.
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Heres a demo setup for T1 :



"Perpetuum mobile". Water gets decimposed to O and H. O is in a Voidbarrel. H is used to power the stirlings.


XU Cobblegen


That feeds these crucibles.

In the back you can see a stone barrel that gets the lava from the crucibles and has a water source on top -> Obsidian. This gets fed to the decomposer on the left. The XU pipes filter out the SiO2 to the synth on the right, which makes gravel.

Rest is from my T2 setup, so dont wonder if there are alloy smelters and stuff, the processing itself can be done at T1 as well :


The sieves

To the left are the sorting barrels where i sort the sieved stuff in. The ones with broken ores feed the T3 crafter which makes ore gravels. Ore gravels get hammeres and into the next T3 crafter which makes ore sands.

Those get hammeres again and finally another T3 crafter which makes the ore dusts that get smelt and stored.

Need more informations, @Yarma92 ?
Your automated hydro-power setup is simple, elegant, and genius. I love it! The gravel to ore processing you did is different than my setup. I used sorting chests and kept things alot more compact:

This is an old picture and I've optimized it some, but basically sifted ores come in from the top and go into one sorting chest that really has no filter, so it keeps nothing. Next to that chest is a sorting chest that grabs all broken ore and feeds them into a t3 crafter that has recipes to turn each broken ore quad into ore gravel, and spits it back into the same chest. Two more sorting chest/t3 crafter pairs do the same thing with crushed and powdered ore. Another sorting chest grabs all ore gravel and ore sand and feeds them into an auto-hammer, and spits the crushed and powdered ore back into the same chest. Ore dust gets pulled into the sorting chest next to the furnace to be smelted, then sent into storage. A final chest is set up with a wildcard blacklist of every sub-material in this chain (basically all the filters from the other chests combined into one line). The contents of this chest is to catch all of the extra things that come from sifting that isn't processed (broken ore) and it gets sent into storage somewhere else.

The beauty of using sorting chests for this is that sorting seems to be instant and happens long before any pipes can grab items from the chests. This allows you to use the same chest for both input and output from your T3 crafters and auto-hammers and let your filtered chests take care of routing items to the next step. In a way, it's like using the chests to create an assembly line, with each chest representing a step in a long chain of a complex craft. This method could in fact be used for that exact purpose, setting up a chain to craft each step of a complex item. Sure, the same thing could be done with just t3 crafters and some sort of pipe transfer staggered to create a long line, but the advantage of using sorting chests is it allows you to use an output of a later step as an input in an earlier step without needing to run extra confusing pipe. An example of this is if you were just processing iron alone, you could put all of the iron recipes into one t1 crafter attached to a sorting chest, and another sorting chest with an auto hammer, and with the proper filters set up you could just drop a stack of broken iron ore into a chest, and the t1 crafter and auto hammer would go back and forth reducing all of it into iron ore dust, ready to be smelted.

And yes, I just realized I wrote a novel. :P If it was confusing, let me know and I'll try explaining it a different way.
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Thanks! I thought this version was going to have the naquadah changes in it but I guess I mis-read that. Any eta on putting that in? I've even set up a quarry at y16 of venus across a 5x5 chunk grid and it's still coming in super slow.
They have it in, but its not pushed yet :=)

1.4. has the changes to T4, some minor fixes. And ill check Nuclearcraft since he finished the fusion generator (which looks AMAZING!) for compatilibity before this weekend.

Chetwynd is currently finalizing T5 for single player, then we will update :)

ETA: roughly this weekend on mym launcher, the usual 2-3 days later for ftb.
They have it in, but its not pushed yet :=)

1.4. has the changes to T4, some minor fixes. And ill check Nuclearcraft since he finished the fusion generator (which looks AMAZING!) for compatilibity before this weekend.

Chetwynd is currently finalizing T5 for single player, then we will update :)

ETA: roughly this weekend on mym launcher, the usual 2-3 days later for ftb.
found a minor recipe quirk. Hopefully you can push it out in time for the new update. The synthesis recipe for a coal block is a stack of 72 carbon which is impossible actually input into the synth machine. You can however record the coal block into a journal with the microscope, and then select the recipe on the journal and put the journal in the synth machine. That way works, but inputting it manual with no journal doesn't. The recipe should probably be a 3x3 grid of 8 carbon to be realistic though. I realize coal blocks can just be crafted easily, and this recipe doesn't matter much, but it was just something quirky I noticed. :p
Ok, I passed the entry quest (64 naq) into the stargate questline, and the followup quest was easy (make one alloy out of 2 naq). After completing that, it opens up 3 quests which I assume is the blocks needed to actually build a stargate. I must say, even with the naq changes coming, I still can't see myself completing a stargate with the current recipes and timers.

