Ultimate pack with Gregtech on default (hard) difficulty and no Power Converters and loving it!
Ok, I've finally gotten around to getting screenshots of my WIP and stuck it in an album for IRC. Thought I would do a post here to show off what an end game base looks like at the 1/4 mark. I'm building strictly to chunk boundaries, so there is a LOT of wasted space (Bee room for one), but this means I can be very specific with what chunks I load and what will be running in those chunks. Everything you see here is my personal base, nothing shared except for scrap production. However, I do have a sidekick doing a lot of the leg work for me so he can learn how the mods interact with each other, so he uses my resources as well.
Panorama from where you come into the age. This is an eternal night (By mistake but forced me to build around mob spawns and NO SOLARS), bright, dark celestial void age. I'm sort of going for my own take of an end game workshop at the end of the universe like DW20 did, but moving everything there instead of just machines. The end goal is no torches and no ways for mobs to spawn anywhere. It's very open plan and open ceiling because we use MPS jumping/gliding to get everywhere.
This is my AE set up with a lot of the ground work laid out before filling it with the machines. This is going to be the central control room and will have multiple CC advanced machines to monitor and control certain machines and addons (Like my biofarm status, the quarry status/control, etc). At the moment it's just storage, autocrafting and a lever for the quarry (Signal 1337!).
Processing. There's a macerator for every ore, a furnace for every dust and extras to keep storage supplied with smooth stone, glass, sand and crafting for the 4 induction smelter recipes. At the back is my assembly table. When it's done it will have 600 lasers (Max size) and it automatically adds the products into AE storage. The other side of the room (not pictured) will have my IC2/GT machines, but I'm still working on getting the power line for that going.
Liquid storage and processing. Gosh this room was scary to build.
First - Right to left. I have water, lava, oil, fuel, creosote and molten redstone/ender. Lava is supplied by a magma crucible and soon phosphor once I get the nether bees in here.
Second - Bioliquids (Biofuel, biomass, honey, apple juice and seed oil) and all the molten dyes. I don't have anything set up to process the dyes yet, but once they have a use I'll get to work on it.
Third - Bio-processing. This has my stills, squeezers and carpenters with recipes for alvearies. All the squeezers are hooked up via a dark ME cable to automatically squeeze more produce when the tank isn't full (Liquid detector in the top of the tank). I don't have a reliable source of apples or seeds yet, so those tanks still have yet to fill.
Fourth - Molten processing and refineries. This is also how I autocraft tesseracts and redstone cells. At the moment I'm manually filling the tanks, but once I have the resources for it (177000 redstone dust to fill the tank) I'll have the same setup as the bioliquids.
IC2 generation and storage. What you see in the first picture is going to be mirrored on the other side (Minus recyclers) for a total of 394 MFSUs (On the same circuit in parallel, so that's 201,728eu/t being provided on the line at all times). The roof and redstone torches are used as my overflow system, so all power that I receive from the windmills (Second picture) is stored, and once storage is full it goes into the matter fabricator. The recyclers are drawing from the MFSU bank and are outputting via router into a shared item tesseract, providing infinite scrap to the whole server. You can also see the planning stages of where the fusion reactor is going to go.
The windmills are outputting around 1000eu/t (Rough guess) and there's a teleporter to go between the two levels when they need to be serviced.
My biomass farm, combination of Xycraft soil, RP2, CC, BC, Forestry and TE (Yes it's overengineered). If anyone wants to know how it works I can write up something a bit more detailed, but for now I'll just say that the computer is looking at a conditional coming from the gates next to the fermenters (If there's space, harvest and wait a minute, if no space wait another minute before trying again). The ME interfaces are used to supply fertiliser.
BEES! Nuff said really. I haven't touched this since I got the distilled bees set up to fuel my boilers. There's space for 144 alvearies per level and I plan on using them all. I have most of the mid-tier bred and serums for each, so it's just a matter of spending the time getting them.
And the boiler room. I have space for 12 boilers per level (More space picture left). They're just running off of bee fuel and being sent across the base as needed. I realise how much power I'm losing it by doing this way but it saves loading chunks for the conduit to run through. This also gives me easy access to power any time I need it anywhere in the world. Ignore the little crystaliser setup, that was me trying to make a solar turbine run off the steam. I'll be moving that somewhere else later down the line.
So as you've seen, I'm not going for pretty, but it's been fun stopping things from spawning everywhere without a million torches. And when I build my end game I go BIG. It's just taken me a while to get to this point because I refuse to use EE3, solars, etc. Each playthrough I do I try and do something different than what I've done before. So this time I've used windmills instead of thermals, fuel boilers instead of charcoal, etc.
After seeing twisto51's 1 chunk base I'm going to try that on the next world restart. Will actually force me to think about how big walkways can be and where to put my wiring and planning designs to be compact instead of just being silly (394 MFSUs are a bit silly...)