Is Rotarycraft stupidly difficult or am I the stupid one?

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Yes, a lot of people's brains do not shut down when understanding that a nuclear reactor and a solar panel are not interchangeable, or that severely overloading a machine does not lead to sunshine and rainbows. They also do not freak out at the idea of having to do more thinking than connecting machine A to dynamo B, then having to - gasp - compare two numbers to see if the energy supply is enough to run the machine. Or about having to design a setup themselves as opposed to imitating block placement they saw in a youtube video.
Fucking siggy'd.
Hiya Petersfun.

Just a minor correction or modification needed here:
  1. The days of 10 mods and 10 power systems are over, and you need to wake up and adapt or this mod will ultimately die off..
    • First part is true we are coming to a point where everything is more connected.
    • Reika has alot of diversity towards power types in his mod. Now it wont die off because you prefer one power system over another.

There's actually more power systems than ever in modding right now. And I don't just mean fringe power systems that virtually nobody uses.
The fact that one popular launcher (FTB) is adopting a single power system for all of its official mods isn't a very compelling argument either, until we see how it impacts the popularity of that launcher.

I think you alluded to this in the second subpoint above, but just in case: RoC is already fairly RF-friendly, with several components devoted purely to cross-mod compatibility.
Hiya Petersfun.

Just a minor correction or modification needed here:

There's actually more power systems than ever in modding right now. And I don't just mean fringe power systems that virtually nobody uses.
The fact that one popular launcher (FTB) is adopting a single power system for all of its official mods isn't a very compelling argument either, until we see how it impacts the popularity of that launcher.

I think you alluded to this in the second subpoint above, but just in case: RoC is already fairly RF-friendly, with several components devoted purely to cross-mod compatibility.

First, how do we pronouce your name :), Secondly i might have said that wrong. I mean mods now are more compatible :D
I think you alluded to this in the second subpoint above, but just in case: RoC is already fairly RF-friendly, with several components devoted purely to cross-mod compatibility.
Examples you didn't include:
Magnetostatic Engine
Rotational Dynamo
That multiblock structure that turns turbine energy into RF.
That thing for Railcraft
That thing for UE.

Need I go on, Mr. Fandacreep?
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This mod is stupidly difficult, which is a shame, because it could be fixed so easily. This mod is cool and all, and some of its stuff, especially the ore duplication, is unmatched, but you seriously need to go and make this natively support RF. It is already the standard power system for tech mods, and is rapidly becoming the only viable system for mods to use. Not just Thermal Expansion anymore; Mekanism abandoned universal electricity in favor of RF, the Forestry update is making it RF native, BuildCraft is consdering switching to RF, and IC2 just adopted RF as its primary power system. RF is better in just about every way, its so much easier to understand, it is used by just about everything, and its so simple and clean that its so much easier for computers to run. The days of 10 mods and 10 power systems are over, and you need to wake up and adapt or this mod will ultimately die off, and that would be a shame. The clock is ticking, and the choice is yours. Tick tock.

Think for a second here, what you are asking Reika do to here is to stop making his mod... Rotary Craft's energy system IS like two thirds of what Rotary Craft is about, the fancy machines are merely rewards for those who have mastered the energy mechanic.
You want Reika to essentially GUT his mod to turn it in to a sad Mechanism clone with bedrock tools... Also one data point that clearly reveals you don't know what you are talking about; You mention RoC's ore duplication is unmatched, but you then mention Mekanism which has ore quintupling and easier quintupling at that. That being said the extractor does handle more types of ore but it's hardly unmatched.

If in some parallel universe @Reika was to consider converting solely to RF my suggestion would be that he just shelf the whole project and not bother as we don't really need another Mekanism/ Thermal Expansion clone. Even if hypothetically RoC did suck and was a lag monster, you still have no right to tell him to neuter his project, you really don't, you don't pay him in any real way. Sure state an opinion, maybe even suggest something but don't give prescriptions to fix a problem that isn't there like it's something he needs to do or else.

There's two types of tech mod player I think:
The first being those who like the mods for their technical aspect specificly, who enjoy thinking and liked stepping down currents and routing stuff to the right place. The benefit of their build being a pleasant secondary effect and acts as more of a confirmation of their planning and work being successful.
These are the players I think RoC and ReC caters for.

Then there's the other type who treat tech mods as a means to an end, those who only use a mod becasue it gives them more resources or for an easy jetpack. The convenience is the sole reason they use the mod with most complexity being unwelcome as it's merely a barrier keeping them from their real prize.
Essentially they don't like tech mods at all despite what they claim, they just like magic boxes. Which would be fine if they where just honest about it, I mean come on everyone likes a bit of magic box now and then.
I suspected as much, sweet :)

Pronounced like without the Y. "Pure", not "Pie-er", and definitely not "Pee-er"!

