Is Rotarycraft stupidly difficult or am I the stupid one?

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The things I read that people have replied to him makes me feel like I am literally becoming more stupid every word I read. I already feel stupid enough :P
You have no hope do you? :3 I actually build things instead of teleporting around constantly, I really do enjoy building railway networks with railcraft. And from what I have seen there is planes on flans mod which I do have installed and I haven't touched it yet but I really am interested in building a biplane for means of transportation however there is also archimedes ships which I use for exploration currently. It really is all up to the player how they want to do it as there are many many mods that allow the player to play in the play style they want.
I am currently quite lazy when playing MC. I don't do many projects and stuff, but yeah, I am thinking of making some sort of a railroad. I actually never used Railcraft locomotives. Did they add any cars, btw?
Flans mod... when I tried it last time It just crashed the game... And most packs add too much unnecessary stuff like cars, tanks or guns which I don't need. Jeez, just gimme a Spitfire!
-Reika gets yelled at for making the extractor because people used unlocked magnetostatics to easy mode power it.
-Reika implements tiered magnetostatics to re-gate his system, and re-balance his mod in the face of mod interactions.
-Reika gets yelled at for 'nerf'ing magnetostatics and re-balancing his mod.

Edit: Also, as to the 'having to scale up RF production, so it was balanced' argument is DOA. RF is ridiculously easy to scale up.
Whatever, I didn't yell at Reika and his extractor. To be honest, when you set up some automatic miner or even a mining laser, it's a useless machine anyways. But as for converters... Well as I said, the only concern is conversion ratio. If it feels too much, it might be just tweaked a bit.
Whatever, I didn't yell at Reika and his extractor. To be honest, when you set up some automatic miner or even a mining laser, it's a useless machine anyways. But as for converters... Well as I said, the only concern is conversion ratio. If it feels too much, it might be just tweaked a bit.

Sorry, I'm not saying you yelled at him about that. Lots of other people did. He rectified that issue best he could. And now individuals such as yourself are complaining about that fix.

As to the conversion ratio, I think at this point it is rather well done. If you got significantly more RF per RoC Watt than you do now, you'd be able to power whole bases with RF using a smallish bank of steam engines running forever with no fuel cost. Imagine the hell that would bring. Though I can understand some frustration with the loss involved going from shaft to RF and back to shaft.
Well, RoC-to RF is kinda bad. A gasoline engine is way worse than a steam dynamo and considering the effort required to power that engine compared to dynamo, I'd say "meh". And when you change RF-to-RoC, you don't have to change RoC-to-RF symmetrically. Some loss on conversion is not the end of the world. Tesseracts had 25% energy loss and people still used them. And I also think you won't be convert it back and forth too often.[DOUBLEPOST=1409150268][/DOUBLEPOST]And you know what mod has the best ore processing in my opinion? Tinker's Construct. I think if they (or other mod authors) develop that idea further, that will be really awesome. Storing metals as liquids, mixing them and cast parts? Hell yeah!
The problem isn't with RoC, its with how it co-exists with "simpler" energy systems which are more prevalent.
To be honest the only reason I use Magnetostatics are just as a transfer from my reactor.

Now I noticed on your breeder thread a couple months ago that you had all your turbines going through one auroral battery. I'm sure I'm missing something, because if the battery itself is only outputting 268MW, is it not going to remain full and waste a significant amount of its power? I'd have thought you'd need 30ish batteries to keep up with just a single HP turbine...
Now I noticed on your breeder thread a couple months ago that you had all your turbines going through one auroral battery. I'm sure I'm missing something, because if the battery itself is only outputting 268MW, is it not going to remain full and waste a significant amount of its power? I'd have thought you'd need 30ish batteries to keep up with just a single HP turbine...
A single auroral battery can actually easily keep up with several turbines. Your numbers are incorrect.

Also, they have infinite input I believe (notwithstanding transmission medium), its only the output which is throttled.

I'll dig up Reika's github in a minute for the numbers, I forget them off hand.

here we go:

REDSTONE( 20, 256, 32),
GLOWSTONE( 24, 512, 64),
LAPIS( 28, 2048, 128),
ENDER( 33, 4096, 256),
DIAMOND( 40, 16384, 1024),
STAR( 48, 65536, 4096);

The output is 65536 * 4096 = 268MW (you're right on the output, oops. Sorry)

But the storage is 2^48 = 2.81TW.

In truth, with around 7 turbines running here and there, I never managed to fill the damn thing more than 20%, mostly because I don't run my reactors full time. And I never consumed the full 268MW at once because I had everything optimized to only draw energy upon use.

But you're right: with a bigger industry than mine, you'd need to scale your Auroral batteries to compensate.
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A single auroral battery can actually easily keep up with several turbines. Your numbers are incorrect.

