I prefer the Botania route. The bellethorne can kill enderman for their loot (as far as I have seen it), however with blazes it doesn't work. They only drop their stuff when a "player" kills them and the bellethorne doesn't count like that. (killers joes should count as them and the diamond-spikes, but you need quiet alot of them).
If you're after the blazepowder for galgadorian-metal, then you can just use a vacuum-hopper and wall the blaze-spawner in (and of course you need a cursed earth under it to keep it active and a chunkloader/spotloader around). They drop blazepowder from time to time.
Steve's carts I don't really like in that term for one reason: You need arrows, lots of arrows. So without a very good income of arrows to keep it stocked, you pretty much only waste material on making the monster-hunter-cart.
Oh and of course for enderman the good old "Fan -> 3 Blocks deep hole with spikes/punjisticks on the bottom" works quiet well too.
Fan's are actually in general a good idea to use, even if it's just for only needing 1 vacuum-hopper plus ender-chest setup to collect the loot.