I've found the fabled holy Planks of Sengir...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So instead of using their time on something important, they're chasing after proof of some stupid idea that reality's just a computer simulation? Give me a break. I honestly don't see why it matters whether reality's real or not. It feels real so I don't care and I think a significant portion of other people would feel the same way.

to be fair many of these "stupid" ideas and research bare out many results that while not doing anything for the research they came from end up advancing other more non"stupid" research projects. A lot of modern scince is part planed research and part unattended side effects of planed research that failed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stuff like this leads to more formula's of the how's and why's of what makes the universe click. Basicly its the answer to all lifes question's


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I real Greg would not have removed 3. Instead he would have just forced switched to a diffrent base number set. Like base 8 or base 16.

Turst me doing any math in something other then base 10 gets really complex really fast.
That was change #3. Still in the code but cant let anyone know due to #4


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heres one for you.

Ok nothing is faster then the speed of light right?
Black holes trap light right?

So gravity has to travel out form the block whole to effect the light partical. Becuase of this gravity in effect travels faster then the speed of light.

Its something people are trying to work out becuase it breaks a few laws as we understand them. The answer is either yes gravity waves can travel faster then light escaping their own eventherizon. OR gravity waves are some how trasmited with out being effected by other gravity waves.

Uh.. wat.

No, thats not how it works. Gravity does propagate at c, but it doesnt trap light in that way. Gravity curves space-time thus changes trajectories of things (light included) that pass through it. Light is still moving. Take a road that is a large O shape, and then drive a car on it. Does that road need to be faster than the car to 'trap' it? No, it need but exist.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I real Greg would not have removed 3. Instead he would have just forced switched to a diffrent base number set. Like base 8 or base 16.

Turst me doing any math in something other then base 10 gets really complex really fast.

base 8 makes more much more sense, we are just stuck on thinking base 10 is simple because of our fleshy 10 digit reality manipulators and the special words we have assigned to multiples of 10


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
mathematics permeates every single thing we do, yes we (as humans) invented the number system, but we invented it only to describle what is already happening, just like we invented words to describe everyday things. Those everyday things still happened, but now with language we can describe them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if we are talking about gravity here is something to think about..

Gravity is essentially negative energy. The rough sum of the total gravitational negative energy matches the rough sum of the positive energy contained in the visible universe. The basically means we live in a zero-sum existence. The mechanism that caused what most refer to as 'the big bang' is what slit the zero into -1 and +1 parts. Entropy that resulted will not fade for a good long time, but in time, as all things, it will slowly collect back to an original state of 0. Now if you can understand this, its a little mind blowing to imagine the ultimate tool; that mechanism that splits nothing into its two parts. What the fuck is it? How the fuck did it come to be? What is the catalyst?

Even if our reality is a simulation, these things would hold true into the "higher plain", and the question would remain for the "real" world as well; what the fuck is splitting nothing, and possibly they too could be a simulation, and this could go on into infinity like zooming into a fractal image. These 'splits' are likely happening infinity as well. A countless number of universes coming and going like bubbles in a boiling pot that we cannot ever hope to see, as light speed acts as an ever closing veil, losing to the speed of spaces expansion. You think Earth is so tiny compared to the sun, and the sun compared to the galaxy and the galaxy to the universe? Our universe exists like a grain of sand on a desert larger than the sun

Here is a nice fictional story that touches a bit on 'the mechanism' as I put it : http://filer.case.edu/dts8/thelastq.htm


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gregtech need to pull the ultimate nerf.

Gravity. Just imange now many peoples things would just fall apart after updating.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So...about this laws of physics thing...

Don't bees break the laws of physics?[DOUBLEPOST=1366662902][/DOUBLEPOST]*ahem*
"Jus' me an' me fat butt flyin' 'roun' town an' chillin' wit' ain't none physics"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So...about this laws of physics thing...

Don't bees break the laws of physics?[DOUBLEPOST=1366662902][/DOUBLEPOST]*ahem*
"Jus' me an' me fat butt flyin' 'roun' town an' chillin' wit' ain't none physics"
No, they don't.
It's a very widely held myth that 'the laws of aerodynamics say that bumblebee can't fly, but no-one told the bee.'
Probably this is based on a simple linear treatment of oscillating aerofoils. This assumes small amplitude oscillations without flow separation, ignoring the effect of dynamic stall which causes an airflow separation inducing a large vortex above the wing. This vortex briefly produces several times the lift of the aerofoil in regular flight. The bumblebee flies because its wings encounter dynamic stall on every down stroke.
Bees beat their wings approximately 200 times a second, which is up to 20 times as fast as nerve impulses can fire. They achieve this because their thorax muscles don't expand and contract on each nerve firing, but rather vibrate like the string on a musical instrument.
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