Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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I've hit a power ceiling. I'm on Mars and have plenty of desh. I tried my hand at building an advanced generator but my problem is that it takes so much fuel. I have the components (I don't remember what they're called) which make your fuel efficiency 185%. I have two vibrant turbines. I'm using a gas controller and fueling it with syngas. All I can manage to power are sixteen sieves and an iron tree farm. All the coal from the sieves and the wood from the tree farm is going back into making fuel.

It seems like there's a hump I can't get over or a secret I'm missing. I did all the power related quests. Is there a tutorial somewhere? I've searched youtube and all the stuff I saw, even videos labeled "tutorial," were spotlights and didn't really break down how to make an efficient generator.

I'm thinking maybe I'll try steam since I can make lava and water without using power at all.
I mean... all that work to make the advanced generators and so far it isn't paying off. While I was on the moon I had 32 stirling generators powered by water via minechem. They cost me nothing to run. It was simple, streamlined, and after powering the minechem units which provided their fuel I still had about 450 rf to work with. It almost seems it'd have been quicker and more efficient to just make more stirling generators.
I mean... all that work to make the advanced generators and so far it isn't paying off. While I was on the moon I had 32 stirling generators powered by water via minechem. They cost me nothing to run. It was simple, streamlined, and after powering the minechem units which provided their fuel I still had about 450 rf to work with. It almost seems it'd have been quicker and more efficient to just make more stirling generators.

I did pretty much the same thing. I was growing trees for cellulose, than splitting it for hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. carbon is actually two times more energetic fuel than hydrogen. After visiting mars, you can upgrade your stirling generators to produce 40 RF/t, for the same amount of fuel. After a while I had so much resources I made a bunch of quantum field generators ( free energy) and I was sorted.
The big generators are expensive, big AND need maintenance.
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I did pretty much the same thing. I was growing trees for cellulose, than splitting it for hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. carbon is actually two times more energetic fuel than hydrogen. After visiting mars, you can upgrade your stirling generators to produce 40 RF/t, for the same amount of fuel. After a while I had so much resources I made a bunch of quantum field generators ( free energy) and I was sorted.
The big generators are expensive, big AND need maintenance.

Do you mean Zero Point Extractors? Or Quantum Entropy Excelerators?

I've taken the great majority of my stored up resources and constructed forty Zero Point Extractors. If I place them down at bedrock level I should get about 145 or 150 rf from each. That's nearly 6000 rf. I hope this works.
I'm loathe to give up on the advanced generators though. I did find a compelling tutorial. I may yet make use of the advanced generators at my leisure.

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I mean... all that work to make the advanced generators and so far it isn't paying off. While I was on the moon I had 32 stirling generators powered by water via minechem. They cost me nothing to run. It was simple, streamlined, and after powering the minechem units which provided their fuel I still had about 450 rf to work with. It almost seems it'd have been quicker and more efficient to just make more stirling generators.

Ex Nihilo crucibles generating lava + water source-> Max-size heat exchanger (heat exchanger puts out obsidian as well which you can minechem for your sieve line).
Steam from heat exchanger + wood from tree farm -> Max-size Syngas producer
Syngas -> Array of max-size iron/steel gas turbines. Iron easy, steel pretty easy since you can automate it with minechem and produce it practically on-demand.

None of this is complex. I spent the most time coming up with a tree farm build. Ended up with 4 upgraded farming stations that overlapped somewhat, put a healing axe in each one, cabled them to a dimensional transceiver, voila. Produces wood(Spruce) faster than the Syngas producer can consume it. The key to that is using the heat exchanger to make steam, otherwise you have to burn a lot more wood just keeping the syngas producer at temp. You get enough unstable ingots as quest rewards for the healing axes. Before that point it is trivial to automate stone axe production with a cobble-gen, wood from tree farm, plus autocrafting(RF Tools or Ender IO).

The thing about the advanced generators is that they don't need lots of vibrant alloy to still put out a lot of power. Just use that iron you've been stockpiling since day one and add more generators. You can probably get 10 of them hung off of one heat exchanger/syngas producer pair. 50k RF there with just iron turbines.

Once you understand how it all ties together it scales quicker and easier than Stirlings, although you can get by with Stirlings just fine. I do 95% of the pack with Stirlings, only adding Advanced Generators at the end to increase how quickly I can quarry venus crystals.

The big generators are expensive, big AND need maintenance.

Actually for large power builds they're cheaper than stirlings(use less gold/redstone/glowstone/ender pearls, more iron), they produce more power per unit of space---well, not counting the tree farm, lol, and they don't need any maintenance whatsoever. Simply put, "You're doing it wrong." :)
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Each of the ZPE's produces a little over 50 rf at bedrock level. They must've been nerfed. I'm still getting 2k rf from the lot, which isn't terrible since I don't have to do anything for it now that I set it up.

