Whats the best way to keep water from freezing?
A roof. Double check if you have a "cold touch" on your equips.
Whats the best way to keep water from freezing?
That is an option in the configs that Karmar has changed, you are welcome to change it back
They aren't supposed to, just let them cool. The only thing you need from the hot ones is the red gems, and they won't drop when mined with a hammer.
2. The fishtrap you get as a quest reward has a nasty "feature". When I click on the trap after it is place and do not the spot of the inventory but on the frame it looks like it is replacing the thirst. But this only last for a few second before your hydration level goes down straight to zero, empties your camelpack and gives you dehydration. Is that a bug in the mod or some evil little surpise being set up?
I can empty the fish traps under water from land without hydration problems as long as i don't use an empty hand. Try it with something in your hand.I have noticed two things concerning the polluted seas questline:
1. The fishing quest states that you need a male and a female cod. I have pulled out quite some fish, yet there was no cod. Nevertheless the quest showed up as solved ... is that intentional?
2. The fishtrap you get as a quest reward has a nasty "feature". When I click on the trap after it is place and do not the spot of the inventory but on the frame it looks like it is replacing the thirst. But this only last for a few second before your hydration level goes down straight to zero, empties your camelpack and gives you dehydration. Is that a bug in the mod or some evil little surpise being set up?
How does one get more liquid Xp from the berries? I know of away if Thermal expansion was installed, but there seems to be 2 type's of XP, molten & liquid, but no recipe's.
I was also wondering about the BackPack in the pack. I have never used the mod, and was wonder if there is any differences in the different ones? or are they all the same, and there just for looks? Ok, for this I found, https://github.com/Darkona/AdventureBackpack2/wiki/Backpack-Abilities..
It seems really cool. For the people/players that need milk, you can craft the Cow BackPack, The Cow Backpack will eat wheat from the inventory, up to 16 units, and start creating milk inside the tanks. It will attempt to fill first the left tank, and then the right tank, for 1000mb(milibuckets), or one bucket. After it's done creating milk, it will eat wheat again and repeat the process until the inventory is out of wheat, or the tanks are full of milk or unable to be filled by having any other fluid stored in them. If it runs out of wheat, it will remember how much it has eaten, so each 16 wheat will always be one bucket of milk.
How does one get more liquid Xp from the berries? I know of away if Thermal expansion was installed, but there seems to be 2 type's of XP, molten & liquid, but no recipe's.
You could try it with the right-click-program-puzzle for drones.
Makes it export the berries from a chest (or storage drawer if that works) and let it right-click them onto the ground near a vacuum-hopper which takes in the experience.
Havn't tried it myself yet, so not sure if it works with drones.
I believe they could probably be found as dungeon loot, I just got a 16k storage drive randomly as dungeon loot lolI haven't used the drone's before, but that is a good Idea.. Thank youDo you know if the two XP bush's we get from the quest is the only one's, or can they be found in chest, etc?
I haven't used the drone's before, but that is a good Idea.. Thank youDo you know if the two XP bush's we get from the quest is the only one's, or can they be found in chest, etc?
I haven't seen them as chest loot so far.I did some research on the volcanos since I have one right next to my door and wanted to know what they are good for.
Using a copy of my world and creative mode I found out that an essence berry bush is on the bottom center of the volcano. But getting there will be a hard task. Guess I will pump the volcano dry for fuel purposes and once I have all will raid that cache. Careful though, its quite well guarded.