Invar for starters... Its contrast is so dull, it's a pain to see it. And all those granites : black and red... Go mining and bump into those black granites, and it is like some optical illusion. I sometimes hold sneak to ascertain if it is not actually an opening to a crevasse
![Frown :( :(]()
How about silver. Place Factorisation, TE3 and GT silver next to each other....
Steel. Take Railcraft, Mekanism, TiCo and GT steel and place them next to each other.
And his nether ores.... Blink and miss Cinnabar and sphaelerite (I think) that tries hard to blend into the netherrack.
![Frown :( :(]()
By contrast, I can actually identify cobalt or ardite that spawned behind iron bars in a nether fortress corridor.
And it is not just the ores, those machines too! At a hasty glance of scrolling with my eye, I cannot identify anything that sets them apart from one another.... His silver ingot is so dull, and his bronze age machines hurt the eye... go figure!
I'm going to stop now or I am going to go "frothing in the mouth ranter" in a minute
It's not just the textures themselves @
Pyure, it's their overall contrast with respect to their surroundings. Their inability to be instantly identified as "this is metal X" at a glance. I think it is a combination of factors that make me go "blechhh" when it comes to GT.
I'll do some screenshots later when I have access to the game.