It has a nice office building feel to it. I will eventually add some greenery around it, but I'm afraid I'll over do it and cover up the feel of the place. It's made of concrete, black stained glass, and marble bricks
Here's the back of the structure. I have my bees here for now, but I want to set up a more serious place to put them in the future. There are 22 ultimate hybrids at one end of the roof, and I will be setting up 4 36HP boilers on the near side of the roof, in the near future.
Here's a few shots of the lobby. The monitor doesn't do anything yet, but I do have plans for it in the future. Applied Energistics pretty much ate two weeks of my time, and you'll see why in the following images. As a teaser, My Applied Energistics network uses over 530EU/t just to be turned on.
The back of the building on the ground floor, is mostly empty right now, but I plan on setting up the boilers here, and a few other things :>. I currently have my matter fabricator located here closer to the solar panels, but will move it down a few floors when I finally get around to setting up a few fusion cores. The server I play on has chunk loading off at the moment as we transition to a new box, so I had to shut off the boiler.
On the next floor is the crafting box, and storage room. I only use three of the disk drives, the rest just looks awesome (which is what half of minecraft is anyway, right?). It's encased in warded stone from Thaumcraft, and the grates are from RP2 (used purely cosmetically now, but I want to be able to flood the room in the future (in case of fire of course). You can see where I've been lazy with my filler leaving stone on some of the walls, believe me I'll change it when I can get enough clay. I can one click craft Fusion Coils, Ultimate Hybrid Panels, and many many other items. Applied Energistics is seriously awesome, and if you haven't played with it yet, I highly recommend it. It blows any barrel sorting system and logisitics pipe network completely out of the water.
As we venture further down my plot, we arrive on the processing floor. I can currently pump 8 max sized quarries into this thing, and have zero backup. I'm not going to describe everything, because that would ruin half the fun of figuring out how everything works. I was going for a modular approach to the floor, limiting each module to a 5x5 space. Applied Energistics, Factorization Routers, Redpower2 Tubes, and even Buildcraft Pipes assist in moving items throughout this mess. We currently have Xycraft disabled, so my fabricators for tiny dusts are gone. They'll be added back in the future.
I've just started my next floor, for centrifuging and electrolyzing, as well as my 10kW Thermopile set up which is currently not working with Xychorium Ice disabled. I tried using the unmelting Ice from Minefactory reloaded, but it most definitely melts by lava. I'm preparing for fusion, and I will set all of the material preparation up on the remainder of this floor. Yes, that is a vanilla chest, and it is overpowered as it takes up 2 blocks.