I started doing the math to add up all of the time and naq I would need to mine and process to complete the 3 quests:
Each chevron block requires 4 ring blocks, and you need 7, so that's 28 ring blocks.
Stargate base requires 4 ring blocks, so that makes 32 ring blocks total.
Third quest requires 8 ring blocks, so that makes 40 ring blocks total.
Each ring block requires 3 naq alloy ingots, and each of these ingots require 2 naquadah, so 6 per ring block.
40 ring blocks comes up to a total of 120 naquadah alloy ingots, or a total of 240 naquadah!

So lets take a look at making this:
Each naq alloy ingot needs to be cooked in an alloy furnace for 7,000,000 RF. From what I could tell when I researched it, alloy furnace cook times are calculated based on the amount of RF required divided by the speed of your capacitor, 20 Rf/t for none, 60 Rf/t for double, and 100 Rf/t for oct. Using an oct, and assuming 20 ticks per second, that comes up to 2k Rf/s. Since you need to spend 7 million Rf, this will take 3500 seconds with an oct capacitor, or approximately 1 hour. With no capacitor, that time goes up to 5 hours. Mind you, you need to do this 120 times. The only thing I can think of to speed this up is to make like a zillion alloy furnaces just to process naq, but the bottleneck there is making enough octadic capacitors to shorten the timers (constantly running out of gold for those).

So that's my analysis of the current time sink, and that's JUST the naquadah processing. These stargates require alot more materials to make, and I haven't really looked at the time sink involved in those yet. Not sure if this is in line with what was planned, but I can tell you that for a single player doing this alone, the amount of time required to do this is just way too high.

Edit: I wanted to add that one reason this grind feels less tolerable than the others is the fact that by the time you get to the point where you are making a stargate, you've completed just about everything else there is to do. My quest book is pretty much completed except the stargate section. It's a huge bottleneck of time and materials with little else to do while you wait on all of this to finish.
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Smelting is down to 800k in 1.4.

Aquiring the stuff is actually kinda easy thoo you will want to look into automating the fusion and providing it with a good power source (i used routers fine in my tests and the ender conduits carry 80k in 1.4m also vats are 10 times faster for hootch). Power is balanced around nuclear craft, thoo with the new turbines from adv. generators that should work out well too. At least when you have 2+ gens and a good syngas/rocketfuel supply.

Well it also depends on what you fusion ofc. If you make everything out of oxygen that will take some time too ;)
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Its a real nice T2 Power generation (and perfect for making the stuff for the stargate). Sadly it crashes alot and corrupts worlds. Reported it to the dev, hope he can fix it before 1.4 :)
Is it possible to fix the overlapping recipe (mini coal vs fragmented coal) and the gold dust (required by the heart of star recipe).

Minechem is able to make gold dust but every time I try dust is replaced by ingots.

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Is it possible to fix the overlapping recipe (mini coal vs fragmented coal) and the gold dust (required by the heart of star recipe).

Minechem is able to make gold dust but every time I try dust is replaced by ingots.

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You should not need the mini/fragmented coal really for power gen afaik, use minechem for it. As for the gold dust, take an ingot and just pulverize it with a SAG mill or similar.

Its a real nice T2 Power generation (and perfect for making the stuff for the stargate). Sadly it crashes alot and corrupts worlds. Reported it to the dev, hope he can fix it before 1.4 :)

Can you not just use the minechem fusion chamber for the naq production?
The coal pellets dont work and ive not found a fix for it. You want to burn hydrogen or carbon anyway. The gold thingy will be fixed in 1.4 with a workaround.

The minechem fusion chamber is power hungry when making naq!
You want to burn hydrogen or carbon anyway. The gold thingy will be fixed in 1.4 with a workaround.
I know the hydrogen trick (I use it in my setup). It's for a friend that start.

Did you know if the 1.4 update reset hqm progress?

I know hqm doesn't like much the upgrade.

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