Hello everyone,
First off...this is the most fun I've had in Minecraft in years...it was getting stale and repetitive but this pack has been a breath of fresh air.
I'm having a problem with my Refined Relocation sorting setup and am hoping someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Currently I have a nice little setup that auto sieves>auto crafts broken/crushed/dust blocks per type>auto-hammers>and auto stores in sortable barrels using Refined Relocation
The problem is if I disconnect from the server//go to another planet and come back, all of my chests start getting backed up and will no longer auto move items through the network into their destinations.
The only solution is to pick up every chest and barrel attached to it and refresh the chests inventory.
Here are some pictures outlining my setup, let me know if I can provide any extra information.
It should be noted where I say the filter is * Dirt is because without an active filter I couldn't get anything to go through the network....knowing I would never get Dirt in this part of the system produced the result of items going through. Maybe there is a better way.
I have to pick up and place every single barrel and chest when it breaks
The backside where you can see the from sieves chest and the hammer setup
Thanks for taking the time to look and help everyone!