Launcher v2 Update!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys calm the hell down.

What is the point in releasing the launcher yet? You all want to get your grubby little hands on it, but if it isn't finished and bug free you will complain.

Besides, there aren't any new mod packs out yet. Everyone is still working on updating their mods. So you can have a great new launcher that you see for exactly 30 seconds as you launch the same mod pack you have been playing. If I remember correctly they said they would release it 'after' 1.6 came out, not the exact same day (could be wrong). Even if they were supposed to have released it already, cut them some slack, it ain't easy organizing projects like this. If everyone went around pointing out your mistakes like this you would never be able to show your face in public ever again. Obviously not everyone in the community is like this, but it seems to me a large majority of people are impatient and care little about the developers, yet they insist on the developers giving them honors with a gold star. They want change logs, and time lines, and deadlines. Try treating them with the same respect most of you seem to demand from them.

This is a rant post. I hate seeing people who are hard at work flamed by ignorant members of a community, making us not only look bad, but decreasing the moral and enthusiasm of everyone else as well.

TD;LR: Valve caught less shit for Half-Life 3 then these guys are getting for being a few days late with a launcher update.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want to get more than my hands on it :D but you said it. Just WAIT ahaha

i repeat, excellent work. i will play a lot on 1.5.2, there is a lot to do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish commercial game developers invested the same amount of effort into making their games as the FTB crew puts into trying to get a good, stable release. Take your time FTB team, the better portion would rather see you put out quality product rather than a pile of crap. =P


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish commercial game developers invested the same amount of effort into making their games as the FTB crew puts into trying to get a good, stable release. Take your time FTB team, the better portion would rather see you put out quality product rather than a pile of crap. =P

Wow, this statement is pretty ridiculous considering the FTB team is making a launcher for a mod pack for a commercial game made by a commercial game developer. There are tons of commercial and indie game developers that have put far more work into their game than the FTB team is the launcher. Don't get me wrong the FTB team is doing a great job but, to make a blanket statement they are working harder than commercial game developers is just plain wrong and off. Good luck with that perspective.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, this statement is pretty ridiculous considering the FTB team is making a launcher for a mod pack for a commercial game made by a commercial game developer. There are tons of commercial and indie game developers that have put far more work into their game than the FTB team is the launcher. Don't get me wrong the FTB team is doing a great job but, to make a blanket statement they are working harder than commercial game developers is just plain wrong and off. Good luck with that perspective.

and there may be commertial games with less work behind. It's not black or white, it's a matter of gray-scale


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Farm work is going on outside glare?

It's already come out in 1.6
FTB killed bin?
Pound out the 1.6 sat.
do not be stupid bullshit. downloaders link?
1.6 sat demand.!

What happen?
Somebody set up us the bomb.
We get signal.
Main screen turn on.
It's You!
How are you, gentlemen?
All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.
What you say?
You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha Ha ...
Take off every zig! You know what you doing. Move zig.
For great justice.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and there may be commertial games with less work behind. It's not black or white, it's a matter of gray-scale

If he said, "I wish SOME commercial...etc" then you would be correct. He infers that all commercial game developers put in less work.

When writing you have to be clear so people understand your meaning. He/She could very well believe the FTB team puts in more work than commercial game developers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If he said, "I wish SOME commercial...etc" then you would be correct. He infers that all commercial game developers put in less work.

When writing you have to be clear so people understand your meaning. He/She could very well believe the FTB team puts in more work than commercial game developers.

True true, but what's the point? i do belive that non-paid work (technically non-paid) is one level above the work you are obliged to do.
anyway you are right in what you say


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OH MY GOSH!!! I am just so anxious. I CANT WAIT FOR NEW LAUNCHER! As I said a long time ago this looks amazing and personally I think it will be the best launcher ever (out of of all launchers including tekkit and things). I am a bit glad it didn't come out on the "expected date" because i am SO excited now!!! I am glad you haven't released it yet even though many people wanted it now now now, that was a smart decision to fix the bugs instead of releasing it so soon. I wouldn't have done that because I would've thought that they (the people who wanted it now now now) would have been happy... But they would've found all the bugs and complained... Smart move on your part. Bad move on mine. GOOD JOB FTB TEAM!!!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, this statement is pretty ridiculous considering the FTB team is making a launcher for a mod pack for a commercial game made by a commercial game developer. There are tons of commercial and indie game developers that have put far more work into their game than the FTB team is the launcher. Don't get me wrong the FTB team is doing a great job but, to make a blanket statement they are working harder than commercial game developers is just plain wrong and off. Good luck with that perspective.

