Look guys, maybe he wasn't right, but all this trashtalk looks really ugly. Is it a "Praise Reika" party or something like that?
It looks like every guy who says that RC is too complex is getting flamed to death with all that "LOL YOU TOO STOOPID" crap. Yes, suggesting to switch to RF is kinda stupid idea, but if the mod often called "overcomplicated", maybe there are reasons for that.
I guess, one of the issues I have with it is "false realism" when some stuff is claimed realistic, while it's not. Reika likes to justify something with realism, while there are lots of stuff that's clearly not realistic. Example: ethanol crystals. I guess you can crystallize ethanol somehow (not even sure), but I doubt that it's an easy thing and it's definitely not the way you get ethanol naturally.
There are also stuff that's not designed good well enough. Example: steel purifier. AFAIR, RotaryCraft steel is the easiest to make and it's used the most, so why would you ever use the purifier adding another step in steel production?
Other example: magnetostatic nerf. Let's put it straight - some people want to use complicated RC power system, some find it tedious and not really interested in. Forcing the latter to use more of RC won't make them happy. Basically I see it as "U PLAY THE MOD NOT THE WAY I WANT U TO!?!!"
The power network itself was discussed quite a lot, so I won't address it. Though, it's funny how often you see magnetostatic engines in Reikas video tour (if I'm not mistaking it with some other vid).