This one multiplied by 5 in a way. But yeah, exactly.
Ahhh i actually called you pee-ur xd
That's when the french in me comes in :p

Oh and where did little rf guy went? It was quite interesting too read :P
I have some here. Wolf is from another timezone, and will likely have some later. I rather suspect, however, even if we bury you under links - which would have the nice side effect of muting the garbage that comprises your thoughts - your opinion will not change. You are no different than people who argue for a flat earth despite having the blue marble photo stuck to their face or who hold "being near nuclear plants is instant death" signs on the perimeter of said power plant. No amount of evidence could ever change your opinion. As far as I am concerned, you are a member of a cult, one largely comprised of ignorant children.

Yes, a lot of people's brains do not shut down when understanding that a nuclear reactor and a solar panel are not interchangeable, or that severely overloading a machine does not lead to sunshine and rainbows. They also do not freak out at the idea of having to do more thinking than connecting machine A to dynamo B, then having to - gasp - compare two numbers to see if the energy supply is enough to run the machine. Or about having to design a setup themselves as opposed to imitating block placement they saw in a youtube video.
Btw Reika I still think spleeflord trolled you. There is no possible way that complaint was legitimate.

If I had sat down and tried to creatively write a clever troll, I couldn't have selected better words. I'm serious, the phrasing was genius in its audacity.
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Btw Reika I still think spleeflord trolled you. There is no possible way that complaint was legitimate.

If I had sat down and tried to creatively write a clever troll, I couldn't have selected better words. I'm serious, the phrasing was genius in its audacity.

I was actually thinking similarly. It seemed to read like someone who read his "What NOT to do." and specifically did those things. I noticed a fair bit of correlation because I had just been reading those stories for a bit of humor and horror. ( One would have hoped that the technicality and basic math skills required by Reikas main mods would have weeded out most of these people, but they are too ignorant even for their own good it would seem. )
I was actually thinking similarly. It seemed to read like someone who read his "What NOT to do." and specifically did those things. I noticed a fair bit of correlation because I had just been reading those stories for a bit of humor and horror. ( One would have hoped that the technicality and basic math skills required by Reikas main mods would have weeded out most of these people, but they are too ignorant even for their own good it would seem. )

Thing is RotaryCraft is in FTB Monster, a mainstream mod pack.
What I bet happens is that one of these dullards after getting bored of their magic blocks looks through NEI for more magic blocks they haven't used. They Find a RotaryCraft block and try to build and use the blocks without any thought or prep. A normal person would either learn how to use the machines properly or give up quietly.
The dullard however does not do this; They instead get frustrated and angry, they then perceive the challenge as an insult to their intelligence and become indignant. They may if they are bold, voice their opinion and start to get entitled, stomping their feet making baseless complaints. Postulating that the fault is not with them but with the mod, it's the mod that's fundamentally flawed not themselves. They then find more "faults" to cement their opinion like in RoC's case people will blame TPS/FPS lag on it becasue "reasons".

One would hope complexity would weed out dullards, but complexity only inadvertently patronizes them by reminding them they are dullards and breaking their illusion of competency and self worth. When you do that all you get is commotion.
Thing is RotaryCraft is in FTB Monster, a mainstream mod pack.
What I bet happens is that one of these dullards after getting bored of their magic blocks looks through NEI for more magic blocks they haven't used. They Find a RotaryCraft block and try to build and use the blocks without any thought or prep. A normal person would either learn how to use the machines properly or give up quietly.
The dullard however does not do this; They instead get frustrated and angry, they then perceive the challenge as an insult to their intelligence and become indignant. They may if they are bold, voice their opinion and start to get entitled, stomping their feet making baseless complaints. Postulating that the fault is not with them but with the mod, it's the mod that's fundamentally flawed not themselves. They then find more "faults" to cement their opinion like in RoC's case people will blame TPS/FPS lag on it becasue "reasons".

One would hope complexity would weed out dullards, but complexity only inadvertently patronizes them by reminding them they are dullards and breaking their illusion of competency and self worth. When you do that all you get is commotion.
This is the entirety of it right here.

Also, I get a lot more than what you see, and I find it somewhat hard to believe a troll would be willing to do things like make photoshopped reddit threads or engage in a two-week discussion.
Btw Reika I still think spleeflord trolled you. There is no possible way that complaint was legitimate.

If I had sat down and tried to creatively write a clever troll, I couldn't have selected better words. I'm serious, the phrasing was genius in its audacity.
I noticed he was a troll when he said RotaryCraft is Stupidly Difficult. I mean, c'mon, it's a bit of math. And thinking. Two skills we all maybe don't do enough but we can do, or find ways around doing them in a clever manner.
Even if you aren't great at math, let no one say RoC isn't for you. If you are clever, nothing can stop you. Except for your GPU. Console Peasants need not apply.
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