Also, they have infinite input I believe (notwithstanding transmission medium), its only the output which is throttled.

I'll dig up Reika's github in a minute for the numbers, I forget them off hand.
Right it's infinite input, but only outputing a fraction of that amount. It'll just stay full, no?

I don't see the point of a reactor churning out multiple GW of power only to throttle your usable output to a few MW.

Lines and lines and lines and lines of auroral batteries ;)

I don't see the point of a reactor churning out multiple GW of power only to throttle your usable output to a few MW.

Lines and lines and lines and lines of auroral batteries ;)
Which leads me to think I'm missing something drastic

You're right. If you manage to fill the darn thing, which is a trick unto itself, you'll waste power if you leave your reactors running.
Oh, was thinking yours were left running.
Which leads me to think I'm missing something drastic


Oh, was thinking yours were left running.
No, I really never felt I had the reactors working satisfactorily without running the risk of a meltdown.

I'd run them while I was puttering around my base and generally keeping half an eye on them, then shut them down. They provide just such incredible power that unless you're running arrays of MFR laser drills, there's not much call for that kind of juice.
Ok so a new line of questions: Yes I know it works with nether portals, but does shaft power transfer through Mystcraft potals as well? I thought I had read a post about having to use the same coordinates in both dimensions but now I can't seem to find that.
Ok so a new line of questions: Yes I know it works with nether portals, but does shaft power transfer through Mystcraft potals as well? I thought I had read a post about having to use the same coordinates in both dimensions but now I can't seem to find that.
I personally cannot answer that. I know it works for nether and twilight forest, so I can see it being possible.

One thing I've read is that the rotarycraft shaft needs to actually be "in" the portal multiblock. For what its worth.
Ok thanks, I will need to get around to testing that when I next get to my minecraft pc...

I think I'm out of dumb questions for now.
@Pyure What are you talking about?
Its steel is better than your steel, so, we can use RoC steel in everything, but you'll need to pay (Steel Purifier) to use your other steels in RoC.
The use of RC steel in other mods is a disabled-by-default config option that I only added as a contingency plan for packs with GT that make everything, including entry-level things like flint-and-steel, require his steel. I personally do not particularly like its use. I assume you thought this was default behavior because of Monster, which enabled this. If so, I find it rather galling; you have many times in the past stated that more flexibility for pack makers was better, and that users would complain to the maker of the pack, not the mod. If you just made that mistake, while being fully aware of that distinction, imagine how much others will.

Likewise, its energy system is more sensible than your energy system, so we can get into yours for free (turbine dynamo; name escapes me), but you have to pay considerably more time to get into RoC's energy system (tiered magnetostatics).
1300 gold, a complex multiblock, and a functioning nuclear reactor is hardly "free". On top of that, the RF system is essentially free to begin with. Plop down one TE3 steam dynamo and you have nearly as much power as a hydrokinetic, all for a few ingots of copper and iron, plus a bit of water and furnace fuel. RC power is simply harder, and in that light, complaining about it being harder to go from RF to RC than the other way around - and accusing it of self-indulgence at that - is insane.

Reika refuses to implement "portals" on the basis of reality, however portals are already canon and realistic in Minecraftia; worse, the mods infrastructure acknowledges this and uses them (in interesting ways, needs to be said).
You say that while you can put a shaft through a portal, using a portal exactly as they are implemented in the game (minus technical things like world load time).

The reason ethanol is a crystal is simply to have it in item form. The fermenter and gasoline engine are too early in the techtree for the obsidian fuel lines to be acceptable as mandatory, and bucket mechanics like exist for the fractionator and grinder, while convenient in the case of small usage, are infuriatingly clumsy for mass production.

You are aware that the recipe of 95% of the RC machines are roughly equally costly for their point in the techtree, yes? That most of the cost of running a machine comes not from the crafting recipe, but from attaining one or more gating resources and generating the appropriate power profile?
How about how many of the machines are incredibly powerful, from (up to) 13x ore duplication with bonuses or 700 blocks/s infinite mining (with silk touch capability) or weapons that can wipe out entire chunks worth of machinery and/or terrain, to much, much more?
If you answered yes to all of the above (if not, I would argue you have no business complaining about the balance of a mod you do not well understand), then how is it at all hard to see why the tiering is so important, and why something like the pre-v16 unlimited magnetostatics (up to 137MW at any torque and speed!) or ore-dict tungsten is a problem?
@Pyure What are you talking about?

The use of RC steel in other mods is a disabled-by-default config option that I only added as a contingency plan for packs with GT that make everything, including entry-level things like flint-and-steel, require his steel. I personally do not particularly like its use. I assume you thought this was default behavior because of Monster, which enabled this. If so, I find it rather galling; you have many times in the past stated that more flexibility for pack makers was better, and that users would complain to the maker of the pack, not the mod. If you just made that mistake, while being fully aware of that distinction, imagine how much others will.

