Heres a demo setup for T1 :
"Perpetuum mobile". Water gets decimposed to O and H. O is in a Voidbarrel. H is used to power the stirlings.
XU Cobblegen
That feeds these crucibles.
In the back you can see a stone barrel that gets the lava from the crucibles and has a water source on top -> Obsidian. This gets fed to the decomposer on the left. The XU pipes filter out the SiO2 to the synth on the right, which makes gravel.
Rest is from my T2 setup, so dont wonder if there are alloy smelters and stuff, the processing itself can be done at T1 as well :
The sieves
To the left are the sorting barrels where i sort the sieved stuff in. The ones with broken ores feed the T3 crafter which makes ore gravels. Ore gravels get hammeres and into the next T3 crafter which makes ore sands.
Those get hammeres again and finally another T3 crafter which makes the ore dusts that get smelt and stored.
Need more informations, @
Yarma92 ?