i understand that there may be commercial game developers that are working real hard for their games but 1 key factor that is being missed is they get paid very well to work on the game. the ftb crew is paid nothing and this is taking up most of there free time. Yes Minecraft is a commercial game but the launcher is not. the Minecraft community owes a lot of gratitude to the ftb team, lets face it with out them the game just simply would not be as enjoyable to play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i understand that there may be commercial game developers that are working real hard for their games but 1 key factor that is being missed is they get paid very well to work on the game. the ftb crew is paid nothing and this is taking up most of there free time. Yes Minecraft is a commercial game but the launcher is not. the Minecraft community owes a lot of gratitude to the ftb team, lets face it with out them the game just simply would not be as enjoyable to play.

So, because the FTB team is doing it for free they are working harder than someone who is paid very well to create software? Following that logic why doesn't everyone just do crap for free because it will always be better than what someone does when they are paid. And let's not forget some of the FTB crew is benefitting monitarily, through their streams, because of their association with FTB. So, it's not entirely free/unpaid work for everyone involved.

I'm not trying to diminish the work the FTB team does. I'm simply challenging the notion that the FTB team is working harder than commercial game developers as stated by Simmareth. Look at all the blockbuster games created by commercial game developers and tell me one REALLY feels they would have been better if all the people working on the game did so for free.

Actually nevermind, how about we table this as an agree to disagree situation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Other than FTB and Tekkit what other launchers are out there?

Magic Launcher and MultiMC are probably the most popular stand-alone launchers.

Keep in mind that they aren't mod packs though, like FTB and Tekkit. They're stand alone launchers that you have to add mods to yourself and set up your own configs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, because the FTB team is doing it for free they are working harder than someone who is paid very well to create software? Following that logic why doesn't everyone just do crap for free because it will always be better than what someone does when they are paid. And let's not forget some of the FTB crew is benefitting monitarily, through their streams, because of their association with FTB. So, it's not entirely free/unpaid work for everyone involved.

I'm not trying to diminish the work the FTB team does. I'm simply challenging the notion that the FTB team is working harder than commercial game developers as stated by Simmareth. Look at all the blockbuster games created by commercial game developers and tell me one REALLY feels they would have been better if all the people working on the game did so for free.

Actually nevermind, how about we table this as an agree to disagree situation.

Sertas never said that we work harder than a commercial game developers he just said that we are doing it for free unlike commercial game developers, Simmareth on the other hand was saying that we put a more effort into getting a stable release which is not an unfair statement, our modpack team have been working really hard since the update to get a stable build. I have been with FTB for about 9 months and have never got paid a penny for my affiliation with them, I would say maybe 5% of the FTB team have had any money indirectly from being involved so I don't really think you can say that we are getting paid infact most people involved with the actual core of FTB have not...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Other than FTB and Tekkit what other launchers are out there?

Sorry, what I meant was the mod packs inside the FTB launcher and Tekkit launcher. In that post, i was comparing the Tekkit launcher with the FTB launcher. I guess i didn't really think about the other launchers part of it... What I really just meant was overall Tekkit and overall FTB. Overall I think FTB is going to be better than Tekkit, when the launcher comes out. That is why i posted this on launcher V2 update.

Maximus WarGod

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sertas said:
So, because the FTB team is doing it for free they are working harder than someone who is paid very well to create software? Following that logic why doesn't everyone just do crap for free because it will always be better than what someone does when they are paid. And let's not forget some of the FTB crew is benefitting monitarily, through their streams, because of their association with FTB. So, it's not entirely free/unpaid work for everyone involved.

I'm not trying to diminish the work the FTB team does. I'm simply challenging the notion that the FTB team is working harder than commercial game developers as stated by Simmareth. Look at all the blockbuster games created by commercial game developers and tell me one REALLY feels they would have been better if all the people working on the game did so for free.

Actually nevermind, how about we table this as an agree to disagree situation.
Sertas they are absolutely working harder then the commercial developers because let's not forget that is their job the FTB crew do their normal job then after getting off work do hours and hours of coding for no pay
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