I think he was defending you and your mod, and doing a pretty good job of it.
@Pyure What are you talking about?
The use of RC steel in other mods is a disabled-by-default config option
If you're saying modpack makers/users can go to a config and switch the steel unifier on and off at will, I didn't know this was a possibility. No, it's never turned up in my use of the mod or any conversations I've had on the topic. You're right to be galled, and I'm wrong to spread misinformation on the subject.

1300 gold, a complex multiblock, and a functioning nuclear reactor is hardly "free". On top of that, the RF system is essentially free to begin with. Plop down one TE3 steam dynamo and you have nearly as much power as a hydrokinetic, all for a few ingots of copper and iron, plus a bit of water and furnace fuel. RC power is simply harder, and in that light, complaining about it being harder to go from RF to RC than the other way around - and accusing it of self-indulgence at that - is insane.
The functioning reactor is outside the scope of the argument. Hypothetically, its already there. Its the conversion blocks we're talking about.

I hope you'll appreciate that you get considerably more complaints about the tiering of your conversion blocks than their costs in gold and iron. The premise of my argument is that players don't care whether a machine costs 13 gold or 130 or 1300. I deliberately specified the cost in terms of mod progression and I believe the argument stands. To wit: if your magnetostatic cost 1400 gold but had no tiering, the people who complain about wanting to skip your progression wouldn't be complaining. (And you need to understand that I am not making an anti-tiering argument here, but rather an anti-interference argument. I was a frontrunner for suggesting you tier your machines in the first place you may recall)

You say that while you can put a shaft through a portal, using a portal exactly as they are implemented in the game (minus technical things like world load time).
I believe you may have read my comment too quickly. I mentioned this ability, gave you credit for it, and said it was well done.

The incongruity is the lack of interest of adding "wormholes" to your mods based on lack of "reality". This is such a minor point for me it hardly bears discussing, but I'd much rather hear you say "lack of interest" so that it wasn't even a point of discussion anymore. Wormholes are already an existing and important part of the game, so reality has nothing to do with them. If you told me it cost precisely 2^42W to create a stable wormhole which persists for 3 hours and is 1x1 block wide, I'd nod sagely and say it makes a lot of sense in Minecraftia. And if you told me that wormholes are effing boring to code, I'd ask you when the next version of ChromaticCraft is coming out for lack of anything better to discuss.

how is it at all hard to see why the tiering is so important, and why something like the pre-v16 unlimited magnetostatics (up to 137MW at any torque and speed!) or ore-dict tungsten is a problem?
Tiering machines as progresison hurdles is good.

Gating on progression-resources is good.

Stressing about oredict is interfering with other modders. This is where the uncomfortable sense of indulgence comes in. I'm hoping I can convince you to just consider this without getting offended at words with negative connotation:

If I, as another modder, code tungsten to be the product of days of centrifuging iridium, then my tungsten has equal or greater "value" than yours and deserves to function as tungsten ("deserves" specifically in the sense that you like your resources to "deserve" to replace resources in other mods. In other words, where you use oreDict)

If I code my tungsten to be found by breaking oak trees, you simply shouldn't care, other than to wonder why idiots like me waste time joining your mod with mine in a pack in the first place. This has no effect on you or the intricate balance of your mod.

Getting worked up about stupid people leaping through progression via cross-mod incompatibilities strikes a horrible note with me, sort of like people who say their lives are ruined because they hate people of X race/shoesize/IQ, and the wrong person moved in next door. It has nothing to do with your life. It bothers you because you let it. Mind your own life and move on.[DOUBLEPOST=1409169912][/DOUBLEPOST]
I got the opposite impression.
I defend and support Reika's mods on a near-daily basis.

I also criticize Reika's mods on a somewhat regular basis (monthly?)

Sucks to be a mod I take an interest in.
Getting worked up about stupid people leaping through progression via cross-mod incompatibilities strikes a horrible note with me, sort of like people who say their lives are ruined because they hate people of X race/shoesize/IQ, and the wrong person moved in next door

Er, are you saying that people who abuse cross-mod exploits are racist?

That's a pretty big leap. But I do have my suspicions, you know those certain people who want to remove mimicry from packs because it has so many easy exploits and at the same they also want to march into Poland.

It all makes perfect sense...
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Er, are you saying that people who abuse cross-mod exploits are racist?
Not in the slightest. I'm saying people who create mods and get overly worked up about non-bug-cross-mod-exploiters are....Unintentially OtherModderist?

You might be on to something though. Do you feel the New World Order may be...involved?