haha bad joke I suppose.
I'm so hopelessly confused. Explain me the thing in a PM?
haha bad joke I suppose.
haha bad joke I suppose.
Thank you. It's all construction foam from IC2. Most of it placed using the sprayer/CF pellet backpack, then died using bonemeal on a painter. I don't see many people using it, and while it can be a pain to use at times, in my opinion it gives the cleanest, simplest look. As for texture pack pretty sure I'm just using the Faithful texture pack found on these forums.
Construction foam can hide IC2 cables as well, which I'm contemplating doing for ALL my cables, except the different voltages probably would become more of a pain to manage. I was considering hiding them all, and painting the CF to match the embedded cables accordingly, but didn't think I would like the appearance of colored blocks in my "steril" base.
Yea and the colored monitors are from Nuclear Control.
Tell me what you think.
Nuclear and Thermal Gen:
Rest of Main floor:
Top Floor:
Aaaaand the Quarry Machine:
Single player, steam enabled for Nukes (hence the 22 steam turbines). 2 large multifarms harvesting Redwood (can bebe seen in top floor picture) feeding 6 solid fuel boilers (and WAS feeding 2 liquid as well before something went wrong (nerf?)). So other than the thermal generators, and maybe 3 solar panels, everything is steam>turbine for roughly 6000 eu/t. Top and Bottom floors are far from finished. Most everything is automated with AE. Have over 6 pages of recipes in the big Multiblock Autocrafting thingybobber, everything from solar panels and nuclear reactors, to Interdimensional Storage Units.
I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone has. Sorry for the stupid amount of pictures.
Thank you. It's all construction foam from IC2. Most of it placed using the sprayer/CF pellet backpack, then died using bonemeal on a painter. I don't see many people using it, and while it can be a pain to use at times, in my opinion it gives the cleanest, simplest look. As for texture pack pretty sure I'm just using the Faithful texture pack found on these forums.
Construction foam can hide IC2 cables as well, which I'm contemplating doing for ALL my cables, except the different voltages probably would become more of a pain to manage. I was considering hiding them all, and painting the CF to match the embedded cables accordingly, but didn't think I would like the appearance of colored blocks in my "steril" base.
Yea and the colored monitors are from Nuclear Control.
Dude, it is awesome. it looks really nice ! wich Texture pack are you using
Domes are overrated.So much better than just a dome.
Very cool base bro. I like your style. 1 day we may work togetherTell me what you think.
I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone has. Sorry for the stupid amount of pictures.
Very cool base bro. I like your style. 1 day we may work together
For Scum and other interested in Industrial panels, with new versions you can do a lot of nice things...
Very cool base bro. I like your style. 1 day we may work together
For Scum and other interested in Industrial panels, with new versions you can do a lot of nice things...
I have similar style on my own server but its only for my huge tekkit+FTB+voltz creative project.I would definitely like to join up with other players with similar play styles to myself (or not really, thats what makes things interesting), the only thing that really worries me is griefing and making sure the server is playable (little latency/lag).
Very cool base bro. I like your style. 1 day we may work together
For Scum and other interested in Industrial panels, with new versions you can do a lot of nice things...
Enjoy my base guys!
I know it aint much, but its something!
Ill probably move because I dont know how to make it look pretty :c
Looks like you have a good set up there I like it. Ooo I have an idea, have you ever played ME2? Do you know Jack's loyalty mission, you could make it look like a place that used to be really hightech but has since gone a bit overgrown and now a lone Steve is trying to boot the place up again?
Noup havent played any ME games so I have no idea what you are talking about :c
Thats ok. I just thought you could add a few vines and ferns here and there and it would look quite cool (hopefully without deviating too much with what you actually want from your building).
If you are interested here is a link to the ME wiki that has a picture of the Pragia base http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Pragia
Otherwise I hope you find a way to "make it look pretty". I love buildings set into mountainsides.