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That is correct. And 18 is the max number of industrial steam engines that a max size boiler can constantly fuel.

Just wondering plzent3r...I currently have 2x36HP solid fueled boilers and 1x36HP liquid fueled boiler running. All 3 are at max temp and don't have a lack of fuel (planks, charcoal, and peat for the solid fueled one; biofuel for the liquid boiler). Each boiler outputs its steam to 18 industrial steam engines (meaning 3x18 in total).

What I've lately been noticing while exploring the TF (base is chunkloaded) is that all 3 boilers don't have the max. amount of steam in them, even though I'm hardly drawing power from them. In fact, the only things drawing some power are the wheat-peat farm (new-style forestry farms and 6 sawmills to convert logs into planks).

I don't consider it very problematic since the boilers keep their max. temp but is this something you've noticed as well? It's my first time working with boilers so still a novice in this particular field :)

Cheers for any info,
Just wondering plzent3r... [snip]

Cheers for any info,

I know you specifically asked plzent3r but... if I remember this right when you're engines are all constantly pulling the max 8mj/t the steam in the boiler can drop as low as 50% steam, but it will then maintain it's level.
I know you specifically asked plzent3r but... if I remember this right when you're engines are all constantly pulling the max 8mj/t the steam in the boiler can drop as low as 50% steam, but it will then maintain it's level.

@Ako: thanks for the info m8. I "specifically" asked plenz3"r mostly sincve he indicated he was very familiar with boilers but obviously I'm quite happy with your answer as well. I now know I don't have anything (yet) to worry about XD
@Ako: thanks for the info m8. I "specifically" asked plenz3"r mostly sincve he indicated he was very familiar with boilers but obviously I'm quite happy with your answer as well. I now know I don't have anything (yet) to worry about XD
Yea ako is correct on the matter as well. The engines will only pull steam into their internal storage while receiving a redstone signal, otherwise they will not accept steam. This means that if you were to turn off your engines the steam level in the boilers should begin to rise. And they are not currently filled up because the boiler will ONLY output steam if it has more than 50% of its storage filled. That is why it wont rise below or above 50%. You are using the steam exactly as fast as it is produced. Any more and the engines would make less than 8mj/t. Any less and the steam would accumulate inside the boiler. Generally if the boiler is filled with steam while your engines are running, you can add more engines. Hope this helped in addition to Ako's response.
My airship "ship" is almost done, then I'll have to get some sheep and sheer them a metric ton.

simple shearer: shearer.jpg
Deployer at bottom, throw shears in there, transposer above it. Single piece of redstone pneumatic tube behind transposer feeding wool to tesseract (feeds to sorting system), jacketed wire behind deployer, red wire and timer (set to 60s) on the floor. 1x1 pen to hold the sheep.
simple shearer:
View attachment 3354

Deployer at bottom, throw shears in there, transposer above it. Single piece of redstone pneumatic tube behind transposer feeding wool to tesseract (feeds to sorting system), jacketed wire behind deployer, red wire and timer (set to 60s) on the floor. 1x1 pen to hold the sheep.

Eh, maybe. I kinda hate using timers though.
Eh, maybe. I kinda hate using timers though.
Build a shearing turtle, use the following startup code:
while true do
  if turtle.getItemCount(1) == 0 then
Have a chest/relay/whatever above the turtle as the storage for your wool. The getItemCount I used to check, if the chest above me is full.
Build a shearing turtle, use the following startup code:
while true do
  if turtle.getItemCount(1) == 0 then
Have a chest/relay/whatever above the turtle as the storage for your wool. The getItemCount I used to check, if the chest above me is full.

Okay, thanks. I didn't know turtle.attack would shear them.

What color should my balloon be?
Okay! Here we go! I'll make my own thread for this later but


You see the front, then side then top then interior then interior. LOOK AT THE ARCANE WOOD BLOCKS HAVE YOU SEEN PEOPLE BUILD WITH THEM BEFORE?

I need to sort out lighting, probably with XyCraft.

Also, ignore the chest/workbench/crafting table that was because I needed a metric ton of wood and storage space and Arcane Wood blocks = Vis hogs
Very nice looking, I like it. Maybe next time you could take the pics during daytime? Kinda tough to see a couple of things.
With the ability to fly with modular power suit and access to void ages thanks mystcraft I've found my idea of what constitutes a base has radically altered.

I'm currently residing in a single chunk tower---well, the inner floor of each level is in one chunk, the outer walls are in the surrounding chunks but they don't need to be chunkloaded. Being able to cover all of my automation with a single spot loader is pretty sweet. It'll probably be less sweet if I ever get hit with a chunk reset, LOL.


Top levels, including solar farm, power conversion/transport/storage, alvearies, bee product processing, cobblegen, mass fab, external AE processing, drop zone for T5 witch/cow shards, and beneath all of that a stack of 12x12 xycraft tanks for seed oil, oil, fuel, honey, dna, and lava.


New workshop inspired by Twilight Forest and Applied Energistics. AE is sooooo good.
With the ability to fly with modular power suit and access to void ages thanks mystcraft I've found my idea of what constitutes a base has radically altered.


New workshop inspired by Twilight Forest and Applied Energistics. AE is sooooo good.

Snip <3

So love that base, would be quite funny if u got hit with a chunk reset (make backups!)
Will be posting images i recently took of my base, tho I've gone function before form at the moments :L