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well heres mine... still have A LOT to do ill update when i have more
1.4.7 ultimate pack. will use 1.5.2 when i find a mod for micro blocks


How is it going to work to be able to be self sufficient with no outside resources. I'm just curious like multiple farms producing bio gas and then steam to do multiple matter fabs to give resources. Interesting idea could be like a skyblock challenge but FTB style.
How is it going to work to be able to be self sufficient with no outside resources. I'm just curious like multiple farms producing bio gas and then steam to do multiple matter fabs to give resources. Interesting idea could be like a skyblock challenge but FTB style.

funny you should say that considering how Feed the Beast originally got started
How is it going to work to be able to be self sufficient with no outside resources. I'm just curious like multiple farms producing bio gas and then steam to do multiple matter fabs to give resources. Interesting idea could be like a skyblock challenge but FTB style.

I'd probably guess he'll quarry and still get stuff from the ground, it'll just be more interesting how he does it!
This is just a collection of SS's I've taken while building my base. It's located in a mountain, and is built around a 8x8 hole I dug with a quarry. In one of the SS you can see where I plugged the top of that hole with glass. That's where my skylight -> limit solar panel area is. I've since then expanded it, you can see in some SS's how much of that mountain I've hollowed out.

For the most part there are images of the lava generation system I have going. It's the prize baby of my base, as little returns as I get.

I'd probably guess he'll quarry and still get stuff from the ground, it'll just be more interesting how he does it!
I suppose he could do that, but that wouldn't be "self-sufficient" in my book.
My guess? Bees. Many things can be produced infinitely in a variety of ways. But for everything else, there's bees.
I'd probably guess he'll quarry and still get stuff from the ground, it'll just be more interesting how he does it!

The captions say no outside resources and it appears to be in a void age so he would have to create everything. Bees could work if you know how to do it. I personally am horrible at bees and mutations, I have been searching for awhile now for a good tutorial on it but none seem to cover how to get mutations really well.
The captions say no outside resources and it appears to be in a void age so he would have to create everything. Bees could work if you know how to do it. I personally am horrible at bees and mutations, I have been searching for awhile now for a good tutorial on it but none seem to cover how to get mutations really well.

Oh! Bees work, I made a thread a while ago and it turns out that there are like 20 items (in all of FTB ultimate) that can't be renewed. Most of them were from the TF, because it's a dungeon-y mod. With reliquary, you can even make endstone (which was once thought to be non-renewable).
most everything can be duped or made now in ultimate using a tome of alkahest or a minium stone just cost redstone and once you have a tier 5 witch spawner thats to easy. Dont get me wrong I use it mainly because emeralds are a pain to get but it could be considered a little broken.
There's a tutorial somewhere. It's great for early game for things like cocoa, terrawart, and late game, when it's automated, you can get a bunch of things from GregTech (that I haven't been able to try yet), like Rubies, Sapphires, and Emeralds, and the ace in the hole, "vanilla" ic2, Redstone. You always need redstone, and the witch method is near impossible without some "less than legit" soul shards methods :P
How would one use ic2 crops

So basically, you make cropsticks and place crops on. Start with something higher tier, like Cocoa and Netherwart. Empty cropsticks adjacent to two plants will allow plants to be cross bred for different varieties. And there are tiers. Tier one has stuff like wheat, tier two has flowers and stuff, tier three has cocoa and sticky reed (which is like sugarcane but gives you resin). Tier 4 has some special flowers (one of the few ways to get inc sacs, right?), tier 5 has terrawart, tiers 6 and 7 have gold, iron, and redstone.

You know, i'd love to see your base. Nobody seems to do IC2 crops except me anymore :(

Old world is gone, I need to make a new one and once that's ready I'll put it on this thread. Actually, I'll make a thread that lets me show how I did what I did :)
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I'd probably guess he'll quarry and still get stuff from the ground, it'll just be more interesting how he does it!

yes initially i will quarry to get starting materials which ive already done with 5 quarry's, im now trying not to use any out side materials which i havent had to yet. ill run the Whole base off of 4 fusion reactors from greg tech using the helium-3/ deuterium mix. the age is not was i was hoping for with the eternal night and dark setting i wanted to still have the daylight night cycle i just didnt write the book correctly i guess most of everything ill be needing will come from bees or recycling unneeded mats to make new ones( etc. pyrite-> iron->nickel) or use scrap boxes. my lava that im getting was when i was quarrying i had set up a lava pump in the nether and im still running off it for now thats the only out side sorce im still getting. and thats only for power. ill make a list of what im doing to make this in the end a 100% serf sustaining.

almost forgot ive also got tier 5 shard for blaze,zombie,whitch(for redstone and glowstone), wither skeleton(getting my coal from it), cow, zombie pigmen, gast(idk what im gonna use this for yet),skeleton. ill be working on getting the rest later

plus i updated my pics with couple new ones
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I really need to learn how to design and build a awesome looking base like some of you guys have. I make do with digging into a mountain and expanding when needed.