Okay, so do not expect something overly fancy or buildings so awesome you're starting to drool. This is a relatively new world and therefore not that much to show. But I guess it's enough to write in here, at least.
Overworld shot, this is the area that I occupied (this is SSP). The wall was the outcome of a max-sized quarry that delievered way too much cobblestone. So I thought, what the heck, I can't stand monsters around my cottage at night anyways, so let's wall the whole area off. Scary nights - no more.
This is my (more or less -) living house. As you obviously can see, it is indeed "heavily inspired" by a kinda wellknown Youtube-Minecraft-Letsplayer. *cough* Though I tried to break up the monotony and prettify the mess a bit. Over to the left you can see a part of the manual rubber farm (I have not exclusive shot of that). On the right hand side you can see a colorful spot - thats the path leading to my...
Nether Portal. I hate this thing with passion. Well, not the portal itself, but I wish it was easier to change the sounds this thing creates. Yeah, I know they're supposed to be unnerving. I still don't like them. But anyways, that's basically all there is to the nether-part of the world.. as I have not used any lava-consuming machinery yet. And don't ask about the flowers. Shoo!
Behind the living-house is my farming area and an empty house.
The farming area supplies enough cacti and everything else for me. Since I utilize a canning machine, I usually don't have to harvest the wheat. The house was built to show my significant other that, yes indeed, I am capable of NOT using any sort of 9x9 / 11x11 block'y designs! Anyway, it's empty.
Now, lets go inside the house. It's small and functional, nothing fancy or dandyish. First room is my IC²- and chest room (this was the first thing build), most of the precious ingots now reside in my AE system (see below). At the moment, this is the room I frequent the most often - running back from my workshop, grab some stuff, return to work. In the end, I hope to have all the items in a selfsorting storage over at my workshop. If only I could get my lazy self to build a rp2/tube sorting system - yet again! *le sigh* Well, one of these days. >.>
The second room is the extension of the first (The barrels gave a good hint, didn't they?) Yes, that IS a big iron tank in the floor. Sadly, it does not update correctly to mirror the liquid inside. It's about 1.8mio of Creosote Oil. Which is another thing I once have to move. Not that I have any kind of need for creosote oil. Building the tank inside my house was a rather bad idea - I cannot count the times I wanted to rightclick one of my bags or my minium stone and ended up looking at my creosote-level. ^^
Third room is empty - upstairs is the bedroom (lowest shot in that multi-image) and downstairs is the enchanting room, which I obviously forgot to take a screenshot of. >.<
The big Tower in the background of the first image is a Drop-Nearly-Dead-XP farm using a T5 Zombieshard. The killing is done by XP-Turtles with a extremely simple four line program (can be found everywhere online) and the xp is collected by the trusty old Brain-in-a-Jar. Both parts (Turtles | Spawner) can be de- or activated independently. Activating the turtles also turns on some pistons in order to create a water flow to push the zombies towards them.
I wanted a Blaze-Farm ever since I watched Direwolf20 build his. So I went and got me a T5 Blaze Shard made. Which was one of the worst expeditions to the nether ever. Nothing but an electric jetpack and iron armor. It was the horror (for me - as I HATE the combat system of mc in general and the spookyness of the nether in specific). But now I sit upon a mountain of blazerods. Not that they are still as useful as back in the day, because as a solidfuel boiler option they were nerfed to the ground. But hey, there's plenty of other (crafting) stuff those are used for, so it's fine for me. =)
The last thing in the overworld are my two trusty old SC-Treefarms which are feeding my steam boiler in the workshop. It's a rather simple setup - there's an advanced item-unloader that empties the carts whenever they finish their round and a cargo-manager wich keeps them supplied with charcoal. This is done with a handful of RP2-Managers - everything else, the apples, saplings and the wood, ends up in those barrels you see on the right side. The wood then is extracted by a router and send through an item tesseract to feed the boilers. Which finally leads me to...
my workshop. As you all can see, it's nowhere near finished. I plan to have six 36HP boilers, three of which are finished, warmed up and running at the moment. I use a wood-sawmill-plank setup fed by my treefarms. In the near future, I'll create a plains/flatland mystcraft age to expand on my treefarms, but that's future talk. I have the generated power not connected, but rather have three energytesseracts ("Tower 01" / "02" / "03") sitting on top. Might not be the most efficient setup, but that is fine by me - as I never played FTB as a min-max game. =) In between there are six Blastfurnaces for my ever growing need of steel and four coke ovens for.. whatever I may need made from a coke oven.
By the way, the sawdust from all those sawmills is processed by Fabricators and leads to the item tesseract you can see in image 5-2. I started with zero charcoal. If anyone has a need for one-stack-a-minute.. or at least an Idea how to USE all that charcoal I'm creating hands free.. tell me. Please.
The last image shows the newest addition, an "Ore Processing System" made with the (added) Applied Energistics mod. This cutie is capable of taking in any kind of ore that's to be found in the DW20 modpack and process it. Either by pulverizing-then-furnacing it, or just pulverize it or just furnace it. I love it to pieces right now. The routers all are set up with a bandwidth-upgrade, a speed-upgrade and a machine-upgrade.
Well, that's all I have to show as of today. If this is too lengthy or too text-intense, I can delete this post anytime. But I hope you enjoyed the tour. =)