However, I'm having trouble getting that power to my sieving machine. I've got the ZPE's attached to an entangler and level 1 quibits attached to the aluminum wire which fed the machine before, those quibits are fed by an exciter each and I've got eight of them. That should be an available 800 rf to power the machine which was using maybe five or seven hundred. Thing is, the quibits are charging up but the power isn't going to the machine. ugh. Maybe quibits don't play nice with aluminum wiring.
Okay... so I took the wires off the sides and ran them from the bottom of the quibit cluster thingies and now they're working fine. Woot.

I need ender pearls... gonna have to put together a soul sand producing thingamajig.
Ex Nihilo crucibles generating lava + water source-> Max-size heat exchanger (heat exchanger puts out obsidian as well which you can minechem for your sieve line).
Steam from heat exchanger + wood from tree farm -> Max-size Syngas producer
Syngas -> Array of max-size iron/steel gas turbines. Iron easy, steel pretty easy since you can automate it with minechem and produce it practically on-demand.

None of this is complex. I spent the most time coming up with a tree farm build. Ended up with 4 upgraded farming stations that overlapped somewhat, put a healing axe in each one, cabled them to a dimensional transceiver, voila. Produces wood(Spruce) faster than the Syngas producer can consume it. The key to that is using the heat exchanger to make steam, otherwise you have to burn a lot more wood just keeping the syngas producer at temp. You get enough unstable ingots as quest rewards for the healing axes. Before that point it is trivial to automate stone axe production with a cobble-gen, wood from tree farm, plus autocrafting(RF Tools or Ender IO).

The thing about the advanced generators is that they don't need lots of vibrant alloy to still put out a lot of power. Just use that iron you've been stockpiling since day one and add more generators. You can probably get 10 of them hung off of one heat exchanger/syngas producer pair. 50k RF there with just iron turbines.

Once you understand how it all ties together it scales quicker and easier than Stirlings, although you can get by with Stirlings just fine. I do 95% of the pack with Stirlings, only adding Advanced Generators at the end to increase how quickly I can quarry venus crystals.

Actually for large power builds they're cheaper than stirlings(use less gold/redstone/glowstone/ender pearls, more iron), they produce more power per unit of space---well, not counting the tree farm, lol, and they don't need any maintenance whatsoever. Simply put, "You're doing it wrong." :)

I'm sure that you're right, I was certainly doing something wrong. I'll have to tinker with your suggestions in mind. I was using a heat exchanger setup, though probably not an effective one.

Each of the ZPE's produces a little over 50 rf at bedrock level. They must've been nerfed. I'm still getting 2k rf from the lot, which isn't terrible since I don't have to do anything for it now that I set it up.

However, I'm having trouble getting that power to my sieving machine. I've got the ZPE's attached to an entangler and level 1 quibits attached to the aluminum wire which fed the machine before, those quibits are fed by an exciter each and I've got eight of them. That should be an available 800 rf to power the machine which was using maybe five or seven hundred. Thing is, the quibits are charging up but the power isn't going to the machine. ugh. Maybe quibits don't play nice with aluminum wiring.

I use the RF exciters to transfer the power.
The Exciter upgrades for them are dirt cheap and you can stack dozens of them on each exciter. you can easily boost a single one to transmit 2 - 3 KRF/t.
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I'm loathe to give up on the advanced generators though. I did find a compelling tutorial. I may yet make use of the advanced generators at my leisure.

Hmm, an interesting setup. I think I will try that when I pick up the pack again in the future...
Sorry if the answer to this is already in this thread, but I've been searching for hours and can't look anymore. I'm trying to get the TARDIS key. I've built my stargate, but the coordinates in the book (ZFRR-VDG-JY) do nothing. The book does say if on a server, you'll need to get the spawn location from the server. And that is my problem. I have no idea where to find that info on the server. Can someone tell me how to find the stargate address code I need?
Sorry if the answer to this is already in this thread, but I've been searching for hours and can't look anymore. I'm trying to get the TARDIS key. I've built my stargate, but the coordinates in the book (ZFRR-VDG-JY) do nothing. The book does say if on a server, you'll need to get the spawn location from the server. And that is my problem. I have no idea where to find that info on the server. Can someone tell me how to find the stargate address code I need?

I had the same problem. The destination dimension wasn't with the server files. You need to copy dimension -112 from the client files to the server. Then that stargate address will work.
The mod pack creator didn't want ME systems in this pack is why. They thought it was over used. I agree. My barrel system worked just fine.
Hi everybody, Galactic Science is a really good pack. But for some unknows reasons, my game crash now when my game is'' initializing Mod Phase 3''
I read some posts, and my crashs errors, i can't fix this, moreover i force update my galactic science pack, nothing change...

So i really need help, i can join the crash reports, and everything but please answer me...

- PS : I'm sorry for my english, i'm french, but i can understand easily what you'll say ! -
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